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Dreams of Penguins. Oft Kinky.


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Just remembered a weird dream I had a couple of nights ago. It was more what I'd call a 'sensual dream' with a faceless man, just sort of floating around and never quite touching. I think Hoppipolla was on in the background, which is weird because it's a lovely song but not my favourite in the world and I haven't heard in ages.

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Just remembered a weird dream I had a couple of nights ago. It was more what I'd call a 'sensual dream' with a faceless man, just sort of floating around and never quite touching. I think Hoppipolla was on in the background, which is weird because it's a lovely song but not my favourite in the world and I haven't heard in ages.


For some reason, I just thought of the Massive Attack video for tear-drop. First thing that came into my mind.


Or, maybe Nic Cage/Travolta in Face/Off.

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John Lennon and Paul McCartney were round my house and we were just chilling, getting pissed. Paul wanted to go out, but my mates weren't up for doing anything. So John said "just tell them it's the Beatles. They know where you live, right?" but I didn't want a bazillion people turning up and wrecking the place. So we sat and watched telly instead.


Probably the most boring dream ever.

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For some reason, I just thought of the Massive Attack video for tear-drop. First thing that came into my mind.


Or, maybe Nic Cage/Travolta in Face/Off.

The one with the floating plastic baby? lol, it wasn't quite like that but I love the image! He was faceless because I can't remember if he had a specific face, hate how the memory of a dream is so forgettable.

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I had a dream, more a nightmare I suppose, of somebody chasing me through streets similar to 'Sin city', for some reason I was safe when I was in a field, yet as soon as I crossed the barb wire it tangled in my legs and start cutting me.


So it was basically that constantly and trying to find light. I was doing this with a woman, I cannot remember who, but she kept telling me where to go, where to run away from this shadow persony thing.


My legs hurt now, think I was scratching them in my sleep. ow..

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I've just realised I haven't had a dream (that I remember) for ages. I used to love waking up just after having an amazing dream...I miss it...lol.


I'm trying to remember some dreams I've had but all I'm coming up with are some recurring nightmares I used to have.


One was simply me being lowered into a pit where hundreds of purple tentacles are trying to grab me.


Another is one where I coming home (for some odd reason in my dreams my house is always my old house I lived in when I was really really young), it's night time and I try to turn on the lights but they won't come on, none of them and I get really freaked out, it doesn't sound scary, but for some reason in the dream it's horrifying.


There's one nightmare I remember really vividly, to the point where when I woke up I thought it had really happened. I was dreaming of a normal day, I was with my mum and gf and it was really nice, having a good time etc when a car drives into into my mum and oddly a helicopter flies past really close, the blades miss me but get my gf...thats when I woke up pretty much in tears :S


Wow I'm really depressed now...

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Who was it that dreamt about Dyson the other day?


Anyway, I did aswell last night. He must be a dream stalker.


I'm officially scared. Maybe those nominations for "Spends too much time on N-E" in the forum awards weren't too far off after all..


(Also, it was Ashley :heh:)

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I had a really weird dream last night.


I was injecting an (intravenous) Picc Line into my hand (its a special needle that stays in your hand long term for various reasons)


I kept trying to get a vein and failing... Every time I pulled the needle in and out there was more blood splattering over my hand. I didn't feel much pain. I remember the feeling of trying to push the needle through my skin - needles can in reality be difficult to get through skin that has been injected a lot in the past (forms scarring that is thicker than normal skin). And I remember being consciously aware of that in my dream.


The only thing I could think that explains it is that I injected myself last night and hit a vein, it bled and hurt a wee bit... Maybe that affected my brain whilst sleeping! >_<

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I found some illegal immigrants living in my house but because I'd found them it meant that they automatically had to go. I kept apologising to them and told them I didn't mean it. Then I found another hiding behind a door and started to burst out crying screaming "I'm sorry" as they forlornly got up and left the room.


I kept asking my brother if he had seen 'The Visitor', but he had not.

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I had a dream, more a nightmare I suppose, of somebody chasing me through streets similar to 'Sin city', for some reason I was safe when I was in a field, yet as soon as I crossed the barb wire it tangled in my legs and start cutting me.


So it was basically that constantly and trying to find light. I was doing this with a woman, I cannot remember who, but she kept telling me where to go, where to run away from this shadow persony thing.


My legs hurt now, think I was scratching them in my sleep. ow..


Someone's been playing too much Prince of Persia :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Looooong post, so any spelling mistakes, ignore them. :)


Had the scariest freaking dream ever last night. I woke up in sweats, and was so freaked out. It felt beyond real. I blame it all on the "Unborn" trailer that I saw just before bed.


My mate and I went to this house, which I think was meant to be an old friend of my mums (She was there too). We got asked to go out and play in the snow, with all these kids and we did. We went outside into this huge field area, and when we turned round the kids had gone down this huge hill and left us. I picked up a snowball, and threw it at them. Suddenly, we were running incredibly fast through the field, and I felt my entire presence change. I saw my friend, get a this big metal rod shoved through her, and she collapsed to the floor in torrents of blood. I rememeber thinking "Why am I on the floor?", and then suddenly I felt this strange feeling, as my head got lifted up. I then realised I had no body, and had obviously been beheaded at some point.


Then it changed completely, and I was in this village area, with some people that I vaguely recognised, but didn't actually know. I was aware that there was this black coloured vehicle that when near, we knew we had to run for our lives because something bad would get us. As we wondered down the street, it came directly toward us, and we ran in the house. One of the guys with us, got caught behind, and suddnely changed his persona completely, as though he had been taken over by something else. We slammed the soor shut, and he tried to push through, saying something like "It's alright, it'll be over soon". I then immediately became aware of this green type substance in my pocket, and I remember thinking it was some sort of drug. I grabbed it, and pushed it toward his mouth as the door opened, and he changed immediately back to his normal self.


Then, these horrific looking cloaked black figures appeared at the door, and I thought to myself "STOP" and the entire dream froze. I was trying to find a way to wake myself up, but nothing was working. I may have had a sort of controller in my hand (ala "Click") but I can't be sure. I realised I would have to carry on the dream, for it to be over. As it un-paused, the black cloaked figures at the door had moved away. I was standing on my own in on the doorstep, and the sight was beyong scary. The figures each had "their own" human with them, and each of the humans had a big wooden plank, with nails in stuck in their mouths. There was blood everywhere, and I tried not to scream, knowing this would draw attention to myself, but I couldn't help it. I vividly remember seeing one of the "things" look directly at me, and move toward me like...sort of mechanically, and bent out of shape. That image, scares me even thinking about it.


I ran for my life, and the scene changed again. I saw the black vehicle coming down the road toward me, and I saw two buildings infront of me. They looked exactly the same, and even though I sensed the one on the right was the one I should have gone in, I entered the left. It was a church type building, and I think there was a priest inside, though I'm not sure. I realised I was about to get caught, because the church I was in was a decoy, and the real one was the one across the street. I ran out the door, and as I was about to get grabbed, I paused time again and frantically tried to awake myself from the nightmare. Again, realising there was no way, the dream then carried on and I managed to escape the clutches of these things and run to the other Church.


Then I woke up.


Worst fucking dream I've ever had. So vivid it was unbelievable. The being able to pause dreams, but not wake myself up was horrific.

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OK guys, here's how to find out whether you're dreaming or not (ie you're lucid dreaming):


-Pinch yourself. If you don't feel pain, then you're dreaming.

-Hold your nose. If you can still breathe with your mouth shut, you're dreaming.

- Look in a mirror. Mirrors in dreams are always distorted or scary (hence why you can't ever seem to remember how you look in dreams). If it is, you'r dreaming.

-Look at a digital watch. Look away, then look back. The time will have distorted completely- it will now display and entirely different time, or will have disappered altogether.

-Look in a book. Books seldom have text in dreams, but if it does, close it then re-open it. The content will have dramatically changed.

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Had a weird dream about a week ago... In it, I was talking to my "now" ex-gf via MSN (have in mind when this dream happened we were still together), and in it she started saying that she was nothing more than an illusion, a dream, and that she felt nothing for me since she didn't even exist. Later that day, she ended the relationship.


Now I've become über paranoid, since a few nights ago I had another dream about seeing my friends for the last time before parting ways with them forever. :S

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Had a weird dream about a week ago... In it, I was talking to my "now" ex-gf via MSN (have in mind when this dream happened we were still together), and in it she started saying that she was nothing more than an illusion, a dream, and that she felt nothing for me since she didn't even exist. Later that day, she ended the relationship.


Now I've become über paranoid, since a few nights ago I had another dream about seeing my friends for the last time before parting ways with them forever. :S

Don't be. Perhaps you subconsciously knew that she was having mixed feelings, and that manifested itself in your dream. No need to read anything into it.

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Don't be. Perhaps you subconsciously knew that she was having mixed feelings, and that manifested itself in your dream. No need to read anything into it.
Thing is, the relationship was going perfect the night before, not a single argument, nor disagreement, nothing. It came as a big shock to me when she said she wanted to end it, since only a day before things were absolutely perfect between us.
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I can never remember much about my dreams. Although I can sort-of remember things about them (but can never describe it. The image is in my head, I can see it, but I can't explain it).


One thing I find really odd about my dreams is that they always include people I know (or occasionally people from TV/films) and yet they never, ever take place in locations I know. My brain makes up some wonderful-looking buildings and locations. It's annoying (as I said before: I can't draw/explain/describe them).

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I've had numerous weird dreams over the past few weeks including me racing in a Mario Kart style GP with people on foot, having famous people representing me as my lawyer(s) and most recently being accused of robbing a museum and breaking into Henry VIII's palace.


No joke either.

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One of the many landmarks I'll always remember from my various mundane dreams (as opposed to my interesting ones) is a massive like...depot for some company called "Siouxsie French Fry".


The depot/building was located directly in the footpath in Princes St. Gardens, making everyone walk around it, annoyingly.

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Thing is, the relationship was going perfect the night before, not a single argument, nor disagreement, nothing. It came as a big shock to me when she said she wanted to end it, since only a day before things were absolutely perfect between us.

Still, hypothetically, even if it was a precognitive dream, the chances of the other dream being precognitive too are slim at best. Perhaps it was a manifestation of fear exactly because of the other dream "coming true", i.e. you started fearing loss, and that was expressed in your dreams.

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My dream involved a my front door bell ringing and I go to answer it inmy Pyjamas and a dressing gown. I open the door to find the whole cast of Heroes standing in front of me smiling in all their posh clothes as if they were off to an award ceremony. Except H.R.G/Noah who was also wearing a colourful macintosh as it was raining and had a yellow umbrella. So suprised by this I ran upstairs to get my autograph book and back again to find that they had all started leaving, I was really disappointed and my mum was there to comfort me until H.R.G turned round feeling sorry for me and gave me his autograph...


odd dream. :)

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I had my first ever n-europe related dream! It was quite bizarre. It involved, ReZ, Molly and I going to a party where lots of other people were. Coolness was there too and I got to meet him :D


Then it was just all very random...I think it was me having a lecture in my bedroom or something...


Before ReZ gets carried away, there was nothing sexual between him and me! But both he and Molly seemed like very nice people :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I had my first ever n-europe related dream! It was quite bizarre. It involved, ReZ, Molly and I going to a party where lots of other people were. Coolness was there too and I got to meet him :D


Then it was just all very random...I think it was me having a lecture in my bedroom or something...


Before ReZ gets carried away, there was nothing sexual between him and me! But both he and Molly seemed like very nice people :)


I had a N-Europe related dream a few months ago. It just involved me meeting rokhed00.


And this was the old rokhed00. The one with long hair and 100% manliness and not a frilly pink dress in sight.

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I had my first ever n-europe related dream! It was quite bizarre. It involved, ReZ, Molly and I going to a party where lots of other people were. Coolness was there too and I got to meet him :D


Then it was just all very random...I think it was me having a lecture in my bedroom or something...


Before ReZ gets carried away, there was nothing sexual between him and me! But both he and Molly seemed like very nice people :)


Haha awesome. :awesome:


I've had one N-E Dream and it involved Haggis trying to kiss me... O_____O

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