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Sounds pretty sucky @Animal, I don't know how well I'd deal with racism like that if I was in the same situation(I get a fair share of it sometimes at work, but it's very different). Btw, how many paracetemol was it you sold him in the end? It's probably a bit more than company policy, there's a legal restriction on the supply of it so tell them next time that it's the law and don't put yourself in the position of breaking it!


Yeah, it was horrible. I mean, I've faced racism before and I got over it in a day but this took me a while. I felt so different and out of place, like the cliche saying of being in a crowded room and yet you feel so alone. I felt alien. It was horrible. Worst I have ever felt in a long time since school when the same thing happened.


I'm alright now though. It just still makes me mad that people are out there spewing this sort of shit. By the way, I did sell it to him in the end and I told him I hope he chokes on them and I genuinely mean it. I hate the way he made me feel.


To make matters worse, to what I thought would be a kick-ass week's holiday away from work has turned into a fucking nightmare as I'm ill. I have a sore throat, a banging headache, blocked nose, blocked hearing, loss of energy, constant tiredness, coughing up phlegm and struggling to breath. Told the doctor all of this and she just gave me an inhaler...yeah because this has been working for the past four days...not! ¬_¬


Oh and she told me that I should expect this to go in three weeks. I'm actually getting worse, not better! I have work next week. This was my last ever week off for this year. Absolutely fucking wrecked and I'm gutted and it's all probably because of some smelly, trampy, chavvy cow with eighteen children who want bargains and have come in with colds, flus and sexual diseases. Rather than stay in and not plague the world with their illnesses, they decide to be selfish, come out and fucking spread their shit around for everyone. I know they say sharing is caring but come on, bitches!


On the plus side, my dad bought me toffee popcorn and I played The Walking Dead Season 2 all day...


Oh my God, Beauty and the Beast is available on blu-ray, Diamond Edition, blu-ray packaging, original numbered spine, at my local CEX for £18 as is Dumbo. I'm ill and payday is next week!



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Weird week at work with some weird/annoying anecdote/customers.


Had a perfectly normal customer with a FUCKED UP password on his account. I've seen things like "Cuntfucker" before and (me = obviously) not flinched, but this one was a little far even for me. It was....


In fanti cide



Which (if you don't know what it is, because I suspected but wasn't sure....it is exactly what it sounds like).



Then spoke to an utter CUNT yesterday. Some bitch who was moaning all the call, talking over me, she kept bombarding me with information and repeating herself that she wants things done simply and easily and that she wants it to all be straightforward but getting herself massively worked up because she just wouldn't listen to me. Had to tell her to shut the fuck up (nicely)> "Right, I am trying to help you but you keep talking over me so it's making it very difficult". She then shut the fuck up and literally didn't talk for the rest of the call apart from one word answers. Hopefully she leaves us.


Anyway, to annoy myself I decided to search for every call she has made to us this year. She is an ABSOLUTE mess. A mess of the highest order. Every single person she spoke to was so nice, but she was such an uptight freak that she was getting herself worked up on every one and causing so many problems for herself.


Example; On one call she says that we have sent her hundreds of forms and it's buried her and she doesn't have a clue what's going on.


I listen to the previous calls. She spoke to my pal, requested a full application pack for "Deal Account" (not real name) and a form to register for "Special Additional Service" (not real name) (I don't want anything search backable to here. Real names are very clear as to what they are). She then was passed through to another department to do exactly what she requested on her existing account. She then explains the whole thing to them again, but now mentions that she wants to open a "Savings Account" in addition to a "Deal Account" and "Special Additional Service", so she requested duplicate forms (clearly, like...she acted as if it was the first time she'd requested the things), so we sent her 4x application packs and 2x forms. (I should clarify, when you're passed through to a different department here, you aren't dropped, the full info is passed over) but customer acted like the forms hadn't already been arranged.


She then ticked the wrong thing on the form to what she wanted, forgot some information and tried paying into the account with someone else's cheque (ironically, I was the one who opened her account), and when she spoke to me yesterday she said she went to a different company for that specific account because they were more efficient. (Bearing in mind we won awards for essentially "best in industry" for the last three years.


I find this curious, as I was the one who opened it, so I listen to more calls.


She forgot her details and says she never received her welcome letter.


Check an older call....


Definitely did receive it because she quotes it.


Absolute MESS. Such an irritating voice too. Tortured myself listening to all the calls. LOLZ.

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Got my first pay slip since 28th July... yay


Been put on emergency tax, so my back pay for half of August... pretty much all of it gone to the tax man... booo


I hate when that happens, it's like either the employer or the Tax office forget you sent a P45 in to them. Last time that happened, the Tax office said i didn't exist and i owed them a shed load of tax from jobs i've worked in. Of course, had payslips to prove i payed tax but that wasn't the point. Took them 8 months to fix.

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I hate when that happens, it's like either the employer or the Tax office forget you sent a P45 in to them. Last time that happened, the Tax office said i didn't exist and i owed them a shed load of tax from jobs i've worked in. Of course, had payslips to prove i payed tax but that wasn't the point. Took them 8 months to fix.


8 months... fuck...


hope it doesn't take that long to rectify this clusterfuck

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If you've used up your full tax free allowance for each month (£833 per month, though I realise it's actually a yearly thing) then your tax shouldn't be too much different than what you've been taxed in your recent payslip.

The problem arises when someone starts their work halfway through the financial year and misses out on tax allowance that they're entitled to.

(Unless they've put you on a BR code, then that will suck as you'll be down an additional £167 per month.)

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Seeing that this thread still exists has prompted me to consider venting all the fuck out of my head, I'll keep it short.


I'm fucking miserable. I haven't drunk in fucking god knows how long, and despite the realisation my budget is going better than expected and I'm saving a little, I am fucking miserable to the very depth of my heart this week. There is nothing to do here. I have very few friends who I can hang out with on a regular basis, due to the regular new-found adult commitments and girlfriends/boyfriends that need maintaining. Have a long distance relationship myself because I'm still with the girl I met in Japan, though that's going to all shit she is struggling to find the time to put into talking. I'm in a job that only guarantees me 15 hours a week, though I'm slowly but surely pushing that into the low 20's which gives me some comfort, but the carrot on the string of getting more hours is growing fucking old and I'm not sure whether or not to just keep at it and hope it comes or move the fuck on.


I hate where I am. There is nothing for me to do here. I have no fucking hobbies. I need to get my ass back out to Japan, but working this shitty ass fucking low paid job is necessary to get myself the savings so I can go once the recruitment drives start but I'm losing my fucking sanity waiting. My pessimism wont ever allow the idea that this'll all work out, I'm completely fucking convinced I'm trapped all ready and this is all life is going to offer me. All the self esteem I raised up has vanished and I'm back to the endless self loathing, It's been happening for the past year and every fucking time I vent this elsewhere, all I get is about how fucking good I have it. I know I have it good in the general sense of things, yet why the fuck do I feel so completely discontent with life? Fuck going on yet another course of antidepressants, I just want to vent this shit without repercussions. Replies and the like are really not necessary, just some one reading this and knowing is enough.

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What is the long term plan with the girl you met in Japan? Is she coming here eventually or is she based permanently in Japan? If not, could you go back to Japan/is there anyone you can stay with there whilst you find a job etc?


Sounds to me that if there's very little for you here, just go to wherever she is/is going to be. From what I've seen from your Facebook posts, you seemed happier in Japan. Could have been because of her or could have been you just liked Japan. Either way, if she's currently in Japan, you should go there and figure out which one it is.


In terms of hobbies etc, have you looked at local clubs or courses? I took up archery a while back because I was bored a lot of the time. Met a great bunch of people and had a bit of fun, all whilst fannying around with a lethal weapon. I also took a photography class, which was good but a bit less fruitful in the meeting people department. It was fun whilst it lasted though.


You could always take the "Yes Man" approach to social stuff. Good film and a pretty good way of thinking (within reason).

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Seeing that this thread still exists has prompted me to consider venting all the fuck out of my head, I'll keep it short.


I'm fucking miserable. I haven't drunk in fucking god knows how long, and despite the realisation my budget is going better than expected and I'm saving a little, I am fucking miserable to the very depth of my heart this week. There is nothing to do here. I have very few friends who I can hang out with on a regular basis, due to the regular new-found adult commitments and girlfriends/boyfriends that need maintaining. Have a long distance relationship myself because I'm still with the girl I met in Japan, though that's going to all shit she is struggling to find the time to put into talking. I'm in a job that only guarantees me 15 hours a week, though I'm slowly but surely pushing that into the low 20's which gives me some comfort, but the carrot on the string of getting more hours is growing fucking old and I'm not sure whether or not to just keep at it and hope it comes or move the fuck on.


I hate where I am. There is nothing for me to do here. I have no fucking hobbies. I need to get my ass back out to Japan, but working this shitty ass fucking low paid job is necessary to get myself the savings so I can go once the recruitment drives start but I'm losing my fucking sanity waiting. My pessimism wont ever allow the idea that this'll all work out, I'm completely fucking convinced I'm trapped all ready and this is all life is going to offer me. All the self esteem I raised up has vanished and I'm back to the endless self loathing, It's been happening for the past year and every fucking time I vent this elsewhere, all I get is about how fucking good I have it. I know I have it good in the general sense of things, yet why the fuck do I feel so completely discontent with life? Fuck going on yet another course of antidepressants, I just want to vent this shit without repercussions. Replies and the like are really not necessary, just some one reading this and knowing is enough.


I hate people like the ones you mention who tell you that you have it good. You are fully allowed to feel how you want to feel about anything. Like when people say "There's some people out there looking for jobs" and you're just like "Ah, okay, so I'll just be happy that they treat me like shit/mess me around/etc?"


Personally, in your situation, I would keep at the job you have now and look for another job. Whilst you're doing that, when it comes to hobbies, go to the gym, make a blog or even search on the internet for hobbies and try one out. I would say save the fuck up for Japan and fuck off there if you really want to. Give yourself something to aim for. I'm aiming to live somewhere out of Birmingham and to also lose all the weight and I've done nothing but work to make that come true. Maybe that could be what you need? Something to focus on?




You will NOT believe what has happened!


I came into work and went straight through to the back and put my stuff away. My assistant manager came to me and told me shit was kicking off between my manager and a customer and asked if I could jump on the till. I walked past the queue and heard customers asking me to get rid of the man in the shop because he was 'causing shit'. I said I would and walked there. Got into the booth and logged in. I looked up.


He looked at me and froze. I was already shaking uncontrollably with anger.

He wanted my manager's name to make a complaint.

"You're not having my name! My name is my name! I'm not having you complain about me for no reason!" she was saying.

After she said that, I immediately told her.

"That's the man that was racist to me!" I said.

"Are you sure? Is that him?"

"I told you, I'd never forget him!" I said. "He knows, look at his face! He's a coward!"

She told me to take my name tag off so I did. He was asking for her name time and time again. She refused.

"I did not say you weren't a gentleman. I was serving a gentleman and you barged in. You're not complaining about my customer service to lie about it"

"You said I wasn't a gentleman!" he shouts. At this point, I was still angry.

"Well she'd be telling the truth then, wouldn't she?" I piped in. "What sort of man says the vile things you said to me two weeks ago?"

Customers asked what happened and she told them that he was extremely racist to me.

He didn't say anything but then said "She won't give me her name!"

"Good! Don't expect to have mine either! Sling your hook before I call security! I told you to not come back!"

So he went to my assistant manager and asked for the number to head office and, like a good'un, gave him the number.

I looked at her like 'WTF! REFUSE!'.


He came back ten minutes later and told her it was the wrong one.

"You just don't care, do you? What is with you?" I ask. At this point, my manager is still apologising to customers, telling them the kind of person he is.

"It's horrible in here!" I heard him say.

"Yeah? If it's so horrible, leave!"

"I'm making an official complaint about this place!" he says to people but everyone just looked down at him.

"Nobody even cares! They know you're lying! Mate, make a complaint about me and I'll tell Head Office EVERYTHING you said to me two weeks back"

He said nothing. My assistant manager gave him the number and he actually checked it on his mobile whilst in the store. He heard it ringing and he left.

I was still shaking uncontrollably.

Customers were telling me how much of a nightmare he was. I apologised about him and I told them what had happened to me. They were shocked that he would complain.

I went out to the back and wanted them to call security, burn a DVD of the CCTV and to give it to them to make sure he doesn't come back in.


Bloody hell, as if he actually came back into the store. Apparently, he was arguing with my manager because he was 'overcharged by 10p'. She showed him the price and it was priced at £1.10 but he wanted the item at the price of £1 like the other ones. She said they are priced differently because they are different items. From there, it kicked off. He's just a troublemaker.

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Remind me to not go to your store @Animal. That does remind me of a time a few years ago where i was assaulted by a member of staffs husband, and i walked out and refused to come back until he was banned and she was fired for not stopping him. I need to say, she was the supervisor in the store at the time of the incident and did nothing to stop it. That took about 2 months.

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So I went in for an eye test and the opticion was looking behind my eyes. He says there a load of cholesterol collecting behind my eyes so now i have to get a blood cholesterol check. I'm not good with getting blood taken. My nervous system goes into shock and I usually end up collapsing b00h.

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Remind me to not go to your store @Animal. That does remind me of a time a few years ago where i was assaulted by a member of staffs husband, and i walked out and refused to come back until he was banned and she was fired for not stopping him. I need to say, she was the supervisor in the store at the time of the incident and did nothing to stop it. That took about 2 months.


That's awful! Two months?! I just don't get why it's so hard to get people banned there and then. They have the picture, they have their face...ban! I've already told my assistant manager that I'm not serving him because he makes me shake with anger. I've never felt this way about anybody ever! I use it in the gym though so I guess there's good and bad in everything.


So I went in for an eye test and the opticion was looking behind my eyes. He says there a load of cholesterol collecting behind my eyes so now i have to get a blood cholesterol check. I'm not good with getting blood taken. My nervous system goes into shock and I usually end up collapsing b00h.


I used to be terrified of needles, including blood tests, but I just close my eyes and recite the lyrics to Baby Got Back in my head. Works for me everytime...




I just think I'm not destined to work in Retail. My job is perfect. It's brilliant and I love it but it's the people that just make it that little bit more difficult for me. In particular, my new assistant manager. She's becoming such a pain in the arse. Every little thing I do, she criticises and complains. Here's a list of everything that happened in one day:


-I clean the staffroom 15 minutes before my break ends (this is normal)

Her: "Why are you doing that? One more person needs to have their break"

Me: "Yeah, because one person will completely mess up the staff room! ¬_¬. They're old enough to clean after themselves after they're done so doing it now means less to do when I shut"


-I sort out the endless amounts of boxes in the backstock and tidy them

Her: "Have you even tried to get them out? I'll check! I'll check" and this was in front of another member of staff. So not only is she calling me a liar but she's also belittling me in front of a sales assistant.

Me: "Of course I've checked them! They can't go out! I wouldn't be tidying them out here if I could, would I!"


-I listen to my music during cleaning the entire back (toilets, office, staff room, warehouse, etc. It takes me 10 minutes and the manager and everyone knows I do and they don't care...well, one person does).

Her: "Why are you listening to music for? This isn't your break!"

Me: "Everyone knows I listen to music when I clean. Nobody cares. It's not like I'm messing around and chilling out or something"

Her: "Music is for pleasure! It's for break-time"

Me: "Oh yeah, because I take great pleasure in cleaning the kitchen, the office, the bogs and everywhere else that nobody's arsed to tidy. I was gone an entire week and NOBODY bothered to clean and wash up? It's just rank!"


-We had a load of price changes and she tried to blame it all on me. I told her that it was because the tags were incorrect. The customer challenged the price of the items and said that the price tag said they were cheaper and the customers have been right so someone has been pricing them wrong. She said "I did the tags" and I just said "Well, you've done them wrong then".

She then brought the manager and had the same conversation. I just said "Yeah, and as I just told you not five minutes ago, the tags have been wrong. It's not my fault the customers were right. Someone's not been putting the tags out right".

She asked if I were accusing her.

I just said "No, I'm accusing the person who hasn't put the tags out correctly. If that person is you then you are to blame. If that person was me, then I am to blame. However, I know I haven't put tags out in the last two weeks..."

No more was said of the subject.


She's starting to annoy me a little. Apart from her, the job is perfect. 2 out of 3 ain't bad, I guess! :p I think the problem with me is that I have got a gob on me. I don't care what position they are, they are a human and if anybody treats me like shit, I'm going to stand up for myself. Maybe I need to kind of not do that, pmsl.

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Been put in a bit of an awkward position at uni. My next TMC meeting is coming up as part of my PhD and there's been a change of PhD organiser in our department. However, there in lies the problem as the person taking over as organiser, who has to chair/convene the TMCs, is a lecturer who when I had an issue/dispute with a post doc research during my Masters degree, she was supposed to mediate a meeting between the two and very quickly came down on his side (almost as soon as the meeting started) and it created an even bigger issue out of it.


Following on from that, as I was working under her as part of my Masters, I had asked her for a reference when applying for my PhD placement and while she said she could do it, she also stated that she would have to mention the dispute in the reference despite it not being relevant.


And since then, she has been a bit disparaging of my research and attempted to make a nuisance during my end of year talk back at the end of May.


Because of this, I've emailed to ask if I can have someone else chair my TMC as I personally don't feel I'd get an impartial meeting and discussion of my work with her as the chair (also because the previous PhD organiser spent most of our meetings patronising, condescending and otherwise being rude to me and just didn't like my research and she has been in touch with the new organiser passing on her thoughts :blank:). But, she's come back to me saying that it would be too messy/complicated to change to a different convener as that would mean having to stick with said person throughout my PhD and would be difficult to sort out when it really wouldn't as someone else is chairing the TMCs for PhD students who work under the supervision of the new organiser.


She's attempted to assure me that she will be impartial and not biased despite these previous points but I have personal doubts about it that seem to be getting over looked. Really would prefer someone else to take the TMC so gonna attempt to push forward with it but worried it's going to cause issues for me moving forward in the department.


So pretty much damned if I do, damned if I don't :( Seriously over getting this PhD now. Think part of it definitely is because I've been at the same uni, in the same department for 6 and a bit years but also because I simply don't care about going into academia which is what my department seems to be pushing with their PhDs. So pretty much actively looking for jobs in the hope I can get something secured for January and be shot of the place, although getting references from my supervisor and whatnot may prove difficult if I'm choosing to leave the department. All the fun... :blank:

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The replacement filling I had a couple of months ago has started to chip away already. Had some pain around it the last week, like there has been pressure around causing some swelling, but low and behold, it's started to break.


Not even lasted 6 months. What the fuck?


Wish I could dropkick young me and make him pay better attention to his teeth.

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So the assistant manager is getting on my tits yet again. The funniest thing is that I'm being blamed for something that totally isn't my fault whatsoever. So the regional manager came to my store and he just sat in the staff room on his laptop. Obviously, I was working and the other supervisor has been in for the past two nights. Me and the other supervisor both agreed that I'd manage the till because I was best at selling stuff and I'd direct the staff in selling and I'd also stock up the shelves on the two aisles closest to me and he would get his team to do the rest of the shop. Basically, I'm not allowed to leave the till area in case of customers needing to be served so he would have to be the one to cash up and everything.


So anyway, back to the problem, the assistant manager calls me into the office and she tells me the regional manager has a problem with me. I asked her what it was.

"He says that you run around like a headless chicken out back...can you explain to me why you keep on going out the back?"

I'm like "Because I didn't know that you needed plastic arms on top of the metal arms in order to put price tags on because nobody showed me how to put them before. Basically, I went out the back to get metal arms, found out that you needed plastic arms to put the price labels on and went out to get them too"

"Okay, it's just that he says you walk around the shop doing nothing..."

I say "But how could he possibly say that when he's been in the staff room?"

"He saw you on CCTV"

"But how could he have seen me on the cameras when the cameras are in the office?"

"Oh...erm...well, that's what he told me"

At this point, I'm a bit suspicious now.

"So is there anything else that he said about me?" I ask her, sort of knowing what's going on now.

"Yeah, he's asked why you're leaving an hour later than you should"

I said "Well, that wasn't really my close. Both me and the other supervisor were in but I was on the till for the entire night. I wasn't in charge of the team for the last two nights"

"You need to learn some time management, maybe, and get across to your team to do things on time because it's not fair to keep them here"

I repeat myself again and tell her I was on the tills and that it wasn't me who was in charge of the team as I was on the tills all night. The other supervisor was in. Again, she just repeated the same thing to me and basically told me that it was my fault we were late for the last two nights when it wasn't.

"For the last two weeks, I've got everybody out on time, maybe ten minutes late. How are you honestly telling me that I'm not getting everybody out on time. I've given you endless solutions and you never listen to me. I tell you to get one person to tidy the store an hour earlier because you don't need EVERYBODY to do one task and nobody listens. So I do it on my shift to prove a point and out of the eight times I've been in charge, we've only got out late once. Everything I say, nobody listens."

She's like "We do but there are priorities"

"I understand that but again, you don't need the entire team to do one thing. Heck, a couple of people here can multi-task and do two things at once. For instance, I man the tills AND fill up the drinks AND tidy the aisles closest to the till all at the same time and the aisles and the drinks are done in under an hour. That's almost half of the shop finished!"

She just repeated the same thing again.

"Also, if the morning staff did their jobs right, it wouldn't affect us at night. I mean, how many times do the evening team find items in the wrong place all because the people on delivery can't put them on the shelf right?"

She says the same thing again.

I said "Yeah and the funniest thing is, I managed to get the sales figures up, build team morale and actually improve their selling skills with proof that they've improved. I bet none of this was even mentioned though but okay, for an easier life, just blame any bad thing on me because obviously, that's what you're going to do anyway. At least now I can just get on with my shift so I can get out on time"

She's like "Okay but just so you know, you need to keep better time management and talk to your staff"


The place is quickly turning into a headache. Hopefully, this phase will pass and it's just her finding her feet because she's new but she keeps on showing me up in front of staff and it's starting to annoy me. Like, before, we always used to have fun and have a laugh but do work. With her around, we kind of do but then she'll say something along the lines of "We're not here to have fun, we're here to work, chop chop!" and we're like -_-


My supervisor knows about the 'conversation' and I asked if anything was said to him and he said nothing was said, which I figured anyway because they like him more than me, which I'm fine with. As long as they pay me my wage properly, I don't really give a shit if they hate me. The supervisor did ask the assistant manager why he wasn't pulled up though and she just shrugged her shoulders. It makes me wonder if the regional manager even said anything at all...


Why can I not find a job where there's no bitches? My last two managers in this job were awesome, loved them to bits. I can't believe they left! To be fair, everybody is okay and they're not bad but the assistant manager is annoying me. She's the only problem I really have.



Still, I have the weekend off and I found out that the Disney BOGOF has been extended and I get paid on Hallowe'en so it could be worse! :p

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I've got a banging headache and a sore throat. The kids are all coming down with the annual pre-half term sickness and it looks like it's got me. Feel like shit. I wanted to get my exercise done tonight but can't, so it'll have to be a rest day. Laaaaaaaaaame.


Pfah! I just did four day, one day off, then five days. Nine days, one day off.


Now we have a weekend, then next week: pre-field trip visit to Chocolate Happy Land (yes!), parents evening WITH NO SCHEDULE FOR MEETINGS - "you might have to stay until 9:30-10:00pm, book week preparations, buddy reading system to put in place, mid-term tests to create...

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Beauty and the Beast on blu-ray won't work in my PS3 anymore! :(


It used to work. I watched it before but I fancied watching it last night and the previews play but before it goes on the menus to pick the film, it goes all black. The disc is clean and scratch-free. There's no damages whatsoever. My other blu-rays work in the PS3 but it's just this one, which figures because it's one of my favourite Disney films. Does anybody know what's wrong with it?

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