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Very true I was a huge famous five fan as a kid, and love the name George for a girl, so if people still call me George it's ok as it's still going to be my name :)


It's not like I'm calling myself Sissy Gloria.... ohhhh I'm such a bitch :P

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Just spent about an hour and a half trying to rationalise data with formulas that I'm not even remotely familiar with only to realise 4 things:


1) I'm using Open Office which is vastly different to Excel

2) No one at work uses Op Off.

3) None of the formula syntax even vaguely works the same (and the graphs SUCK BALLS) so I've not even gained any useful learning experience out of my time.

4) I've nothing of use.


Fucking great.

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Earlier me and my mate both need a shit at the time. He was closer to the bathroom, so he went in. I went to the downstairs W.C.


After my housemate had been to the toilet, he went and got changed. Then he assumed I was in the bathroom, having gone in after him. So he decided to go downstairs to the WC to have a wee (no idea why he hadn't already had one).


Anyway, the WC doesn't have a lock, so he walks in on me (I'm sure you know how small a WC is, and therefore how close to me he was) just as I was wiping my arse.


That's something I thought nobody would ever have to see (except maybe a nurse when I'm in my 80s).

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Just spent about an hour and a half trying to rationalise data with formulas that I'm not even remotely familiar with only to realise 4 things:


1) I'm using Open Office which is vastly different to Excel

2) No one at work uses Op Off.

3) None of the formula syntax even vaguely works the same (and the graphs SUCK BALLS) so I've not even gained any useful learning experience out of my time.

4) I've nothing of use.


Fucking great.


I'm glad we don't use any complicated formulas at work. I got everyone to move to Google Docs. Which is very handy as a lot of the stuff are shared documents, and Excel is terrible at handling those.

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I'm glad we don't use any complicated formulas at work. I got everyone to move to Google Docs. Which is very handy as a lot of the stuff are shared documents, and Excel is terrible at handling those.


The latest Excel and Office 365 handles them pretty well.


We're on 2007 here and shared documents are all right. We need to hit save to get updates from everyone else and you can't run macros on them but other than that they're ok.


We'd never be able to go to Google Docs here, I have multiple spreadsheets open with 20,000+ rows on them and I'm using data between all of them.

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Although I must say, using formulas in Excel is much easier than GDocs (as to be expected really as the latter isn't designed for that). Reminds me, I should look into that complicated results calculation thing I did a while ago...but no.

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So, my Wii no longer reads my Skyward Sword disc and since I updated my 360, I can't save my game preferences - inverted y-axis, difficulty or subtitles.


Problem with China: all consoles are chipped and getting them fixed costs about half the price of the console. Annoying.

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I love the idea 3 people out of 50 staff are expected to man the phones until 8pm, 47 doing processing. Lucky there is no queue at the moment.


That's just pure craziness! How are they honestly expecting you three to do that! Ridiculous! It's like management have no idea what's involved or something.




I've kind of had an eventful couple of days. So as you all know, I have two jobs and I have to go back and forth from the two jobs to get my hours and tell both of them what they are because "I'm in high demand". So before I started my other job, I made an agreement with my boss that my contracted hours at the shoe shop would take priority over the Card Factory, which is fair enough because Card is 0 hours at the minute and I was there first. Card were completely cool as a cucumber with it as well.


So, in my second week of having two jobs, I get my hours from Card and I show them my hours from the shoe shop. The manager at Card looked at them and said she thought it was weird that I'm suddenly in on middays when I never used to be (which is true, I've hardly ever been in on middays and now suddenly I've got three weeks where I am in midday). She said that it won't bother her and she'll still fit my hours around it.


So then I go back to the shoe shop and give them Card's hours. So the assistant manager looks and says "You do know that if we need you, you'll have to cancel your shift at Card, right?" and I asked what he meant and basically, what he's saying is that if Card arranged for me to work a shift a month ago and the day came and they needed me, I'd have to cancel the shift and Card and work for them. I said I wouldn't and that I only agreed contracted. He said it was all hours. I told him I thought it was disgusting in what he said and that it wasn't right and asked how he expected me to go to Card and say I'm not going to work there if the situation happened and he said "You'll have to think of something". I still said to him that it wouldn't happen and he said "If we need you, we need you. The manager can do that". I was like "Like Hell, they can!". He told me I still had to write the letter notifying them I have another job. So I did and I basically said "I agree that my CONTRACTED hours will take priority".


I went to the shoe shop manager the next morning and handed it in. She opened it and read it and said it was completely fine. She was a little scared that I handed in my notice. She then went on to ask if I was working at Card on Friday. I said I was and she said "Oh, no matter, there's a shift going but it's fine, I'll get someone else" so obviously somebody decided to get their big wooden spoon out...


Still, I'm glad it's all sorted and I'm glad that it happened because I know what I have to do now. Never trust the assistant manager! (I kind of knew that anyway but not to the degree about work stuff as well).


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@Animal it sounds like you're much better off without the shoe shop and you'll do better at the Card shop due to the manager being more understanding.


I've worked 0 contracted hours before and I would check your contract for things like this in case they put it in a loop hole. But regardless, they cannot ask you to drop everything on one day especially if you agreed you'd work so and so day. I would ask where this is placed in your contract and if it isn't, you're well within your right to tell them to 'do one'.

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tried to do a hip rotation stretch, where you put your ankle on your opposing knee and push the other knee down. my crook hip wouldn't even rotate enough to get my ankle on my knee. And when I released it the joint popped out of place, and back in again. >________________________<


Rang up to see if my xray had come back yet and it hasn't. Sadface.

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Horrible week at work.


Technically speaking I'm not allowed to say why....so...


Roy Al Mai L. Fl otati on



(I work in customer services for a stock brokers).


Right. There are basically 20 people in customer services, this week there were about 15 probably. Each team does a week on admin every three weeks, this basically means that there should have been 5 people doing admin and 10 people on the phones. I rarely saw more than 5 people on the phones. On Thursday we took 429 calls, and I took 96 of those - go figure.


It was call after call solid all week.


What pissed me off as well as one of my pals is involved in the actual project so had to go to meetings and do call backs and stuff (instead of taking call after call), then a manager said yesterday "Go home and have a well earned break!" as he left. I barely saw him do any work from Wed-Fri.


Some lazy cunts in there.


I also basically am bored to tears of customer services now. 8 years is enough.

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My iPhone is broke :( Completely out of the blue as well. It has been working perfectly fine, then I went to get it out of my locker at work yesterday and the battery was flat. A bit weird, I thought, as it had about 60% battery when I left it, but I thought maybe I'd left a lot of apps on in the background or something.


Anyway I got home and charged it and once again it seemed fine (to 100%) but by the time I'd woken up it had already dropped to 20%. So I thought there may be a problem with a battery but then... I tried charging it again, and it had the logo to say it was plugged in but didn't charge at all.


I tried all sorts of combinations, USB Wall plug, USB in computer, my spare USB in the computer, USB on Wii and finally putting it into my iPod dock. None of them would charge it. Now I'm all out of battery and don't know what to do. My warranty is out and I just paid for a holiday D:


..From what I can tell, it will take me ages to get it fixed and will cost a shit ton. Uuuuugh.

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I had to break up with my girlfriend and it was heartbreaking!

She's from Mexico and was over here studying when we met and started dating. She went back to Mexico after her studies but came back to give us a go and see how things went. We'd been together almost a year and unfortunately her visa expired so she had to go back to Mexico.


The difficult thing is that the visa restrictions are really tight for her and she couldn't get another visa to come here unless we married and I wasn't at a point in the relationship to be ready for that... long distance just doesn't work and this is as long distance as it gets. So unfortunately I had to end things, the worst thing of all is having to hurt her. I hated that.

It's been a really difficult time, It's crap that we've been victims of circumstance but it ending is for the best.

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