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14 minutes ago, Raining_again said:

oh my word Ine thats awful. I hope you guys get it sorted soon!

It wasn't a fun day! :p

But the gas leak was sorted on Monday, then yesterday the floor guy came back and finally fixed our wonky floor (yay!) and we had another guy come in to remove our hob. Our new hob is getting delivered tomorrow and he can install it tomorrow or Friday, so hopefully it will all be ready before the cats come this weekend! :D

Though I'm still waiting on Cats Protection to let me know if that is going ahead or not! Hope they call today!

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Just now, martinist said:

Got blood taken this morning. Needle went in, started sweating really bad, heart rate was really high and then next thing i know I'm waking up on the floor.


fun times.

Oh cripes, I'm assuming you're ok now though? 

Its been a year of needles for me with this surgery and I still cannot have blood taken from my elbow. *shudder* 

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Oh cripes, I'm assuming you're ok now though? 
Its been a year of needles for me with this surgery and I still cannot have blood taken from my elbow. *shudder* 
The part of the body where they take blood from is called the 'cubital fossa'.

I looked this up a while ago because it annoyed me that the other side of your arm from the elbow didn't have a name, and elbow doesn't really describe it.

Similarly, the other side of your knee is called the 'popliteal fossa'.

Go and impress all your friends with this new fact!
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  • 2 weeks later...
33 minutes ago, Serebii said:

Girlfriend's housemate's cat got run over today :( Knew it since it was born, had discussions of taking ownership of her in the near future

Best cat. She thought she was a dog.




Please be vigilant when driving

I'm so sorry, that is a horrible thing to happen. Poor kitty. She looked like a lovely cat. :(

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Sorry to hear that Serebii :( 



So a quick update on where I am at. Things have been generally going a lot better, the mix of medication and therapy has been working well because I just finished month 2 of my new job which is something that started to feel impossible earlier in the year. Old bad habits have started creeping back in though.


I've felt so sick at work because of anxiety that I've only been eating when I've got home, couldn't stomach breakfast before it or anything during, and being a 10 hour shift it leaves me weak and feeling very weird. I'm just trying my best not to slip back into old habits but sometimes the physical aspects of it just seem so uncontrollable. Last week I did go home a few hours early after sorting cover with one of the other guys and felt dreadful about it. I did agree to cover one of his shifts as a favour though so I kinda made up for it. 

The night before shifts are always problematic too, waking up cold and hot and having bat-shit insane dreams. But I'm still there which is the main thing and I'm more self aware now - When things seem really terrible I keep reminding myself it's not the job that's the problem and it's all in my head which generally does help me just carry on and shut my mind up for a while. 


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I got a son on July 7th but he wasn't quite well. He has a disease (inherited from me though I haven't got it - my father, sister and her children has it) called Hirschsprung's Disease. It means that he cannot move his bowels due to lacking some nerves in his colon. The part that is missing the nerve endings has to be removed surgically in October - but after this surgery he will be basically normal. However, on his fourth day he got a hole in his colon and had to undergo surgery right away  - he got a colostomy until his final surgery in October.


Now, that is all done and he is thriving - except that he is not. Not really. He's not gaining much weight. He's at 4 kg now and has thus only gained 1 kg since his birth on July 7th which is about half of what he should have gained. We are now trying everything we can without giving him too much from a bottle (we really want him to be breastfed as that is far better for his condition) but it's such a draining process and my wife is very, very emotional due to this. It's really taxing. I'm taking some time off work since I don't have much to do there anyways (see job woes/wins-thread for this story!) but of course I'd rather go to work and come home to a happy little family rather than this.


To top things off, I fell on my bike Tuesday last week. Some moron didn't look back over his shoulder when he wanted to overtake another biker and I was right next to him and was therefore thrown off my bike with about 30 km/h. I don't think I sustained any real injury but got excoriations (I don't know if that's the right word for it - my skin was scraped off) along my entire left side, and my shoulder, elbow, hip, and knee are still hurting. I'm worried about my shoulder, this seems to be something else than muscular pain. My hip is still swollen but my knee is alright. Hopefully my shoulder is fine but just a bit more hurt than the rest.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My freakin god.  My mum's cat is freakishly identical to your friends @Serebii.  Extremely sorry for your loss.  Another friend of mine lost theirs to the same way, its horribly sad.  

I'm not saying its right, but sometimes it is actually unavoidable, cats can and do dart onto the road very quickly and just don't give you the time to react. I don't think anyone *really* wants to run over a cat, even if they don't like them, because they can damage your car.  My mum hit a cat once, it darted from under a fence (possibly being chased or chasing) but thankfully where it was it wasn't at great speed and it got away.  A week later we saw that the house it darted from blocked off the bottom of the fence, so it must have been their cat.  My Mum lives with that guilt to this day, but it really is just one of those things... thankfully she wasn't speeding! 

Its why, even if I had healthy cats, they'll all be in an inside arrangement.  Windowboxes and catios aren't too difficult to put together and its really not as "cruel" as people would think.  Cats are very adaptable.

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On 9/28/2017 at 10:41 AM, MindFreak said:

Now, that is all done and he is thriving - except that he is not. Not really. He's not gaining much weight. He's at 4 kg now and has thus only gained 1 kg since his birth on July 7th which is about half of what he should have gained. We are now trying everything we can without giving him too much from a bottle (we really want him to be breastfed as that is far better for his condition) but it's such a draining process and my wife is very, very emotional due to this. It's really taxing. I'm taking some time off work since I don't have much to do there anyways (see job woes/wins-thread for this story!) but of course I'd rather go to work and come home to a happy little family rather than this.


If he's not getting enough milk it might be worth while your wife "expressing" some milk (pretty sure that is the wrong term??), basically milking herself and then storing that milk in a fridge until it is needed... some babies just aren't very good at feeding straight from a breast... of course bottles have their own issues regardless of the milk inside them, but just a suggestion.
I hope he's doing ok and has put some weight on - has he had his operation now?

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On ‎28‎/‎09‎/‎2017 at 9:41 AM, MindFreak said:

I got a son on July 7th but he wasn't quite well. He has a disease (inherited from me though I haven't got it - my father, sister and her children has it) called Hirschsprung's Disease. It means that he cannot move his bowels due to lacking some nerves in his colon. The part that is missing the nerve endings has to be removed surgically in October - but after this surgery he will be basically normal. However, on his fourth day he got a hole in his colon and had to undergo surgery right away  - he got a colostomy until his final surgery in October.


Now, that is all done and he is thriving - except that he is not. Not really. He's not gaining much weight. He's at 4 kg now and has thus only gained 1 kg since his birth on July 7th which is about half of what he should have gained. We are now trying everything we can without giving him too much from a bottle (we really want him to be breastfed as that is far better for his condition) but it's such a draining process and my wife is very, very emotional due to this. It's really taxing. I'm taking some time off work since I don't have much to do there anyways (see job woes/wins-thread for this story!) but of course I'd rather go to work and come home to a happy little family rather than this.


To top things off, I fell on my bike Tuesday last week. Some moron didn't look back over his shoulder when he wanted to overtake another biker and I was right next to him and was therefore thrown off my bike with about 30 km/h. I don't think I sustained any real injury but got excoriations (I don't know if that's the right word for it - my skin was scraped off) along my entire left side, and my shoulder, elbow, hip, and knee are still hurting. I'm worried about my shoulder, this seems to be something else than muscular pain. My hip is still swollen but my knee is alright. Hopefully my shoulder is fine but just a bit more hurt than the rest.

That's pretty rough, dude. Good luck and I hope that things work out soon. 

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11 hours ago, Pestneb said:

If he's not getting enough milk it might be worth while your wife "expressing" some milk (pretty sure that is the wrong term??), basically milking herself and then storing that milk in a fridge until it is needed... some babies just aren't very good at feeding straight from a breast... of course bottles have their own issues regardless of the milk inside them, but just a suggestion.
I hope he's doing ok and has put some weight on - has he had his operation now?

Yeah, we tried that. We tried it all. In the end we gave in and gave him half and half on the bottle and the breast. So he now gets three bottles a day to fulfill about half of his need and then the breast in between to give him the rest. This seems to work fine though he wasn't quite happy with the breast the first couple of days because it didn't feed him fast enough. Now he's gaining weight, though, and fast. He is now 4.5 kg and thus gained 270 g in one week. That's quite impressive. But aside from the weight, he's doing really well and seems quite happy so that's nice. :)

He's scheduled for his surgery on October 24th. 

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4 hours ago, MindFreak said:

Yeah, we tried that. We tried it all. In the end we gave in and gave him half and half on the bottle and the breast. So he now gets three bottles a day to fulfill about half of his need and then the breast in between to give him the rest. This seems to work fine though he wasn't quite happy with the breast the first couple of days because it didn't feed him fast enough. Now he's gaining weight, though, and fast. He is now 4.5 kg and thus gained 270 g in one week. That's quite impressive. But aside from the weight, he's doing really well and seems quite happy so that's nice. :)

He's scheduled for his surgery on October 24th. 

Glad he's improving.

I read a story a few weeks ago about a baby who wasn't getting enough nutrients from the breast so needed a bottle as well. Breast is beast but if supplementing with a bottle works better then that's what's needed.

I wouldn't see it as you "gave in" rather you tried everything and ultimately did what was best for your baby.

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1 minute ago, MoogleViper said:

I read a story a few weeks ago about a baby who wasn't getting enough nutrients from the breast so needed a bottle as well. Breast is beast but if supplementing with a bottle works better then that's what's needed.

Breast is best, yes, because the milk is completely tailored to the baby feeding on it. There is also the right amount of milk (normally) for the baby to not gain too much weight. But breastfeeding is apparently extremely hard in modern society for whatever reasons (too much attention, too strict rules for weight loss / gain, etc., I think). Formula is not bad at all, it just has a bad reputation. 

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43 minutes ago, Pestneb said:

I think the main thing is that the baby is getting enough nutrition, I'm glad to hear that you have figured out a way to do that! How are you healing up from your accident?

Agreed. He needs enough food and that's all there is to say about it. My wife is a bit emotional about it still but has accepted that breastfeeding is on the way out.


I'm still a bit sore in the shoulder, especially when shaking something heavy, like a frying pan or the like, but it's got a lot better. Also my hip is still a bit swollen and I feel like there is something stuck behind my shoulder blade. Nothing too bad, though, and I have been able to exercise without pain so it's getting there. :)

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My best friend and I wanted to meet in 15 minutes. We had the whole day planned (eat, drink, play video games, people coming over tonight, drink more).

20 minutes ago I got a text: "Let's meet in 2 hours. Still at my girlfriend's place, slept too long."




I mean, is it so hard to set an alarm and wake the fuck up? He could've gotten up at 11.30am with enough time to get ready. I swear to God...this is probably confirmation bias but I'm 95% sure that his girlfriend just doesn't want him to leave and drink with me.

Yes, it's him and her. Some people know stories from the love thread.


Can't wait to see him not talking to other girls later tonight to avoid a "crysis". :laughing:


People, I'm annoyed and ready to party. I'm going to get wasted. Be ready for some drunken posts, if I can manage to hold my phone.

Edited by drahkon
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Okay so a friend of mine is going to be in a white collar boxing match. A few days ago, one of our mutual mates came up and told us about it in secret and said he was asking around for people to go because the boxer (let's call him "the boxer" so we don't get confused) thought nobody would go because he thinks people don't like him (which isn't the case) and doesn't have the greatest confidence. I said to let me think about it and I'd let him know. I didn't want to go because I get anxious and nervous in places like that and it's in a rough area. I've been before and felt on edge, like something would kick off (and it did both times I went).

Today, the boxer asked me to go and I was honest with him. He knows me better than my mate does and knows I get nervous and anxious and knows I have some problems so I told him I didn't want to go because I'd be very uncomfortable but I'd help him with anything like training or whatever and support him all the way. He was completely happy with that and I'm making a cardio circuits by his request. He also needed someone to talk to and I listened and everything was cool. We're drawing up training plans and stuff.

Tonight, my mate asks me if I'm going and I said no and told him I don't like those kind of places. He asked why and said I was the most outgoing person he knows. I said I am when I'm comfortable but I would be on edge. He was carrying on saying its for a friend who needs our support and I said I'm supporting him on everything else. He questioned if I've ever been before and I said yeah and I didn't like it and wasn't really my thing. He didn't stop and said "it might not be your thing but it's for the boxer" and I said "like I've been saying, the boxer knows and understands me" and he just said "oh well...shame".

Now I feel pressure again, which in turn, makes me feel sad and in a way, wishing I didn't have friends because life would be easier (which is stupid to think and the thought passes). Like, I definitely know the boxer is okay with me but I kind of feel like an arsehole now and part of me worries he might slag me off to everyone else and say I'm being a shit friend and stuff.

Am I being one? I just kind of feel in a lose-lose right now but I shouldn't feel like that because I know the main person it involves is perfectly okay with it and I told him the truth rather than say "yes" and let him down at the last minute because I couldn't face it.

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@Animal you're completely in the right and I understand how you feel as I wouldn't go anywhere near one of those places, you're already doing more than I would in that situation so there's no way that you should feel bad about it at all, not in the slightest.

Really, I feel like he should be appreciative that you're helping him at all as it seems like you're already doing stuff which may be out of your comfort zone perhaps? It's really rubbish of people to try and make you feel pressured into doing something that you clearly don't want to do when you're already doing your best.

Nah, sod that... you're doing the right thing by not going, not changing your mind and sticking to your guns. :peace:

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[mention=3591]Animal[/mention] you're completely in the right and I understand how you feel as I wouldn't go anywhere near one of those places, you're already doing more than I would in that situation so there's no way that you should feel bad about it at all, not in the slightest.
Really, I feel like he should be appreciative that you're helping him at all as it seems like you're already doing stuff which may be out of your comfort zone perhaps? It's really rubbish of people to try and make you feel pressured into doing something that you clearly don't want to do when you're already doing your best.
Nah, sod that... you're doing the right thing by not going, not changing your mind and sticking to your guns. :peace:
It's just annoying because the boxer is okay with it but the mutual mate felt like he was a bit funny over it. I just didn't know if I was being a dick over it or not.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

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