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I must have had the worst driving luck ever in the past two days, three journeys and three accidents making each journey last about twice as long as it should! Went down to Taunton this morning to have one of my studs replaced (the damn thing half broke during the meet). I decided I'd go there on the A38, fancied a change from the motorway, just before I get into Taunton I come across an accident. Ended up taking over an hour to get there (should be about 30 mins). So on the way back I decided I'd hit up the motorway, just in case the other road was still slow moving. So, cruising along then, BAM, the motorway comes to almost a complete stop >_< So what should have taken more a couple of hours has taken more all bloody morning. Also, people who don't say thank you when I stop to let you pass.... FUCK OFF, gerr :mad:


Aaaaanyways, gonna sit back with some Fallout 3 for the rest of the afternoon, haven't played it in a while!

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Spent the day today servicing my car. Air filter, oil filter, oil change, new spark plugs, checking the brakes + fluids, etc. Feels a bit sharper now, think the new plugs did the job. Also got to roam free in the car park outside my Dads work in the car on my own, which was great fun. Can't wait to get my test done, I've been ready for a month or two now. When I pass, I'm going to the local race track on a track day and roaming wild and free!

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Hey Eddage if you're ever in Taunton GAME look out for




If you see him say "I know your best friend" and he'll be like duuuuude.


Also ; I'm having a fuck off steak for din din. So how the fuck do you think my day is? (Also new Argos catalogue and thus new LEGO....although they didn't have *both* sets I wanted...just one.)


But the other I didn't think was out for a few months and exclusive....(oh...to clarify this one is the one I didn't get) so checking regularly hax.




N-EUROPE MEET everyone should watch. In case you don't/havn't checked the meat thread.


I advise to watch in HQ.



Edited by ReZourceman
Automerged Doublepost
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I'm stunning with my love glue-gunning. I finished my stained glass panel. This must make up for the consistant sketching I should have been doing this summer.


I'll try and get a pic up later...it's lovely. (But no longer sunny, so fail)

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Well why didn't you? Stop being gutted and making lame excuses for not coming and just go.



Good night tonight, trying to work out if a good girl mate an a best guy mate are seeing each other. Other people reckon so, I'm not convinced. Talked a lot about reading festival, mega hyped now. Had a good night at the pub. Oh home crew, I've missed you. I also miss the university crew.

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Consider yourself lucky to have a crew :heh: I do feel like I've drifted away from any crew living out in the sticks.


Anywho. Today was okay. Friend came around so we can both lay down our burdens. I mentioned there is randomly some wicca shop down the road so we went and she considered getting her fortune told for a semi-lark. It was locked but said to ring the bell so we did. I expected it to be run by some middle-aged hippy lady type but some young gay answered the door. Anyway we wondered around and then left, fortuneless. We also decided I should ask the police if my caution becomes null and void now that Woolworths is kaput. Makes sense no?


House to self tonight. WOO PARTY!!....or not. Once again, friendless :heh: Tomorrow my mother's partner's son is coming and while its nice for my mother's partner that he is (as the child lives far away and they rarely see each other) I dunno...a 9 year old in the house? :p I can't be cranking out Hot Chip at 1am (as hes in the adjacent bedroom) like I am at present that's fo' sho'.

Edited by Ashley
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Well why didn't you? Stop being gutted and making lame excuses for not coming and just go.



Good night tonight, trying to work out if a good girl mate an a best guy mate are seeing each other. Other people reckon so, I'm not convinced. Talked a lot about reading festival, mega hyped now. Had a good night at the pub. Oh home crew, I've missed you. I also miss the university crew.


I'm still waiting on you sending me your number so we can meet up at Reading.





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Consider yourself lucky to have a crew :heh: I do feel like I've drifted away from any crew living out in the sticks.


Anywho. Today was okay. Friend came around so we can both lay down our burdens. I mentioned there is randomly some wicca shop down the road so we went and she considered getting her fortune told for a semi-lark. It was locked but said to ring the bell so we did. I expected it to be run by some middle-aged hippy lady type but some young gay answered the door. Anyway we wondered around and then left, fortuneless. We also decided I should ask the police if my caution becomes null and void now that Woolworths is kaput. Makes sense no?


House to self tonight. WOO PARTY!!....or not. Once again, friendless :heh: Tomorrow my mother's partner's son is coming and while its nice for my mother's partner that he is (as the child lives far away and they rarely see each other) I dunno...a 9 year old in the house? :p I can't be cranking out Hot Chip at 1am (as hes in the adjacent bedroom) like I am at present that's fo' sho'.



Headphones ftw. Preferably stereo ones.

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Well why didn't you? Stop being gutted and making lame excuses for not coming and just go.



Good night tonight, trying to work out if a good girl mate an a best guy mate are seeing each other. Other people reckon so, I'm not convinced. Talked a lot about reading festival, mega hyped now. Had a good night at the pub. Oh home crew, I've missed you. I also miss the university crew.


I'm not street but I do what I gotta do, so what you got a crew? I got a crew, too! :D:yay:


Just got off some Team Fortress 2 and had some truly brilliant matches. Got the last point all by myself on Dustbowl by sneaking through as a Spy when everyone else was busy fighting at the front, and we then held the final point for 13 minutes and were about to win, when they stormed us and took it with 8 seconds left on the clock. Gutted!


Brilliant, brilliant game.

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N-Europe is nearing 1 million posts :o I'm probably not the first to pick up on it but that's a lot! I've made my fair dent.


I wonder how many of those posts feature breasts in the Hot Peoples Thread.


Breasts make N-E go round and round and woo I'm dizzy.


Today, my friend sent me a text message asking me what I would do if Ine cheated on me 3 times and had an affair for 6 months.


My reply...I'd be devastated...whats going on?


It turns out that her boyfriend had been cheating on her. Her boyfriend of fiiiive years. She's been at uni for 4 years, and I thought they were doing so well. So, been sending messages to her, but she's very upset as you could imagine.


But shiiit, for a second there, my heart stopped. I was thinking....nooo...Ine hasn't even been able to leave the house for the last few months. How on Earth could she get her leg over?! Heh. It didn't make sense, but I was terrified for those few moments.

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Woah that's pretty sucky. I forgot you got burnt pretty bad with [insert Girl's name], you seem so upbeat and stuff. Some people go crazy after shit like that, even if they just break up. Go so crazy they delete themselves from forums.

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Woah that's pretty sucky. I forgot you got burnt pretty bad with [insert Girl's name], you seem so upbeat and stuff. Some people go crazy after shit like that, even if they just break up. Go so crazy they delete themselves from forums.


Yeah, it reminded me of that, so it was like a flashback or something for a very few moments. Only word for it is "terror" I think. Yeah, thankfully things have got better over the last couple of years. It's been hard, but I've grafted well and kinda made this better new life out of it all.

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I dreamt of Raining_Again! Well kinda.


It was the scariest dream EVER (Not because of RA ;)) but....god it was fucked up. It was a dream IN A FUCKING DREAM and the terrfiying thing happened when I woke up from the other fucking dream.


It was horrible. :(


So the dream in a dream- I was back at Waitrose full thyme. Anyway that fucking sucked but I woke up and Tetley the cat was lieing next to me (just like IRL) and then I got up onto the computer then Claire rang a random number on my phone to annoy me (and she rang Raining_again) and I was like "Don't be a knob end" and she answered and Claire was being a knob end (lol) anyway then my teeth started to hurt and it felt like I had...like...braces/denture things and they were peeling away, I was like WTF so I gradually stood up and backed away/walked backwards as I was pulling my teeth out that seemed to be all connected by wire and they came into vision of my eyes and there was piss loads of blood and I started shitting myself (as in crying) and just...going mental like breathing heavy and thinking OH FUCK EMERGENCY SURGERY etc and Claire was just looking at me horrified at what was happening. (And cos' I'd already damn woken up it was as if it was 100% real) :(



Then I woke the fuck up and was like FUUUUUCCCCKKKKing hell. Scared the fucking bejeesus girl out of me.


[/Too awesome for the dream thread]


Today I plan to watch Galaxy Quest, Scrubs, Build LEGO, maybe watch more DVDs...Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. COMIC CON OMG. Iron Man 2 sounds awesome.

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Anyone up for taking me in for a night? It's arguments galore up here and it's really doing my head in. Came to a high last night with stuff being thrown around the kitchen. Has nothing to do with me yet the mother still tried to make it out as my fault. :nono:


Would go out to get away from it but it's raining heavily outside. So don't know what I'm gonna do today. Probably exactly what I did yesterday which wasn't much. Still trying to decide what to do with the new sketchbook. Gonna rip/cut out stuff from the ramshackled one I've been using up till now and put that in the new one to keep it all together but still knocking round ideas for new things.

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Drove to meadowhall today, massive crash on one of the ring roads had to take massive detour. Hmmf.


No more colourful hair either, dyed my hair dark brown all over about half an hour ago, I kinda miss it, but I'm happy to be back to a normal ish colour and not have to re-do it every week. I'm sure it'll make a come back before christmas, but for now I'm happy.

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