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I had to break up with my girlfriend and it was heartbreaking!

She's from Mexico and was over here studying when we met and started dating. She went back to Mexico after her studies but came back to give us a go and see how things went. We'd been together almost a year and unfortunately her visa expired so she had to go back to Mexico.


The difficult thing is that the visa restrictions are really tight for her and she couldn't get another visa to come here unless we married and I wasn't at a point in the relationship to be ready for that... long distance just doesn't work and this is as long distance as it gets. So unfortunately I had to end things, the worst thing of all is having to hurt her. I hated that.

It's been a really difficult time, It's crap that we've been victims of circumstance but it ending is for the best.


That's sad to hear. Are you both still friends or is it for the best for you both not to speak to each other right now?

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That's sad to hear. Are you both still friends or is it for the best for you both not to speak to each other right now?


She's said she has to have a complete break. It really is sad but it's the right decision to have been made. I'll miss her so damn much though!

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Agreed! I'm sorry to hear about your break-up @kav82 but sounds like its for the best.


Whelp my housemate decided that when she came home at half 11 last night that emptying the dishwasher, banging cupboards and what I can only assume was her making dinner last night.


That's not so bad, if I weren't up at half 5, I could hear a really odd noise and wasn't sure what it was, it didn't stop until I got out of bed. Whelp, sounds like someone couldn't sleep and decided she wanted some 'me time'. Oh lovely.


Eurgh, so now I'm working til 5 and will probably have to see her at some point, talk about embarrassing and why 5:30?! she doesn't have work til 1pm! She should be sleepings ¬_¬.

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@Charlie It's out of warranty, sadly!




I've had such a fucking headache trying to sort out this bastard phone. I've spent literally HOURS being thrown from one customer service worker to the next, swapping departments, being told to upgrade or just leave, ugh. The final, best deal I could squeeze out of them was to just cancel my contract and pay a £151 fee... Which is around the same amount I'll have to pay to get it fixed just without the hassle (they won't fix it themselves, I'll have to go through Apple and I just don't know what third party place to trust)


After hours of banging my head against a brick wall I think I will just cancel with them and start over.

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She's said she has to have a complete break. It really is sad but it's the right decision to have been made. I'll miss her so damn much though!


Frakk, I'm sorry to hear that kav :( you me, @Blade and anyone else from the MH3U regulars who is single/recently broken up should all get together for a hunting night sometime soon, actually at a push I could get one of my friends to join as well; its been too long, plus you never know it might help. :)

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I had to break up with my girlfriend and it was heartbreaking!

She's from Mexico and was over here studying when we met and started dating. She went back to Mexico after her studies but came back to give us a go and see how things went. We'd been together almost a year and unfortunately her visa expired so she had to go back to Mexico.


The difficult thing is that the visa restrictions are really tight for her and she couldn't get another visa to come here unless we married and I wasn't at a point in the relationship to be ready for that... long distance just doesn't work and this is as long distance as it gets. So unfortunately I had to end things, the worst thing of all is having to hurt her. I hated that.

It's been a really difficult time, It's crap that we've been victims of circumstance but it ending is for the best.


Dude, hugs



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Oh man.


I will write properly when on my PC, but today at work everything went wrong. Literally so horrendous.


And you may recall me saying I had a headache a few weeks ago. Still got it. It is hopefully a chronic tension rather than anything serious (been to doctor) but it makes work less fun.

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f'king GUH. :mad:


so, i'm working at *insert well known video game retailer name here* over christmas, and *insert incredibly well known and highly anticipated nintendo franchise due for release on saturday* arrived in our delivery today. as staff, we're allowed to purchase one copy early, and with most of us being fans of this particular franchise, most of the staff came in to buy it even tho they weren't working.

despite being suitably discreet about the whole thing, one guy spied a member of staff buying it and kicked up a MASSIVE fuss (let's bear in mind that this guy is probably about the same age as us...) saying that (quote) it was "unnatural" for us to be selling it early, he was admin on a large *insert franchise name here* site and had posted to the group about seeing the staff member buying it early and that nobody on there was happy about it - then came back in a few times and complained loudly that we had the games displayed on the back counter. we explained to him our company policy, that it helps us to give better recommendations and advice to customers (would you rather speak to an employee that has played the game you're asking about?!) and that nintendo authorise early purchasing for staff... buuut...

We managed to find the site he was talking about (a fb fan page...) where he's written this about us:

Now i am a little upset. I just saw a member of staff from my local #our shop# store with a copy oy #####. Should workers at #our shop#, #other shop# be allowed to have releases of games before their release date?

what followed was a slew of whiny "guuu not fair" posts, peppered with a couple of "god, stop whining!" posts... but my favourite was this one:

Tell them your dad works at Nintendo and he can get that dude banned for life or something equally as stupid as "Nintendo let me play it early".


like, banned from nintendo?! who ARE these people? do they get annoyed when reviewers for magazines get the game early? how about QA testers?!


:nono: so annoying...


would any of you guys kick up such a fuss now you know your local *insert well known video game retailer name here* employees are able to purchase selected new release games early...?

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Ey Bluey, darn those troublesome idiots. Some people just like to kick up a fuss for no reason whatsoever. Hope the stock levels run out before he gets his copy!


i'd put money on him being the first through the door on saturday morning... too bad i'm working in the stratford store that day :laughing:


come see me, randoms! i'll be dressed as ash ^_^


the funniest thing is that the guy was from a FACEBOOK page, he was lording up the fact that he was admin on a pokemon site making it sound like he was part of an ACTUAL decent reputable website... like bulbapedia - the community based pokemon website.

Edited by bluey
Automerged Doublepost
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@S\.C\.G sorry to hear about you, @kav82...hope this doesn't mean I'm next from the MH gang!!


Really pissed off this evening (despite those jollities) as I did a comedy gig, was a competition so the audience had to vote to send people through. My act is a double act as two German singer song writers (as daft as it sounds but hopefully funnier!) where we sing all sorts of nonsense. Went well tonight, not the best we have done, youtube video at the comedy store will attest to that, but certainly not the worst either, got some good laughs and overall went well.


However the MC decided, rather than be supportive like with all the other acts, to absolutely rip into us. After another act had been on he said "well at least you weren't hiding behind a guitar" and then in the final summary said "jan und friedrich, two lads straight out of drama school (been 2 years thank you :p) who use a guitar to hide over the fact they can't tell jokes"

I mean fuck me, I can take stinking out a room, that's happened plenty of times, but to have the mc say that?! Totally unprofessional, and thankfully the other half of the double act went to speak to the organiser and the MC in a diplomatic way (MC was a dick "just having a laugh") I was absolutely fuming and know full well I would have either shouted, sworn, or done something equally as regrettable.


Especially when people have to vote for their favourite acts, whose going to vote if the MC is taking the piss? And we had friends come and support us, was just embarrassing. As I said I can take good gigs and bad gigs, never quite know what reaction you'll get with what we do (can put the youtube video in here if anyone is desperate to see it...) but that has wound me up and now I'm not going to get to sleep for another few hours because I am so pissed off. Grrrr.

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f'king GUH. :mad:


so, i'm working at *insert well known video game retailer name here* over christmas, and *insert incredibly well known and highly anticipated nintendo franchise due for release on saturday* arrived in our delivery today. as staff, we're allowed to purchase one copy early, and with most of us being fans of this particular franchise, most of the staff came in to buy it even tho they weren't working.

despite being suitably discreet about the whole thing, one guy spied a member of staff buying it and kicked up a MASSIVE fuss (let's bear in mind that this guy is probably about the same age as us...) saying that (quote) it was "unnatural" for us to be selling it early, he was admin on a large *insert franchise name here* site and had posted to the group about seeing the staff member buying it early and that nobody on there was happy about it - then came back in a few times and complained loudly that we had the games displayed on the back counter. we explained to him our company policy, that it helps us to give better recommendations and advice to customers (would you rather speak to an employee that has played the game you're asking about?!) and that nintendo authorise early purchasing for staff... buuut...

We managed to find the site he was talking about (a fb fan page...) where he's written this about us:


what followed was a slew of whiny "guuu not fair" posts, peppered with a couple of "god, stop whining!" posts... but my favourite was this one:



like, banned from nintendo?! who ARE these people? do they get annoyed when reviewers for magazines get the game early? how about QA testers?!


:nono: so annoying...


would any of you guys kick up such a fuss now you know your local *insert well known video game retailer name here* employees are able to purchase selected new release games early...?

I have a mate who works at GAME who got a copy of Pokemon X/Y early too. He's currently bragging about it on le Facebook, saying how he'll probably complete it before release day. I can't say I'm seething with envy as I might've done in my youth. I can see how some may get pissed but it's hardly a stretch compared to most NTSC to PAL localisation times.

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Ah people will continue to bitch and moan about things they cannot get that others can. It really isn't worth your time. @bluey enjoy your copy and have a smug face continuously plastered on your face because of it! Screw them!


It seems bad days at work are a common theme here, I also had a bad day.


Everything that could have gone wrong yesterday...did, to the point where I had to cancel a pretty important appointment last night and ended up in tears on the way home.


For those who don't recall, I hate living in Cambridge, it was never a 'choice' and was purely so I could work and not burden the parents by living at home (they wish to live in France and hope to move to their new home very soon) EDIT BE HERE: I should probably add that I chose to work for the company I do now, but didn't want to move here for it (if that makes sense...). After two years, yelling yesterday and my manager who is leaving talking about how he doesn't like this place and is done (he says this quite loudly, I love my manager, he's a bro, but to me its pretty selfish..) it was hard to take.


That with my mum telling me how long its been since I've seen any of my family and I'm ready to pack up and move back up North, gaming job or not.


Its been a tough old year and I'm desperately trying not to slip into the moods I had whilst at university, I wasn't nice and I certainly wasn't happy, but work seem so set on pushing me that way.





Sorry folks.

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If it were a Zelda game though... Ooooh...


I managed to score Mario Sunshine a week before release because my local video game/DVD/shonky shop was run by a pair of muppets called Mick and Mike. Mike looked like Barry form Eastenders, he used to be a barman at my local and served me underage without batting an eye... Mick looked like Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys on steroids, and they both had nary a brain cell between them. Lovely blokes, and we got on well. Perhaps that's why they sold me the game early.


The shop turned into a charity shop a few years ago, then became a second hand bookseller... I wonder what ever happened to Mick and Mike.


Oh, I digress. My wife hit me the other night. To be fair, I'd called her a stupid "b". So I probably deserved it, yeah?

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Oh, I digress. My wife hit me the other night. To be fair, I'd called her a stupid "b". So I probably deserved it, yeah?


Depends how hard she hit you. If she gave you a bit of a slap or just hit you on the arm, then yeah, you probably did. If she twatted you with a frying pan, then I'd say she probably overreacted.

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Depends how hard she hit you. If she gave you a bit of a slap or just hit you on the arm, then yeah, you probably did. If she twatted you with a frying pan, then I'd say she probably overreacted.


Left a pair of bruises on my arm like a two pound coin, my face was numb and swollen the next day.

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Left a pair of bruises on my arm like a two pound coin, my face was numb and swollen the next day.


I thought you'd broken up, did I miss the bit where you got back together? Violence is certainly bad, has she ever done it before?



Last night I dropped my iPhone onto Dan's Nexus, smashing the screen into a million pieces. I was overly excited about winning a game and it just flew out of my hands. I feel so guilty I can't even look at it. Going to send it to the Geek Squad at Carphone Warehouse to get it fixed, been looking online and it seems like it's going to cost around £80 :weep:.

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