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What contest was that?


Also, what seat number? I'm happy you've won, but going to be heavily displeased if you've got a better seat than me. :nono:


Contest in a local newspaper.


No idea about the seats, only information I've received so far is when my Eurostar train leaves and what hotel I'll be staying in heh. I don't even know what types of different seats there are heh.

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Well went well enough I guess. First day was mainly just introduction stuff and then started on the actuall course work, looking at and identifying the insides of a PC and then explainations etc. I had a rough idea things were, but flipping through the book looks like it gonna get fairly intensive as the weeks go on, though I guess that's the point. It's a 20 week course afterall. But I reckon I'll enjoy it and hopefully come out of it with a passing result :D


Only one day a week is in a classroom the rest of the week is online at home, never done a course like that so a little worried about the "at home" stuff so we'll see how that goes tomorrow

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Had a very hectic week or so.


Went to an evening lecture about press regulation last Wednesday, was a tad disappointing because the head of the Press Complaints Commission, Baroness Buscombe, pretty much ignored all questions on phone hacking and got into a massive argument with a journo from The Guardian. After the lecture, drunk 3 free glasses of wine in about 30 mins, then proceeded to the SU and whiskey bar for more drinks until half 3 in the morning. Got up at half 5 very drunk, did some uni work and left at 7 to begin training to work at the Olympics!


Had this for the last 4 days, pretty much guaranteed a position working as a Commentary Systems Operator next summer. Got pretty much top marks in all the tests so hopefully I will be posted to the Olympic Stadium. And it is paid £100 a day!


The training warehouse was all the way over in Beckton, East London. Took an hour and a half each morning to get there from Islington. It was a wasteland. Absolutely nothing there. I refuse to class it as London. Glad I never have to go back there again!


Friday night I had friends over for some casual drinks, ended up being an all nighter with 2am McDonald's and sneaking into old Highbury Stadium. Standing on the pitch was just amazing. I was in heaven. I suggest any gooner should try to get in. It's just beautiful.


In other news, I won two tickets to the Zelda concert! It clashes with an Arsenal match I was meant to go to, but everyone has told me to go to Zelda instead! No idea where my seats are, but I'm looking forward to it. Been quite lucky with winning competitions this year!

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In other news, I won two tickets to the Zelda concert! It clashes with an Arsenal match I was meant to go to, but everyone has told me to go to Zelda instead! No idea where my seats are, but I'm looking forward to it. Been quite lucky with winning competitions this year!


haha, how many people from here have won tickets to the concert now? 3?

I'd say go to the Zelda concert too, they'll always be other Arsenal matches, I don't know if Nintendo would plan on doing these concerts again (least till maybe the 30th anniversary)


(though make sure to get a good price on those Arsenal tickets :wink:)

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haha, how many people from here have won tickets to the concert now? 3?

I'd say go to the Zelda concert too, they'll always be other Arsenal matches, I don't know if Nintendo would plan on doing these concerts again (least till maybe the 30th anniversary)


(though make sure to get a good price on those Arsenal tickets :wink:)


The arsenal ticket was only a tenner as its only the Carling Cup, but I was meant to be going with my mum and brother cos it is their half term next week. Ah well. Maybe my dad will take my place!

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Gotta love it when you google for the n-europe forums and the 2nd suggestion is "n-europe jordan" :-D


if only i could remember what i originally googled the forums for then i would be fine :P


Hah, I googled N-europe earlier on my iPhone for the forums and that was the second thing that came up too.

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Still going fine. Managed to wire my 360 to the PC, no more random cut-offs for the time being at least.


Training for taxes has gone well, enjoyable and much preferred over talking to tax credit customers. Recommended, if you like challenging work.

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Got sent a job description through Uni for a marketing position at a web design company. Doesn't pay particularly well (15-18k) but that job description was basically describing what I did for my dissertation and what I've done countless times since (set up Adwords campaigns, manage them, keyword research for SEO) so thought I should send me CV over to them.


I'm pretty much earning at least 18k a year anyway but as I'm very qualified for the job they might raise it a bit... It would also mean no evening/weekend work.

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Spotify is now on Blackberry.


It's actually brilliant for a few go too, not had any issues yet and there's only like three of us in the office with blackberrys so I'll be keeping an eye on people's issues.




Also doing well at work again, so thats good.

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Work's been draining the last few days. We're meant to get 4 targets, since I've started I've had 1 1 1 2 2 1 0 ... then today. Got to lunch and I was saying to my manager "I appreciate being given this job but I just feel that I'm doing rubbish work and not providing anything for the company. I know that I'm on course for being let-go this friday, I just want you to know that I am trying, I just must be doing something wrong."


Proceed to being taken under the wing of the office Jedi for the last 3 hours of the day. He's taught me some excellent tactics and I managed to get 3 targets in 3 hours, better than a few others in the office. I actually feel like I am doing my job properly now and able to pay my keep. The contract is allegedly only until next friday but I'd like to do a good job by then in order to get a good reference and be considered for re-hire further down the line.


So yeah - first time I've come home from work with a smile on my face!


Also sold something on amazon so I got a desperately-needed £10 to see me through to friday. Ran out of smokes, nearly ran out of food, had no booze for days and just generally felt like shit. So today I bought some smokes and a sandwich for lunch and I have enough for lunch tomorrow then it's friday and wooooo money! That I have to pay out in debts, mostly, but still! Money! Job I can do! Excellent!

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I spent some of my day :


- transferring my monies into Euros, for when I visit Belgium and then go to Disneyland with her family.


- Hula hooping in the garden, wearing nowt but my underwear and trainers (fuck yeah!)


- Learning how to use a skipping rope properly (wearing the same attire). Double fuck yeah, as it was pretty fun and I'm better at it than I have ever been before.


- Hooped and Skipped whilst listening to Queens of the Stone Age. :D


Quite a nice little day. Better than the farce that was last week, which I'll go into a bit later.

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Me and the Irish-German (German by descent but went to Ireland for uni and now has a thick Irish accent so...you know) lecturer were quoting The Smiths lyrics to each other in the photocopier room. It's almost like 500 Days of Summer...but with less sexual undertones.

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