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Just casually ask her about it then, something simple like talk about the photo and ask "good night out then?" or something like that. It could just be that she likes the way she looked in the photo or that it was infact a good night out.


It wasn't from a night out as such they are just stood there somewhere. URGH FUCK!


I dunno the fact that we've had a whole host of arguments really doesn't help.

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^ Stupid question maybe but... what was it doing in the bath?


Not a lot, just skulking around as spiders do. I should say though, it's not a real pet or anything, but my girlfriend loves spiders and thinks they are lucky, so whenever she spots one she does everything she can to keep it around rather than hoover it up or swat it or any of the other things I'd do to them.

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My day was going alright until lunch time today.


I took my phone out to see a missed call and a voicemail message from my Dad. This rarely happens during work, so I don't know what to expect. I certainly wasn't expecting what the message said.


Him and my Mum were in hospital, looking after my Sister who was in A&E. She took an overdose this morning. Attempted suicide.


My mind just froze. I became totally unable to move or think. I was completely floored.


The rest of the day at work, I was unable to focus on what I had to do. Couldn't connect with customers or complete tasks. I left 10 minutes early to catch the early train home, still numb from the day.


I get home and see my family, minus my Sister. She's in intensive care. The doctors say she'll be fine in a couple of days, and they've had to get a specialist in from Newcastle and an antidote shipped down from London to help. She'll be inside for a few days.


I was able to keep the tears back until my Dad handed me a piece of paper.


My sister had written me a suicide note. She was seriously attempting to end it all. I burst in to tears.


I feel completely numb.



I realise this is heavy stuff to be sharing on a public forum but I don't know what to do with myself. I just can't get my head around it.


Sorry guys.

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It's what we're here for, bro.


it's heavy shit, but I hope you don't feel guilty or responsible at all. The term 'cry for help' doesn't need to be a negative one - she may have thought she wanted to end it but now you and your family can give her the care and attention she needs to get back on track.


Your workplace should be able to give you some leave for a few days if you need it - take it if you do. Give us a buzz if you want to chat about anything at all.


*fist bump*

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Sorry to hear about your Sister Dyson... :(


I hope that she makes a full recovery and that you and your family are able to get through this and come through the end of it all stronger somehow, sorry I'm not much of an inspiration when it comes to consoling people :/ but I wish you all the best and I hope everything will work itself out.



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I realise this is heavy stuff to be sharing on a public forum but I don't know what to do with myself. I just can't get my head around it.


Sorry guys.

When you see her Give her a slap and tell her you love her.


That must have felt awful! I can remember freezing once, over something far less, so god knows how you must have felt! Hope she's ok and you can all work through it with her.

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Dude that's awful, so so sorry to hear :(


Your workplace should be able to give you some leave for a few days if you need it - take it if you do. Give us a buzz if you want to chat about anything at all.


To add to this from what I recall Game will give you compassionate leave. Granted it is normally for deaths but I think given the circumstances they absolutely should anyway. If your manager says no (which I can't imagine he would as I believe you said he's a fairly decent bloke) then speak to HR/the trade union.


Anyway that aside my thoughts are with you and your family.

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Fucking hell Dyson, can't understand what that feels like. I don't know how you managed to carry on working.


I'm sure no one on the forum begrudges you opening up on the forum, it's good to get stuff off your chest.


Hopefully it all works out.

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Thanks to everyone for the support. It genuinely helps. Been playing some Terraria to get my mind off of it and it's already 10pm, which is nice :smile:


Hoping to go and see her at hospital tomorrow. She's been asking for me and I want to see her. I just can't believe she got to this stage.


Did you have any resemblance of an idea that she had such tendencies?


She suffers from depression. A few years ago she did something similar, through self harm, but she got a lot of help. It wasn't as severe either, and it was somewhat expected.


In recent years she's really come in to her own. She's got back on her feet and has sorted out her life bigtime - she's been seeing her boyfriend for what must be over 2 years. He's a great guy. She's got a job sorted. She's just finished an access course. And most importantly, or so it seemed, she's been happy. Our relationship has never been better.


The fact that this came out of the blue is what hurt the most. I was under the impression that things were OK. I think I might be underestimating depression - it really can destroy you, it seems. I'm starting to think, also, that she might be bi-polar, but I don't know enough about that to start theorizing.


As far as work are concerned, my manager (now a woman, the previous guy moved to another store) is generally very supportive but is off this week. The senior sales is a good friend of mine and has said I can take it easy over the next few days - I think if I ask for time off they'll let me, but it might help keep my mind occupied.


Again, thanks for all your kind messages. It's a big help. :heart: you all.

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I hope your sister gets better Dyson. I love you!


My aunt suffers from depression and she's cut herself a few times. I wasn't even told about it for a long time =\ she's my dad's sister (parents are separated) but it was my mum who ended up telling me. She spoke about it as if I already knew and was surprised when I said that's the first I'd heard about it. It sucks that I couldn't have even been there for her at the time.

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Whoa. I almost never come into these threads, but seeing this... I need to say: I wish you and your sister all the best. You need to believe that things are going to get better, so keep your head up and stay strong, mate.

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