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Those little things in life that seldom get discussed. We all like requited love, wining on scratch cards and a spiffy new outfit but the little things? The day to day but still enjoyable things?


  • The inside of a house at night only illuminated by outside sources (the moon, street lights etc)
  • The feeling of getting into a cold bed and warming up
  • Being nudged by a pet's head when it wants attention
  • Sprawling out on the floor after a bath and air drying


Hopefully you get the idea. Personal things that you like/enjoy that often go unmentioned. And perhaps just thinking of them will brighten your day :)


(I didn't just watch Amelie...)

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- hearing birds sing

- seeing wild animals (like rabbits in the field, or deer, or herons or woodpeckers)

- getting an unexpected compliment from someone, especially if they don't do it often

- the smell of rain on the streets, mmm

- having clouds pass over and sunbeams shooting through them and lighting up spots on the field behind the house


(sun like this)



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Twilight. I didn't think I'd like it but I do so that surprised me but if we're on about the littlest things in life, then it has to be getting into a freezing cold bed in winter and warming up. I have no idea why but it makes me smile. I also like looking out of my window and looking up at the night sky when it's full of stars and a full moon just wondering about the future.

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Awesome thread :) Off the top of my head:


-The sound of rain when you're trying to sleep;

-The aroma of the sea;

-A clear, starry sky (preferably with a full moon);

-The smell of dew in the morning (I usually only truly appreciate it when I go camping, but it's still amazing);

-Petting a purring cat in your lap;

-Bubble wrap :heh:


Now I feel like watching Amélie again...

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Walking through the fields near my parents home at sunset/twilight, there's something so magical about watching the golden circle of the sun fade over the hills, to be replaced by the gentle flickering glow of the lights in the farms and cottages that dot the winding lanes filled with wild grass and the soft sound of birds and chirping insects.


It's something China can never hope to replicate, so I miss it dearly.

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- I love the feeling of drizzle. All those people who use umbrellas are really missing out.

- A cat rolling over (for a stroke) when you go near it, and letting out a tiny meow to get your attention.

- A cat meowing at you in a tone that essentially means "Oi! You! Stop what you're doing and stroke me now!"

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Just walking around outside at nighttime or at sunrise/sunset. Especially in the summer when it never gets completely dark nor terribly cold. That's a lovely feeling. :)


I gotta admit its all about this! I love watching the sunrise/sunset.....recently coming back from a night out at about 5am and the sun was coming out....bloody beautiful! Love pinky skies as well in the evening.....

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- the smell of rain on the streets, mmm



i love that. when it's been scorching hot for a few days, and we get a sudden downpour. that smell of rain on bone try streets is lovely.


the smell of cut grass is nice too... again another summer smell that you miss during the winter months.


i love it when it's frosty in a morning or snowy and the crunch noise your footsteps make on the frost / snow.


i love it when it's hammering down with rain outside and you've got to run from your car into your house, when you do your like... 'aahh home' and can just dry off and relax.


i love the sound of thunder, especially when it's one of them hot muggy summer nights with a random thunder storm. their especially spectacular in Mauritius (I love that place <3 )


i love the smell of my dads curry when i go see my parents, he'll never lose that art of curry cooking ;)


i love it when your in bed and you just feel the bottom of the bed sorta fold in and then cat steps climbing up the bed to your chest area to get a nice warm hug from your cat (doesnt happen anymore now i've moved out... i want a cat :( )


i love it that if i wake myself up in the night from a particular bad dream if i have one when i wake up my girlfriend is led next to me and i can just relax.


i love it in winter nights when you've got the curtains drawn shut by like 5pm as it's pitch black outside, and all we've got on in the living room is the fire and a little lamp, and we're snug on the sofa watching anything.. it's just a nice cosy feeling.


i love the buzz of wrapping presents for christmas and get more excited about them opening the presents i've got them then wanting to open any that i recieve.


yeah i'm a soppy 23 year old!

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This + intimacy = my top moments ever. Just lying in bed listening to that heavy rain with someone you love... it's absolutely perfect. Especially when it's really cold.


D'aww :D.


- Rain against windows when you're sleeping, last night was awesome for instance as it rained quite a bit.

- Driving when its sunny, windows down, sunglasses on, music up

- The smell of baking, it's such a lovely smell

- A cold glass against your forehead when its warm.


I have so so many. But I'll keep a lid on it to keep the thread going.

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i love it when it's frosty in a morning or snowy and the crunch noise your footsteps make on the frost / snow.


This, but in the same vain:

- When it's Autumn and fallen leaves are covering the street. The crunchy sound they make when you step on them is great. I often end up walking all funny just to crunch as many leaves as possible. =D


- When your hands are covered in a certain type of glue, and you let it dry and afterwards you can peel it off. Just love doing that and reminds me of being a kid. =)

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My two at the moment,


Dancing when no one is looking. Thise means both in private and in more crowded places when no one is looking.


And, singing while cycling around London - usually with my headphones blaring around my neck.


And then normally I love getting up early because I want to and not because I have to.


Also, my big time favorite, sitting in absolute silence. Or siting in silence with someone.

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Haha Jay, you are bizarre. But at least you're honest.


- Singing lots and lots, I enjoy singing thoroughly all the time, I don't particularly care that I sing quite badly

- That first text of the day with somebody you like

- Butterflies, butterflies in your stomach that is, awesome feeling. Must happen more often!

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Love this thread :hehe:


As Daft said, dancing when no one is looking.


Feet hanging off the end of the bed yet still being warm.


Remembering what other well known film that actor appeared in.


Being able to talk to people in the smoke area after having to shout my lungs out whilst in the club.


An advert on Spotify that's actually quite useful.


Hell, the rare useful adverts in general.


Sounds. Leaves in the wind, the rain at night, waves crashing, a fire crackling.


Reading a review of a record I like that not only also rates it, but puts exactly what I feel about it into words I could not.



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Great thread.



. The feeling when you turn the pillow over to the cold side, especially during the summer.

. Singing along too music and thinking i'm actually good.

. Air drumming to anything with a beat.

. The view from my window in winter.

. When a song you've not heard for ages comes on and reminds you've of a good time in your life. (For me, when Empire State of Mind by Alicia Keys. Reminds me of my trip to the Big Apple :))

. Going for a run at night when no one is about, with my iPod for company.

Edited by Jon
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