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I don't get you people's universities. How the fuck can tutors do these things? :blank:


I certainly hope it's not as bad where I'm going! :shakehead


Because nobody does anything about it!


Bah to top it off a nice letter about moving out - yipee..-.-

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My place of employment apparently really cannot function without me it seems.

I semi-feel this.


They've decided that to screw the rules because they can't be arsed to authorise any overtime:


Two people need to be there at all times? Nah, getting cover from the store when one of use needs a break? Fuck that too.


Need two people to go over to the store to collect stock due to moving the roll pallet over a busy road? Nevermind that, only need one person to outrun traffic with a heavy load.


EDIT: I'm checking out legal guidelines. From what I can remember you need to two people to operate a 12 pump forecourt, one person is fine for 8 pumps. If they put me in that situation I have no problem in shutting down four pumps.

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In a way, isn't that a pretty good thing?



Oh yeah, it is great that the place crumbles without me, but at the same time, the wage that I'm on doesn't justify the job that I do, and how reliant the team are on me.


I've had some nice bonuses recently and have been raking in overtime, but ideally (along with most people I'm sure) I'd like to have a higher set wage rather then working for overtime and bonus.




EDIT EDIT EDIT - Although I'm fully aware I'm on this forum right now during work hours posting to all you fine people :)

Edited by Murr
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Oh yeah, it is great that the place crumbles without me, but at the same time, the wage that I'm on doesn't justify the job that I do, and how reliant the team are on me.


I know the feeling. I was a pretty rare find for my boss - not many small companies have a dedicated IT/website/online sales guy. The online sales side of the company would just die without me and the system is so messy (old, cheap computers with different software linked via a Homehub) that it's very temperamental and needs me so solve quite a few problems each day (noone else would even know where to start). I certainly should be on more but prospects of a pay-rise (or any kind of bonus) is very slim.


Edit: Ditto on Murr's edit. But I'm alt-tabbing to/from this forum as things take ages to load - Chrome doesn't have much impact on the loading times so I may as well.

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I know the feeling. I was a pretty rare find for my boss - not many small companies have a dedicated IT/website/online sales guy. The online sales side of the company would just die without me and the system is so messy (old, cheap computers with different software linked via a Homehub) that it's very temperamental and needs me so solve quite a few problems each day (noone else would even know where to start). I certainly should be on more but prospects of a pay-rise (or any kind of bonus) is very slim.


Edit: Ditto on Murr's edit. But I'm alt-tabbing to/from this forum as things take ages to load - Chrome doesn't have much impact on the loading times so I may as well.



The upside is that due to the events of the 'failed database update' the IT Director of the company has been informed of the failure, and questioned why there were so many working / running fine when I installed, yet problems when other people attempted to replicate it, so in that instance there's some recognition.



Surely when you're on leave they must notice the work isn't the same standard as when your in the office?

Edited by Murr
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i had the eye pokeypokey clinic today.... the nurse was determined that i was going to demonstrate that I could put in and take out this contact lens twice... I can do it no problem, its just my eye starts to HURT like fuck when its poked at too much.


So I left the place with a bloodshot eye and a cryface (from watery eyes not actual crying) and a mad ass headache... woo


oh yeah and £53 less in my pocket... who said prescriptions are all free... what a gip.

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Gah, I hate eye tests. For me the worst thing is the light they shine in your eyes, which I'm literally unable to bear without someone physically holding my eye open, and even then it waters so much I can't see properly for the rest of the test. I never want to wear contacts...

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You know the day is off to a bad start when you get a yellow comb stuck in your hair two minutes before you're due to leave for work.

I'm not sure how the color of the comb is relevant, unless you're saying that it would have been better if you'd gotten a blue or red comb stuck in your hair? :heh:

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I'm not sure how the color of the comb is relevant, unless you're saying that it would have been better if you'd gotten a blue or red comb stuck in your hair? :heh:
With a red comb at least there'd be some potential to hide it! A blue comb, a nice colour contrast that perhaps one could make into a conversation piece. A yellow comb... 'omg yellow comb in your hair!' :D
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Gah, I hate eye tests. For me the worst thing is the light they shine in your eyes, which I'm literally unable to bear without someone physically holding my eye open, and even then it waters so much I can't see properly for the rest of the test. I never want to wear contacts...


My eyes are horrible, they go bloodshot when they are poked more than a couple of times :(


The light thing checks the scope of your eye movement, i've had that done so many times, probably hundreds in the last year, no joke. Its horrible, makes my eyes cry, and i can't see shit all for about 5 minutes after, then they kinda expect you to still carry on with the test when your eyes have white blobs all over the show :p

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Yeah I got in to Uni for 9.00, only to find closure! Bastards!


Yeah tutors can be absolute jokes at times. I hate it how as soon as holidays start that's it as far as they're concerned! They won't even look at their emails until the Monday back, or in this case Tuesday. It's their job to be their to help students during the academic year... they get the whole summer off!

Sounds to me like it depends on your subject. In science, uni teaching staff typically have their own lab and students, and are pretty much always around except for the odd short holiday / conference.

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You're all just embarrassed about yellow combs because of societies inherent yellowphobia. You should all be ashamed.


*storms off, tipping over a desk on the way out*


I don't appreciate your mockery.


Yellowphobia is a serious issue, and your sarcasm just serves to undermine the importance of it. It's easy for you to laugh, having grow up with your preference of colour being tolerated, but you have no idea what it's like. You don't understand how living in constant fear of displaying your favourite colour can affect a person. Afraid to walk down the street in your yellow t-shirt, for fear of harrassment, having to hide your love of The Simpsons from friends. Your jokes just perpetuate the underlying idea that it's ok to criticise somebody who likes yellow.

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Well, In Pro 5 we drew 4-4 (although I scored twice :) )


and i'm now in work,.... till and unconfirmed time.


brightside being we have 4 pizzas being delivered by Director of IT from Dominoes.

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Wasn't sure where to post it, but because it made me feel awkward I'm posting it here. =P



Was waiting on my train going home from placement. Saw a black dude coming up to me and I kinda knew what to expect. He started a conversation (broken Dutch, mostly English), asking if I was going to Brussels. I said I wasn't. He said some more stuff.


Then three or four sentences in, he asks me "Are you married?".




Said I had a boyfriend. He buggered off shortly after that (after sharing a few more tidbits of information that were completely pointless for me to know).



Why do I only seem to attract foreign guys? =P

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This FUCKKKKKKKKKKING internet is getting on my testicles. It will connect, and then no less than a minute will pass before it decides to un-connect and I start the whole process over. Resetting the router will sort it out temporarily, but it's putting me in a bad mood. Was going to do some work tonight but this internet has ruined that plan.




Edit: Feel loads better now. Thank you, N-E.

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I literally took apart my computer last Thursday so I've been stuck on a 4/5 year old laptop running Ubuntu.

It was kind of good timing, it's about two years old so the thermal paste needed changing but I just got my capture card and I couldn't use it. I cried myself to sleep.


Oh yeah, because it was the weekend just gone that meant royal wedding and bank holiday Monday. I had an assignment due in for Monday and the building I needed at Uni was only open on Saturday & Sunday, I didn't want to do it again but I bashed out an assignment in 2 days.



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The headphone jack on my MP3 player is broken. Lasted longer than I expected (had it 5 years, maybe slightly more) but rather annoying as I can't really afford to replace it.


Also, either I've slowed my metabolism way down through the on and off eating of lunch (mostly off and not having it) or I'm ill because I had trouble finishing dinner last night and again had trouble finishing the baguette I bought for lunch (although I did eat pretty much all of it in both cases but I rarely leave any food).

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Car flew past me in the opposite direction along a chevron covered and hardly touched section of the A57, kicking up a huge cloud of dust in its wake. Hefty stone puts a chip in my windshield in the "driver's field of vision", so it wouldn't pass its MOT even if repaired. New glass for me. Woop.


Such a ridiculous test for the MOT. The mark when properly filled and polished would be almost invisible, and I couldn't even find the chip after hearing it despite being driving at the time. So that's like saying you wouldn't be able to see this post because of this hyphen: -

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