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bad stuff thread.


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Hmmm, my last source of income was in January....and there's no chance of me getting any until i get a job in the summer. So it looks like i'll be living off my savings until then! No more extravagances for me....

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The post doc that I'm working with as part of a module for my masters, under the supervision of one of the senior lecturers, is being rather pushy about getting work done. This is all despite me having told him I wasn't able to do anything last week because of other commitments and likewise this week because I really need to get my dissertation work off of the ground.


He seems to be completely oblivious to the fact that I have other obligations besides helping do his work so he can sit around and do bugger all. That and I told him we'll catch up at some point next week once I know when I'm free yesterday and he's somehow managed to forget me telling him this, in person, within a few hours and is now hounding me through constant emails.


Me thinks a little chat with his supervisor should allow him to cool his jets that little bit.


Oh, today just keeps getting better :nono: Head... met Mr. Desk.

Edited by Ganepark32
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Well, as expected I failed one test and the other one wasn't particularly good either.


Second to last chance is gone now, and my supervisor made it very clear to me, that I have to show a positive development in the next 3 weeks.


Then another test awaits. My last chance.



I am motivated. Tomorrow evening I'll drive back to my hometown. Have four days off.

On Saturday I will do nothing but relax and take my mind off this shit of the past few weeks and on Sunday I will start studying like crazy.


Helps that my supervisor also granted me the permission to take a few days off around Easter, meaning I will have one and a half week to study in the day time while I will be doing recreational stuff in the evening (bowling, birthday party, etc.).


Oh, and speaking of this birthday party: It's the one where my ex will also be (people following the "Love, bitches and dudes"-thread will know).


Can't wait to show her that I don't give a damn!

Hopefully I won't be too drunk...don't want to do/say something stupid :D

Edited by drahkon
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Met my manager (this isn't the bad part) for the first time today (he's based in Paris), so our sub team went out for lunch.


Was really nice, then had a heated debate with my manager (not the french guy, the manager of the team) and a senior on the team, about London, the financial services, nationalisation, manufacturing, and the north-south divide. Apparently the solution to the likes of Scotland and Wales (and the North) feeling disjointed from London/Westminster is "let them leave, we put so much money into them, let's see how they get on on their own", the solution to the lack of industry and jobs in the North is "they can move", it's fine for most of television shows to be based in London, and being annoyed about the huge divide in poverty makes me an embittered[sic] Northerner (didn't bother to explain that I was from the Midlands).


Should have known better than to debate that with a public school boy, and somebody who, at that very same lunch, when talking about people neglecting families, said, "well when I was at school there were always a few whose dad's weren't around, due to them focusing on their career, but at least they still got their trust fund". Considering when I was at school the reason for somebody's dad not being around was usually prison or slutty mothers, I should have known it wasn't going to go well.



Yeah, I think his opinion on me changed.

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Should have known better than to debate that with a public school boy, and somebody who, at that very same lunch, when talking about people neglecting families, said, "well when I was at school there were always a few whose dad's weren't around, due to them focusing on their career, but at least they still got their trust fund".


Something something "classless society" something something.

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I did a cupid and shot up a couple of my mates, who proceeded to get closer and cuter and all that stuff -- then his crazy got the better of him and he mistakenly admitted he still had feelings for his ex. Cue hollyoaks-style drama in the friend circle. I arrange to meet the crazy male for a quiet drink over which we'd discuss the ex, his recently unveilved eating disorder and so on. Unfortunately, he's a big arsenal fan so the quiet drink grew in volume to be come a fairly audibly raucous keg of cider and a small army of sambuca shots.


Know not I how I left the pub, but along my travels I met an old man who introduced himself as Sinatra. He asked me if I could help him get home. He knew his address but not necessarily where he was standing. He was basically 200 metres from his house - I got him home, used his bathroom and then carried on home - again not sure how I got back in one piece. Thanks, memory!


So today I felt extremely hungover all day. I've had to organise a bunch o' things, and had to essentially pack everything I own into two bags as I can't stay at my mum's for a fortnight and will need to cart things off to a pal's who is thankfully putting me up, and putting up with me, for the 2 weeks after I get back from sheffield. I met up with my lady, only to have the affair cut abrupt by a call from my mother who demanded I hoover my room before 10pm. She would not let me hoover it tomorrow morning because she wouldn't be able to see the room until she got home from work, yadda yadda yadda -- anyway, I was all groggy and energyless and not great company, so I headed home (lots of broken down buses to contend with, making the journey three times longer than need be), get shit done, then sit down and realise "actually... my skin is really itchy. Like, msg-allergic-reaction itchy. I pop a couple of pills and cross my fingers.


Either drunken, stupid me bought a dodgy takeaway on the way home (I have no idea) or, which might be more likely, my lady friend ate some MSG today and proceeded to share it with me during the cross-pollination saliva swapping session we briefly endured.


So she has been thinking something has been 'up' with me today as I was not my usual hungover self. I tried to placate her but she is a paranoid soul. She wasn't wrong -- I wasn't myself, but the MSG reaction is a legit explanation (in the past the first symptom tends to be a groggy feeling in the hours leading to the main, itchifying event). She just happened to be with her 999-response friend who had just finished work, and was quick to offer her services to get me to A&E. My hesitation to waste hours waiting at the hospital (I wanted to see if the antihistamine did its job, as I've been good at taking a large dose very early on in the reaction process) may have come across in a way that makes her think I don't want to see her. Which isn't true. I just hate the idea of wasting everyone's time at A&E.




.. So yeah no 'huge' bad stuff, just lots of little annoyances. lots more but clearly I'm in a short-story writing mood and I'd best not mutter further.

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So the post doctorate person I've been working with as part of a module at uni has decided to 'tell on me' to my/his supervisor claiming my behaviour and attitude about doing the work has been atrocious and that I'm just generally not doing any work. This is all because I called him up on his own pushy attitude in an email and told him that certain comments he was making were unacceptable in the face of me having told him on several occasions my current situation. What a massive twat.


He's suggested I meet with him and the supervisor to discuss things but I've emailed the supervisor to see if I can meet with just her so I can actually outline what is going on and not a bunch of lies, which the post doc has told her. Fingers crossed she'll agree to this so I can try and get it sorted/get put on another project.


Really angry about it and he's also decided to now take work away from me which I need to complete to fulfill my time obligations for the module (we're supposed to do roughly 90 hours of work) so I won't be able to meet those requirements.

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Just got told that I could be made redundant.


Absolutely hate this government for reducing scope of legal aid. Also the cost of loans to fund post uni training is absolutely ridiculous. I struggle to pay them each month. No chance without a job.


Ive only been in the job for a year. All that training and for what? Nowt

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Urgh, feeling miserable today. Head feels like it is about to explode from pain and my body just hurts and I keep shivering.


I blame my mom for saying last week "Oh you haven't been ill in a while, have you?". Darn you mom, you jinxed it. =(

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I feel that this thread is just a long list of people's troubles, with no replies to anything, which is sad. However, sometimes there's not a lot you can say...


Ganepark(32) - Sounds shitty indeed. Hopefully your supervisor will realise that the post-doc is being a dick and cut you some slack. In my experience most post docs are dicks; some sort of superiority complex which is unjustified. Rest assured that when you complete your Masters and start a PhD (if you do) then they can't tell you what to do anymore and you can rub it all in their face.


Blade - I know quite a few people who studied law at uni and have struggled to find jobs. It really sucks. I'm not sure what the unemployment rate is for law students, but i would have thought it was relatively low? I don't know. I'm not sure why there aren't any jobs. Maybe having a year of work on your C.V. will make it will make it easier to get a second?


Eenuh - Illness is bad. Get a massage off Flink, that should help. Then stick your head in a bucket of hot water and olbas oil.

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"One of those days" - worst of it was that I was asked by the chinese nanny of one of my students to translate two medical documents she got when she was sick in the Philippines recently.


1: She has contracted HPV from her husband living in another province who has been cheating on her.


2: She has early stage cervical cancer.


Pretty irresponsible of the hospital not to find someone to help her translate. I told her to get to the Chinese hospital ASAP to confirm the diagnosis.

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Cheers for the reply @bob much appreciated!


Yeah a year on the CV helps buy its hard not to think the worse. My advice to anyone would not to go fot a career in law. There are not many jobs, lowly paid and are unsecure. Well in legal aid type of work anyway.

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It's like that in so many of clubs in Mayfair in London. £20 for guys to get in, free for girls (but only if the bouncers deem them attractive enough, otherwise they'll be told they're too drunk.) Have always refused to go in any of them because of that policy.


Surely there's gotta be some sort of law against it?

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It's like that in so many of clubs in Mayfair in London. £20 for guys to get in, free for girls (but only if the bouncers deem them attractive enough, otherwise they'll be told they're too drunk.) Have always refused to go in any of them because of that policy.


Surely there's gotta be some sort of law against it?


You'd think with the new law saying that insurance companies can't give girls cheaper prices it would make a great case law if someone were to challenge the clubs.


The thing is, why would anyone challenge them as there is so little to gain from it?

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You should refuse to go there simply because they've spelt Cushion wrong.


I'm so used to it that the spelling 'Cushion' looks wrong to me now.


There used to be another club called 'Karbon'. I don't know what the appeal of the 'K' is.

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