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Apparently having our car mirror replaced is going to cost £300... fucking hell. I so hate the person who tore our mirror off. Fuckers.


We never seem to catch a break when it comes to cars. Always something going wrong, even now that we have a brand new car. I am trying to look for cheaper options to get the mirror replaced, but I can't find anything at all... =(

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Nobody has replied to me on these dating sites. I just think I'm too fucking perfect for them to notice! My chocolate complexion is something all bitches are jealous of! ;)


Seriously, fuuuuuck people. I went outside this afternoon to go food shopping and noticed that my passenger side wing mirror has been completely torn off. It couldn't have been knocked off as I tuck my mirrors in and there's wires hanging out, etc. It's the side facing the curb.


It's the second time this has happened to me on the same street but with a different car. So many fucking twats in this country who just do things without thinking about others or the consequences. Would love to teach this bastard a lesson.


If it makes you feel any better, he probably won't have a good future behind bars sharing a cell with a fuck-off massive bloke called Tiny who'll take every opportunity to make that hooligan Tiny's bitch.




In the summer, when it was boiling hot, I was coming back from my friend's house and my car was parked outside. This kid got eggs and started throwing them. I recognised one of them, he was my other mate's brother but I said nothing. I shouted "OI, YOU LITTLE SHITS!" and they all ran away.


I went to my mate's house who lives on the next street, knocked on his door and told him that his brother egged my car. My mate was shocked to hear it and he believed me, got his phone and phoned his brother to get back home. Five minutes later, he saw me and froze. My mate gave him a right bollocking and made him clean my car. His brother apologised to me. I told him to stop hanging around with them because they're chavvy losers.



Edited by Animal
Automerged Doublepost
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Yeah electric as in, you have a button that lets you adjust them a bit from the inside of the car, nothing too fancy... It's not like they are heated mirrors or anything. The price is just horrible.


I have tried looking around on breakers sites but can't find anything at all. I got one quote back (not even sure as it is the right model/mirror as there is no picture attached) and their price was £172 just to send us the part... =/

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Uuurgh. First day back at work and it's as bad, if not a bit worse than I remember. Somehow gotta get through another 7 hours! And I almost definitely won't be able to have my driving test tomorrow. Fucking hell, I'm so done with everything.

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I have tried looking around on breakers sites but can't find anything at all. I got one quote back (not even sure as it is the right model/mirror as there is no picture attached) and their price was £172 just to send us the part... =/


That's a bullshit price. They're on ebay for £20-40 used. The issue is getting the right colour. But you can buy them new for £125, or £75 primed if you want to paint it yourself.


It certainly shouldn't cost ~£200 to fit. More like £30.

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That's a bullshit price. They're on ebay for £20-40 used. The issue is getting the right colour. But you can buy them new for £125, or £75 primed if you want to paint it yourself.


It certainly shouldn't cost ~£200 to fit. More like £30.


Where have you seen them on eBay? I looked around and I could only find the older model's mirror, not the one we have (which looks different as it has the black bit at the bottom). We have got some quotes from breakers but they are all really high for a used one, around 140-180, and no pictures provided. =/


Guess we are just gonna have to bite the bullet and have it done at the dealers...

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I guess if you have it done at the dealers you're more than likely going to be able to ask about a guarantee or something.


Eh I'm pretty much done with work. I have one senior who thinks its ok to continuously have a go at the team and I don't see management doing anything.


I'm tired of being spoken to like a horrible child, I'm 23 and doing my job, leave me alone. I'm sick of going home fed up because of one person.



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I got to work at 7:30am yesterday. I went home at 17:30. I was then back in work at 22:30 and have been here since.


I'm finishing at 12:00, then I'm back in at 23:00 tonight to work through to 17:30 tomorrow.



Live system maintenance is a bitch. Out of hours work during our quiet times. :zzz:

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Problems between my sister and her mum (her mum is no relation to me). My sister has been kicked out of the house and is now living in my Dad's house (so now four kids in a two bedroom house). My sister tried to fix things (although I'm not 100% sure what it is), but her mum wasn't interested.


Her mum had now made our brother delete the everyone on my Dad's side of the family. She also claims that my Dad can no loner see him (they've been through this before. My Dad won). However, my Dad will still be picking him up for the weekend for a few weeks - she can call the police and say he was abducted if she wants, my Dad doesn't care (and the police probably won't when they find out my Dad has him, either). Still, it can't be a nice situation for him.


Although I have managed to do something I rarely have the opportunity to do and actually cheer someone up. My sister is a big Doctor Who fan and was planning on watching it with her friends (who she no longer lives close to). So I booked an extra ticket for her. I'm the "bestest brother ever".

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My Father-In-Law passed away today.


Not a shock, we knew it was coming, he was diagnosed with cancer back in March, Joy at the time flew over to the Philippines to see him as the doctors were only giving him a few weeks (even after surgery). Obviously he fought on much longer than the doctors expected but passed this morning.


Joy, even though we knew it was "any day" for a good few months now, still took it very hard though. She starting to seem somewhat better now (ie: she's stopped crying) but I think it's more of a "brave face" kinda better.

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mokong, that's awful, I'm sorry to hear that. :(


I seem to be having a panic attack but i'm not stressed or panic-y. I can only describe it as feeling like a big huge fuck off siren is going off in my head. Like a fire drill when you know there's nothing to be worried about but you're body goes into fight or flight mode? Fuck me its properly weird though... o____O


Think its time to get my doc to lower my anti depressant meds....


And I'm pining after muh new male interest. He's only moved and thus has no phone line, so no internet, and his phone had been playing up for ages, decides to give up on him. So after an incredible first date and finding out we both are really attracted to each other, we've now got no contact. I R sads.

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And I'm pining after muh new male interest. He's only moved and thus has no phone line, so no internet, and his phone had been playing up for ages, decides to give up on him. So after an incredible first date and finding out we both are really attracted to each other, we've now got no contact. I R sads.


See, this why I keep saying carrier pigeons should be brought back into service.

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