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Unemployment, travelling and smoking thread. Apparently.


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Sick sick sick of unemployment. Absolutely had it up to here with it. There's nothing around at all; and I have no doubt that all the school/college/uni leavers have it the same right now. All the skilled workers are being put out of a job and are taking the jobs that people like me would be taking at this kind of time.


What is there to do? I've signed on, I'm searching for jobs every week, and nothing is suitable. Either everyone wants you to have 2 years experience working in the field or a full driving license and your own car. Which wouldn't be so hard to achieve if I had a job in the first place!


So yeah, grumble grumble. Right now I just feel like I'm alone, but I know I'm not. Anyone else feeling the strain right now?

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It's a pile of dried wank, this unemployment lark.


I fucking abhor going in to sign on. And I just look for jobs on the internets knowing full well that there is no suitable job for me or the jobs require something I don't have. Which, in my case, would be EVERYTHING. (Experience, qualifications, driving license etc.)


I might as well give up on looking for work and go back into education. Even though when I finished my GCSE's only three years ago and found out I wasn't going to go into 6th Form I planned on never returning.


But when it comes to me doing education again, I can't see it. I know that when it comes to me revising and writing essays, I won't be arsed because it's something I won't be entirely keen on and therefore won't put my full effort into it. Therefore finishing the course with a shit grade and being in pretty much the same position as I am now but with one extra sub-par qualification on my CV.

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It's a pile of dried wank, this unemployment lark.


I fucking abhor going in to sign on. And I just look for jobs on the internets knowing full well that there is no suitable job for me or the jobs require something I don't have. Which, in my case, would be EVERYTHING. (Experience, qualifications, driving license etc.)


I might as well give up on looking for work and go back into education. Even though when I finished my GCSE's only three years ago and found out I wasn't going to go into 6th Form I planned on never returning.


But when it comes to me doing education again, I can't see it. I know that when it comes to me revising and writing essays, I won't be arsed because it's something I won't be entirely keen on and therefore won't put my full effort into it. Therefore finishing the course with a shit grade and being in pretty much the same position as I am now but with one extra sub-par qualification on my CV.


You basically summed up exactly what I'm going through right now. I know the thing to do would be to go back in to education but after dropping out of Uni it's not gonna happen. The thought of having to pay off 8k is daunting enough as it is right now, let alone 25-30k.


I'll take whatever I can get for now. Unfortunately, there's nothing to take.

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I'm just entering this world, so I'm still full of cheer and hope :D Different from you, though, is I have rent and bills to try and cover each week. And I've signed a twelve month contract so... yeah. I'm way more screwed then you.



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pretty much the same position as I am now but with one extra sub-par qualification on my CV.


True, but the financial situation could have changed by then and there could be more jobs.



Seriously, I have no idea how I got my current job. Apparently quite a few people went for it and only 3 of us got offered jobs. The other 2 people have experience on tills and stuff, and I've never worked anywhere but a factory. I suppose it could be because I mentioned that I prefer working nights, but I still had no relevant experience at all.

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It is shit to be out of work but there are jobs out there, you just have to keep slogging away until you manage to get hold of one. Can be very demoralizing while you're looking but something will come up eventually.

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Unemployment really shouldn't worry me whilst I'm at university, but it truly does!


My dad's worked for 31 years and only this year has he had to seek help from the dole, stupid country. I've found jobs, luckily, but nobody wants to take me on because again I have little experince, but I can't gain any experince unless somebody employs me!


I hope the car which means I can travel a fair distance for work, but I'm struggling to even find a placement for unpaid work! Never mind paid work :(

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It just seems to be about luck. I applied for a job, the person there ripped up my CV and threw it away. He then spotted something he was looking for and employed me for a different position. Annoyingly, it's only 20 hours a week, but after over 6 months of no work I had finally found something.


I think it'll be a very long time until I have a job for which I'll have to start paying my student loans back.

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Been looking for a job since I finished Uni in April. I've applied at some places and not heard back. I already have a slightly part time job, in that I work when a person can't do a shift. That's been keeping me afloat for a while but I need a change of environment because I've been working at that place for about 4 or 5 years. About a 2 years of that is working on a till. *le sigh*

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Strangely I've been sans job for five months and still don't consider myself unemployed. I was at uni which kept me busy and since finishing had a bit of time to prep for my holiday and then go on it. Anyway yes, that unemployed feeling has yet to hit me.


I probably need to get a job at some point, but need to sort out what im doing with my life to figure out what kind of job I need. But (perhaps naively) I always think I can head back to Game.

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i've been a combination of really lucky and really determined.


i lost my job back in april (you may remember my outrage at being fired by email!!) and refused to go to the job centre for anything more than to use their computers to find job adverts. they tried to get me to join one of those CV and interview class things - even telling me that it was an interview to trick me into going!! but i walked out. with gumtree, lots of legwork and persistence and many many interviews/trial shifts i got myself a job within about a month of getting laid off.


woo for me.


but yeah - it's demoralizing, not having work... ESPECIALLY when you have to go do your super budget shopping in sainsburys and get served by some cretinous overweight greasy teenage mother who's evidently spent all her till-jockey job money on tacky argos "MUM" jewelery.... and those inexplicable little golden dolly necklaces. god they're horrible!! /rant.

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To be honest, I feel pretty pissed off about it, too. I've done a four year degree that specialises in teaching, went to a pretty good uni to do that too, I've got the experience too from being on placement...and yet I'm still sending off applications without hearing a thing back. I've had mates who have got jobs from sending off one application form, or others who didn't even send off one at all! How is that fair?


Every application form asks for the same things, but in a different order. Worse still, some insist on you submitting it handwritten. Why?! At least with the typed applications you can copy and paste your list of previous jobs and placements, it looks neater, it's quicker...it just defies all logic to hand-write it.


My housemate from Brighton sent off two application forms, after his girlfriend's Mother (who is a Teacher) recommended him to two schools, including the one she works at. Two applications, two interviews, and he got a job from one of them. Some people get all the luck.

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I'm probably about to re-join the unemployment world, once my work has finished with its 44 redundancies of which i am in the high risk category. I placed my appeal to HR today in a sealed envelope, so have to see how that goes.


I hated it last time i was out of work, 8 months to be honest and i don't really wish to return to the world of dole junkies (sorry, only way to describe them)

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I feel the same way, its crap not having any money.

I hear people in the job centre talking about how theyve ctually done nothing, and it enfuriates me that i try my hardest yet recieve the same money.

Iv applied for more than 50 jobs in town, and meadowhall, alone! About to phone a company as we speak.

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