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Consider that a Divorce!!


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Well, its that time of year again. N-E's resident Schwartzenegger quoter has a birthday. EEVILMURRAY turns a page in the book of life, to page 23.


Also celebrating the day, is Arnieboy. Who turns 21 today as well.


To celebrate, enjoy!!.


Broadcast Yourself

Arnold Prank-calls Redneck Family


(Also Happy Birthday to Sunshinemiller, smeghead22 and Nintendo Fan)

Edited by Jimbob
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Thank j00 everyone!

Well, its that time of year again. N-E's resident Schwartzenegger quoter has a birthday. EEVILMURRAY turns a page in the book of life, to page 23.

The website is in error. It should be on page 25 :s I've checked my profile and it's got the right year.


I've got my fingers crossed for a choppa this year.

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Da Reactor Makes Airrr!


Happy Birthday, you three titted whore.



For some reason, I read that as "Three Witted Whore" and was about to make a considered rebuttal...

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