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A true gentleman (or woman) never lets a birthday go by unnoticed! And since today is someone's special day, I present to you, a cake!






Happy birthday to you Sprout!


I hope you have a nice day, and of course that there's many more to follow! Also, here, have an army of deku scrubs to celebrate! =P




Woot! Happy birthday, Sprout! :yay:


May your party be filled with as much fun and enjoyment as those dancing Deku scrubs.

Just try to not boil any monkeys alive, okay?


A true gentleman should always thank a beautiful lady for creating a birthday thread for him. And of course thank anyone who wishes him a happy birthday as well!


So yes! Thank you all veeeeery much!


Oh yeah, bit late to say, but thanks for that N-E award too. =P

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