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I hate the dentist. Its childish I know but they creep me out. Probably because when I was young and getting an injection in my gum for whatever reason they said to me "you have nice tight gums, which means it hurts more." Thanks, creepy fucker.

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I never felt any pain with my wisdom teeth. I didn't even realise I had any until the orthodontist said I had to have them taken out. So now I have them coming through on the top but none on the bottom.


As I have braces I've got to have an operation where my bottom jaw will be cut, slid forwards and have titanium(I think) plates in it to hold it in place so that it can heal again. (Tha plates won't come out unless they cause problems.) Damn overbite.

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Slipping when getting out of the shower, and smashing my jaw on the sink on the way down... fortunatly only a chipped tooth, that hurt alot surprisingly.


other than that... it's just the standard wisdom tooth pain.

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Potentially an incredibly dull thread, but I haven't slept for two days a result of incredibly painful wisdom teeth coming through and feel the need to talk / whine about it.


Get all 4 of those bastards extracted ASAP. Their only function is to cause grief and misery

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I remember the dentist talked about me probably needing braces when I was younger.. and for that reason, I did everything to avoid going for as long as possible :eek:


The problem is, I regret not getting braces now as my teeth aren't all that great :hmm: I think this may be one of the reasons I never really smile :sad:

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I remember the dentist talked about me probably needing braces when I was younger.. and for that reason, I did everything to avoid going for as long as possible :eek:


The problem is, I regret not getting braces now as my teeth aren't all that great :hmm: I think this may be one of the reasons I never really smile :sad:


i was in a similar circumstance, avoiding braces, and while my teeth aren't crooked, they're by no means tidy.


also sensative teeth sucks too! Sensodyne and what not dont really help me all that much.

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I've had braces, which havn't really done a lot of good. Probably because the orthodontist i went to was useless. He was meant to have booked me in to get my wisdom teeth taken out (or the ones before them, can't remember), and i never had them out. Thus i had 2 or 3 years of pain from the braces being adjusted, and tellings off because they broke (not my fault if he put the metal bit on wonkey) for absolutly nothing. Because a year or so after the braces were removed and the treatment with the retainers was complete, they started to return to wonkey-ness. I was referred back to the orthodontest, but never went.


I have had a tooth out though, at the front. Apparantly it is to ease the congestion around the area, because i was un-able to clean 2 teeth properly so they were beginning to cavity up. Was told that if it began to hurt (the tooth removal) to tell the dentist at once. It did hurt, but not until the tooth was actually out.


I've had a filling, but that was my own fault from drinking Coke/bottled water for nearly a fortnight and being un-able to brush my teeth effectively (was abroad, the tap water is crap).


Wisdom teeth pain = arghh. Excrutiating pain when they came through the gums, but i did find that Ambesol worked a treat to exterminate the pain. It is basically an anesthetic/anti-biotic mixture which numbs the area for several hours within minutes. Only problem with it was that it wasn't a counter-product, it was really meant for prescriptions/hidden in a cupboard for last resort in the chemist i went to (well, the liquid was (which was stronger and better)). Other than that, it was the best product i used. Beat the leading brand.


I don't mind the dentist, he's a good chap. I don't mind visiting the dentist either. It is nice to know if your teeth are ok with no problems, than to not go and probably be plagued with problems when you do eventually go.

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Phew, glad this thread isn't about the movie as I wanted to have a moan :P


My teeth are shite. Chipped six of them, had braces but gave up on the retainer so they've gone fairly 'british' on me and huddled up in weird angles. Top two wisdom teeth are fully through now, bottom two face the rest of my teeth rather than upwards and get shit caught in there all the time.


I rarely eat sweet food, and cold stuff hurts. Pretty sure I need twelve fillings. Not been to the dentists in years pretty much only because of how fucking expensive that shit is so I'd rather just let them slowly rot away.

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I've been dealing with three wisdom teeth coming through over the past few months. I have never felt pain like it. I haven't found anything that has helped the pain either.


Overall though I've been lucky with my teeth, no serious problems so far. I did, at one point when I was younger, have a tooth grow behind another making my mouth look like some shark-human hybrid thing which wasn't pleasant and I had to have that taken out.

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I hit my tooth on a concrete pillar when I was 3/4 this hit my baby tooth and caused my adult to grow out 9mm and it had a brown stain on it, like birth mark colour.


From this I had to wait til I was 11 to have braces, I had braces until I was 14, from there my teeth were finally straight, but then I had to have four teeth removed to make space. Then I had to have my front tooth capped - which for anyone who has had a cap it's quite awful.


From there I've had a wisdom tooth out, I still have two titainium bars on the back row of both top and bottom of my teeth, left from when I had braces, yes I still should have them, but they are irritating.


That's the shortened version.

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I once was in a daily routine of brushing my teeth morning and evening, but I still had a lot of holes in my teeth. I slipped out of the routine, and bad conscience has now made me brush my teeth very thoroughly when I get around to doing it. The ironic things is that I now suffer a lot less from holes.


When I was a kid, my upper teeth were 9 mm in front of my lower teeth, so I had two upper teeth removed and then got braces to push them back into place. At this point I had already had a tooth removed because of some infection underneath it (painful!), and it took me quite by surprise that the tooth was out before I even realised they had been pulling it. It was a kid's tooth, so no missing teeth there. However, the two teeth I had to have removed for my dental correction were grown-up teeth, and while there was still no pain (thank the heavens for anaesthetics), it was not a pleasant experience to feel and listen to pieces of your cranium being pulled out.


Anyway, I got my braces (the pain when they tightened them was unpleasant to say the least) and even had one of those elastic belts around my neck to further pull my teeth back. Afterwards my teeth were actually very pretty, and I got little metal threads on the back of my teeth as well as a retainer that I have to sleep with to prevent the teeth from reverting to their original positions. Unfortunately my teeth seem to be slipping ever so slowly back. I just hope it won't end up looking too bad.


In general I'm not fond of the dentist. Just the whole procedure of having hands and plastic and metal equipment in my mouth is not my thing, and I just HATE pain in my head and teeth. I think one of the most intense pains I've ever experienced is the pain when they inject anaesthetic fluid into my gums. Holy [----------CENSORED----------] it's painful, and yet even when half of my entire cranium is completely numb, I can still feel it when they hit some nerves in the hole they're fixing!


Still, it's not like I have a fear of dentists. The ones I've met have all been nice people, so at least I feel safe around them. I just hate the pain! >_<

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The only exciting story I've got is I once chipped a tooth in a moshpit. Didn't really hurt, just suddenly noticed that half of my tooth was floating around in pieces in my mouth. Ironically now that it's replaced I can't even remember which one it was; one of the front bottom, but dunno which.


Other than that I have fairly average teeth. No fillings or braces, don't brush them as often as I should but I get away with it somehow.

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My teeth have been fine for a while. However, I haven't been to the dentists for years (it's expensive and I really don't like it).


Also, a couple of my wisdom teeth are coming through, although oddly it's not painful. My top left one seems to be growing at an angle, and according to wikipedia these usually get removed. Which means that I really, really don't ever want to go to a dentists ever again. I'm fine with my misaligned wisdom tooth.

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My teeth have been fine for a while. However, I haven't been to the dentists for years (it's expensive and I really don't like it).


Also, a couple of my wisdom teeth are coming through, although oddly it's not painful. My top left one seems to be growing at an angle, and according to wikipedia these usually get removed. Which means that I really, really don't ever want to go to a dentists ever again. I'm fine with my misaligned wisdom tooth.

Mine didn't hurt and one has grown at an angle, but my dentist has said nothing about removing it :)

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This is how my wisdom teeth grew in. That vessel running below your teeth supplies oxygen and blood to the rest of your teeth.


If a misaligned wisdom tooth gets impacted (and it usually does), not only will it cause excruciating pain, it can choke off that vessel and start killing your other teeth


Just saying..

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I hope I'm not the only one who's had no trouble with their teeth...I brush them twice a day without fail and I use mouthwash after brushing them at all times. The only trouble I had with my teeth was when my wisdom teeth started. It hurt like hell but people were amazed that it came through within 24 hours. Other than that, people think I've had them whitened when I haven't. My teeth aren't straight (the top ones are but the bottom ones are crooked a little) but they're very white.

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Toothache is the worst pain in the entire world. I totally sympathise with you on this. I was suffering from the most fucking arduous toothache ever when the Wii was launched. I think I battled through the majority of Twilight Princess heaving to the taste of oil of cloves in my mouth.


I stank and I cried. Such misery. I would never wish toothache upon anyone.

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I grind my teeth a lot, and i've gone through one filling about 4 times. That's caused me more pain than anything. It's more a general jaw pain than specific tooth pain.


When one of my wisdom teeth came through it came in a way that it was nearly IMPOSSIBLE to clean, and I have a filling in it.

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I had braces when I was 10 or so and really, I didn't have them long as they seems to sort out any issues (they corrected my slight overbite which is good). Had a few fillings as well but nothing for years now.


But I'm not a huge fan of dentists. Not because I'm scared but rather I dislike them as a result of something happening there. So I had to get two teeth taken out. Fair enough, and I knew it wasn't really an issue. Well, I thought it wouldn't be anyway but that was until I had to have them removed. For some reason, the dentist (a lady who's actually very chatty and a really nice person when she's not prodding around your mouth) couldn't seem to get the needle in the right place to initiate the numbing but she got it in on either side some place and decided to have a crack at taking the teeth out.


Anyone who has had teeth taken out know the drill. Basically, the get a pair of plier and crush and then pull the tooth out. Yeh, not in my case. She starts pulling and it's bloody agony. The numbing hasn't worked. So back to the needle and another 2 injections. Still doesn't work. 4 injections later, and my upper lip feeling like it's slid off of my face, she finally manages to get the things out. Absolutely ridiculous and horrible experience. Took forever for the numbing effect to wear off. :nono:

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