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@nightwolf - the 'reasonable' is weighted in your favour. Office of Fair Trading (OFT) say that essentially the contract between you and your employer can be seen as a contract between a customer and a supplier.


I would strongly advise that you contact CAB. They are aware that most employees feel that simply referring to statutory rights would put you in the shit in some way at work, but if you are worried that just carrying the knowledge of restricted holidays is a stress and a burden on your day-to-day job, it is definitely worth sorting out. It may be that it's not as restrictive as you think.


Forced overtime does require you to have signed away certain rights, however again it has to be reasonable. If you have any doubts then contact CAB or OFT.


Thank you.


Honestly, right now the overtime isn't too bad. I'm here at 9pm at the latest and do 2 to 4 days a week. Including weekends. Paid.


Which is an improvement on last year when it was more than that - unpaid. But my holiday thing is definitely a blow.


It's something I am considering (speaking to CAB) if this interview with this other company falls through.


Basically the reason I'm being 'lazy' is purely because it is something that takes quite a lot of effort and stress on my part. I've got to keep it together as is, without involving a third party.


But yeah, thank you, I'll let you guys know how it guys, you'll find out soon. :heart:

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Ive been made redundant. Twice in 12 months. I have no unfair dismissal rights so there is nothing I can do. Legal aid is like the most unsecured area of work. I do have a job interview in Manchester on Monday though so it is positive.


If I got the job I would have to move which is a little scary. I did move down Cardiff for three years to do my degree but I feel thats different as I knew I would meet lots of new people whereas moving away now I would be on my own.

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Ive been made redundant. Twice in 12 months. I have no unfair dismissal rights so there is nothing I can do. Legal aid is like the most unsecured area of work. I do have a job interview in Manchester on Monday though so it is positive.


If I got the job I would have to move which is a little scary. I did move down Cardiff for three years to do my degree but I feel thats different as I knew I would meet lots of new people whereas moving away now I would be on my own.


I am so sorry to hear that, dude. I truly am!


Are you sure there's no jobs where you work though or were you just specifically looking to work in legal aid?


However, focus on the positives, you have a job interview. That's amazing news and even if you do move, I'm sure you'll make friends and you'll still keep in contact with everyone. Is the move real far?

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Ive been made redundant. Twice in 12 months. I have no unfair dismissal rights so there is nothing I can do. Legal aid is like the most unsecured area of work. I do have a job interview in Manchester on Monday though so it is positive.


If I got the job I would have to move which is a little scary. I did move down Cardiff for three years to do my degree but I feel thats different as I knew I would meet lots of new people whereas moving away now I would be on my own.


You may live on your own but I'm in manchester so you've got me bitch! Don't go forgetting about me!!!

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Ugh. Bit of a disappointing evening. My friend invited me round his and told me that "W, X, Y and Z are coming and maybe a few others" for geek chat, merryment and video gaming.


I turn up and none of the WXYZ are there yet, but several people I've never met, listening to loud music. Now...I basically hate gatherings with music/parties. I just don't like that kind of thing. If you're having a conversation with someone, why do you need to be trying to yell and having music on in the background. Just annoying. But yeah, so at first I was a bit "meh" but it would get good soon so it's fine!


Then they crack out the cocaine - first time I'd seen it in the flesh. Anyway, I'm no prude so whatever floats your boat. The problem then arises, that I am asked a favour and asked to pick up his other friend from the train station - I though this was a little bit of a piss take. He knew that his friend needing picking up, but just relied on me as the sober one. I was like "Yeah, sure when does he need picking up" - "Now basically". Oh cool. :/


I go, pick him up, get back and the others still aren't here. Try talking to some of the others but with the music and amount of people everyone was just talking over each other and I was just like whatevs. Then....one of the guys I had only met that evening came up to me "Mr Jamieson, can you do me a massive favour" - "Yeah, course, wassup?" "Can you do another station run later?" and I was like "Yeah of course no problem!" and obviously inside I was RAGING. He then started talking about needing booze too, so it clearly became me doing a booze run and picking someone up from station. Fucking piss take. Sort out your own booze before you get there and don't rely on other guests to just be ferrying shit around.


Thankfully my other friends arrived and we setup the PS2, talked comics and played games and it was good (one of my friends that arrived did the trip in the end....felt so bad for him, he reacted the same way as me on the outside but I knew he'd have been raging on the inside). But yeah gradually people left and moved to the "music room", more drugs were had and so I called it a night.


Just a bit disappointed really. That group of friends are wicked, and it was kinda sold to me as being a pretty intimate geek gathering but was a full blown party. Myeh. Whatevs. Rest of weekend should be good. Getting a hair cut today which will emphasise my manly beard, food shopping, then off to Bristol tomorrow to see sis and bro-in-law.

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I am so sorry to hear that, dude. I truly am!


Are you sure there's no jobs where you work though or were you just specifically looking to work in legal aid?


However, focus on the positives, you have a job interview. That's amazing news and even if you do move, I'm sure you'll make friends and you'll still keep in contact with everyone. Is the move real far?


I would prefer to work in legal aid as the work for me is far more interesting but because you are controlled by government purse strings the job is never secure. I have been redeployed in an admin role for 4 weeks so im still going to have a roof over my head at least.


Legal aid work is looking at a salary of 15k-18k per annum. I cannot afford to commute from Sheffield to South Manchester on the wage. I've been looking at rented properties too and they are little more expensive than Sheffield so it would probably look like I would have to live with randoms. Finiding a deposit is also going to be difficult as I have no savings.


If I get offered the job i'm taking it. No questions asked and if the salary is low then I will just have to manage. It's looking increasingly likely that I will have to move out of my beloved Sheffield as the legal market here is far too saturated. I have found far more opportunities in both Leeds and Manchester.


I can't be out of work it would not only just financially destroy me but mentally aswell.


So yeah a bit shitty but there is hope and a few opportunities that I can apply for. Confidence has taken a knock but at least I am getting interviews so my CV and covering letters must be up to scratch!


At least i've got @kav82 so things will never be that bad :)

Edited by Blade
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Ugh. Bit of a disappointing evening. My friend invited me round his and told me that "W, X, Y and Z are coming and maybe a few others" for geek chat, merryment and video gaming.


I turn up and none of the WXYZ are there yet, but several people I've never met, listening to loud music. Now...I basically hate gatherings with music/parties. I just don't like that kind of thing. If you're having a conversation with someone, why do you need to be trying to yell and having music on in the background. Just annoying. But yeah, so at first I was a bit "meh" but it would get good soon so it's fine!


Then they crack out the cocaine - first time I'd seen it in the flesh. Anyway, I'm no prude so whatever floats your boat. The problem then arises, that I am asked a favour and asked to pick up his other friend from the train station - I though this was a little bit of a piss take. He knew that his friend needing picking up, but just relied on me as the sober one. I was like "Yeah, sure when does he need picking up" - "Now basically". Oh cool. :/


I go, pick him up, get back and the others still aren't here. Try talking to some of the others but with the music and amount of people everyone was just talking over each other and I was just like whatevs. Then....one of the guys I had only met that evening came up to me "Mr Jamieson, can you do me a massive favour" - "Yeah, course, wassup?" "Can you do another station run later?" and I was like "Yeah of course no problem!" and obviously inside I was RAGING. He then started talking about needing booze too, so it clearly became me doing a booze run and picking someone up from station. Fucking piss take. Sort out your own booze before you get there and don't rely on other guests to just be ferrying shit around.


Thankfully my other friends arrived and we setup the PS2, talked comics and played games and it was good (one of my friends that arrived did the trip in the end....felt so bad for him, he reacted the same way as me on the outside but I knew he'd have been raging on the inside). But yeah gradually people left and moved to the "music room", more drugs were had and so I called it a night.


Just a bit disappointed really. That group of friends are wicked, and it was kinda sold to me as being a pretty intimate geek gathering but was a full blown party. Myeh. Whatevs. Rest of weekend should be good. Getting a hair cut today which will emphasise my manly beard, food shopping, then off to Bristol tomorrow to see sis and bro-in-law.


Sounds like you stuck around a lot longer than I would have in that situation.


Same here. As soon as the cocaine came out in front of me, I'd have gone. Still, your other friends turned up though so that's a plus. I just wouldn't hang around with them lot with the cocaine.


I was in a similar situation where I had to pick someone up. I got to where she said they'd be and I saw 4 of them smoking weed, not being able to stand straight for ten minutes. I was like "Fuck. That!" and pretended I didn't see them and drove off. I knew of them and they were absolute arsepricks.


I phoned my mate up and told her there was no way in Hell that I'd pick them up because they had weed on them and they were pissed as well. She was like "C'mon, you're going to leave them there?" and I was like "Hell yeah, I'm a young, mixed-race man who's good-looking, ain't no way I'm having people assume I own pot, I'd go down for that shit faster than Paris Hilton goes down on rich men! Ain't no way in Hell, I'm picking them chavs up, I thought you knew better people than that. Surely you ain't that desperate for friends?". She said "Okay, I'll get my brother to pick them up".


She don't hang around with them anymore, thankfully, as she's opened her eyes but yeah, ReZ, be careful of who you pick up and shit. Were they okay with you?


I would prefer to work in legal aid as the work for me is far more interesting but because you are controlled by government purse strings the job is never secure. I have been redeployed in an admin role for 4 weeks so im still going to have a roof over my head at least.


Legal aid work is looking at a salary of 15k-18k per annum. I cannot afford to commute from Sheffield to South Manchester on the wage. I've been looking at rented properties too and they are little more expensive than Sheffield so it would probably look like I would have to live with randoms. Finiding a deposit is also going to be difficult as I have no savings.


If I get offered the job i'm taking it. No questions asked and if the salary is low then I will just have to manage. It's looking increasingly likely that I will have to move out of my beloved Sheffield as the legal market here is far too saturated. I have found far more opportunities in both Leeds and Manchester.


I can't be out of work it would not only just financially destroy me but mentally aswell.


So yeah a bit shitty but there is hope and a few opportunities that I can apply for. Confidence has taken a knock but at least I am getting interviews so my CV and covering letters must be up to scratch!


At least i've got @kav82 so things will never be that bad :)


It's sounds okay. As you said, you have Kav and if there's better opportunities there, grab it with both hands! I wish you all the best of luck and I really hope you get the job! :)

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I don't get how people can be like that, I never ask for a lift unless I'm offered one first. I just think if I cba to learn to drive then I should figure out other ways to get myself around (which sadly usually ends up being a taxi but hey :P)



I was gonna do another 'I hate work' post but honestly, whilst work is shit, I think it's more me than anything. I don't know if it's the time of year or what but I feel as though I've totally lost it. Like, I'm as fucked up as I was back in school. Any social situation now feels like such a fucking effort, so obviously being forced to go to work is going to make me hate the place. Last week, just the thought of going shopping was making me feel sick and I didn't bother. My social anxiety has always been niggling away in the background but I've always managed to keep it under control since (as I said) my school days but just lately it seems so much worse. I might go to the doctors but... I'm generally too anxious to go. How ironic?


and yeah, I still don't use the word ironic correctly.



I still manage to see and have fun with my friends which is what I keep reminding myself. So I've not fully gone back to my old ways. Back in the day I literally lost touch with everyone and didn't turn my phone of for 6 months. So as long as I don't do that (which I know I won't) then I should be able to get myself under control again.


And back to the work thing, whilst my own fucked up state of mind doesn't help things, today really was a bad day. The shop has been doing pretty bad for months now. There's a guideline amount of money to use on waste, out of date stuff and the like, which is £50. To make it look like the shop wasn't doing too bad, the manager would only let us scan £40 of waste per week and then would keep the rest in a pile which would have to be scanned the next week. Obviously, over the months this has built up.


We had a surprise visit from one of the higher ups and they were looking at EVERYTHING and managed to find this hidden MASS of waste products waiting to be scanned. He was fuming and said it all has to be scanned and wasted properly. The bill came to £1000, which is way more than the recommended weekly amount.


So today we had the head of the company in (and this is one of the top 4 supermarkets I work for so it was a fairly big deal) and he was ripping everything to shreds. Saying how bad this, that and the other was. And also said that there's been lots of out of date complaints and everything must be fine by monday or we'll be in big trouble. So our manager was being an awful cunt of a person to everyone, including myself, and I got stuck doing damages for 4 hours.


Managed to rack us up another £1,100 bill in the process! We have another 3 piles to get through so by the end of tomorrow our waste will be at about £5000. Obviously it's a bigger deal for the managers, it's just lame when I get treated like utter shit because of a problem they created in the first place. I break my back trying to get everything done for them and skip my break and they can't even spew out a half-hearted 'thanks' but instead a 'How much!?', then walking away.


Go sit on a cactus.

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Ah @Josh64 hopefully that doesn't continue to happen now upper management have seen what's going on. I'd be surprised if you're manager tries that shit again.


I feel a bit lost.


I wrote several paragraphs saying how I felt and how I felt a bit lonely, sad about my job and my parents moving to another country. But then I just felt a bit whiny.



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- threw up at 3am

- threw up at 4am

- threw up at 5am

- phew on late shift...

- no food to take for lunch as it probably caused Teh Illz

- Hospital calls to say the appointment i've waited months for is cancelled

- Card still declined in most places so couldn't buy lunch

- get home to find amazon voucher for £60 is out of date so they've just emptied it




On the plus side Drahkon totally made my day by giving me a whole bunch o' games. Pretty much made up for it all!


@nightwolf - the whiney bursts through from me once in a while (as you know) and everyone here was super nice. Go for it and people will listen!

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Oh man @jayseven you poor bloody sod. Are you feeling better this morning?


Yes, I know everyone will be lovely about it, you lot always are. I just feel whinging about it all isn't going to make much of a difference. My job will still suck, my parents will still be moving and I'll still be lying awake at 1am for no reason.


However, I have a job interview tomorrow, so maybe, things will change.

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Emailed amazon, will wait on response. Work was a good day - effectively mananaged to hit my weekly target anready so got the rest of the week to chill. A much better day. Also got out paycheques and were told we're getting paid a day early... so things are more up than down!


Good luck with your interview nightwolf. Hope you kick ass. @Josh64 hope all is reasonably well!

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