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I've come to the conclusion summer holidays suck right now. I can't wait to go back to Uni just so that I'm doing something at least. This lax holiday has furthered my desire to sit back and do sweet fa. Problem is I want to do something, but then because of the atmosphere I quickly lose interest.

Which reminds me, I hate it when people type lose at loose, or losing as loosing. Idiots, the lot of them.

My day was shit.

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Update on the brother situation:


He said he would return home so he'd be ready to help my stepdad working.


Here is a lowdown of a message I sent to some of our friends to see if they knew anything [before we "found" him]


Message title: Tony


Derek Wheatley: The little bastard has vanished for a little while. And Mummy is most displeased and worried. Have any of you seen him or might know where he's hiding out?


Shaynee Langham: Do u mean tony?x


Shaynee Langham: Yep u mean tony lol i dnt kno were he is :-( an u prob kno his phone is of' ooh hope hes ok x


Derek Wheatley: Was the title misleading? =S


Anyways we found him, he was eyeing up Rigley's package at his house. Tony is apparently coming home tonight and will be working tomorrow, but we all know what that means*



*He won't+




+Because he's full of shit.


Shaynee Langham: Haha u do make me lauff, n yup i had to read the title twice x


Katie King: What's this all about then...have I missed the fun?


Derek Wheatley: Not quite Katie! Tony hasn't come home tonight, meaning he's let the family down, surprisingly again. The bullshit excuse of the day is that he's still ill from when we phoned him the first time, which was about 12:30.


Tell your friends, Tony is full of shit. Don't lend him money, you'll probably never get it back.[HDYT][/HDYT]


Any tips to pimpsmack him into gear?

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Nearly half way through my shift, seriously I don't know why they employ so many people during the holidays, not gonna complain too much though, I'm basically being given money to stand around...


Although SOME work would be nice to keep me busy!

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Nearly half way through my shift, seriously I don't know why they employ so many people during the holidays, not gonna complain too much though, I'm basically being given money to stand around...


Although SOME work would be nice to keep me busy!

Take reading material or something?

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Well I'm now confused as to what to do in the immediate future.


I just got an email about a photography job I applied for a few months back. That one where they essentially offered me an interview, then bitched out and didn't contact me ever again. Apparently they now have a similar job starting in September. I was just about ready to go and sign up for my college course and now I have 2 photography based options.


Shit. I need to make a decision. I think I'll just apply for the job and go into college today and see how many places are available on the photography course and see how long I can leave it before applying.



I hate the way things play out sometimes.

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Well I'm now confused as to what to do in the immediate future.


I just got an email about a photography job I applied for a few months back. That one where they essentially offered me an interview, then bitched out and didn't contact me ever again. Apparently they now have a similar job starting in September. I was just about ready to go and sign up for my college course and now I have 2 photography based options.


Shit. I need to make a decision. I think I'll just apply for the job and go into college today and see how many places are available on the photography course and see how long I can leave it before applying.



I hate the way things play out sometimes.


You could give me the photography job :p


I'm still not sure about the future. Powering on with my postgrad but not sure about its usefulness, as well as the ability to earn enough money to finance it. So dunno whether to do a more vocational course (and I don't know what in) or just work. My friend seems to be planning for the next few years to work 8/9 months a year and travel for the rest. I do quite like her thinking :heh: So yeah...fuck knows.


But today I have tidied, went and did a bit of shopping and yeah...about it.

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Phewwww today was a hot day. Not overly sunny (at times it was, but there were lots of clouds too), but just hottttt. Only got to sit outside for a bit though as I had to go to work for a few hours (on our national holiday, tsssk).


Just got back and it started storminggggg. Lots and lots of strong wind that blew over some of our flower pots, oops! Seems to be over now luckily, just a bit of thunder and the bangs and booms from the hail cannons. =)

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I'm such a lazy sod. Was supposed to write something up earlier. So sat down to do it and after 5 minutes of trying to complete the short introduction, I said 'sod it' and just put it away and have sat listening to music since then. Will have to try and get it down before friday.


Apart from that, the day seems to be going slooooooooooowly. Feels like the time is all messed up and it didn't help that I had my dinner super early last night so everything afterwards was screwed up. Have continued the job search but there is nothing coming up. The only things that are available are full time jobs and I can't take on one because of University commitments which'll kick in in about 7 weeks. I was holding out for that bar job I applied for but seems they've just binned my CV which sucks. I should be studying games design at Uni. Both Realtime Worlds and Ruffian Games have several job listings and I'd probably get a job with one of them if I was.

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Phewwww today was a hot day. Not overly sunny (at times it was, but there were lots of clouds too), but just hottttt. Only got to sit outside for a bit though as I had to go to work for a few hours (on our national holiday, tsssk).


Just got back and it started storminggggg. Lots and lots of strong wind that blew over some of our flower pots, oops! Seems to be over now luckily, just a bit of thunder and the bangs and booms from the hail cannons. =)


I've done your day in reverssssse. It started off rainy and now it's Sunny. The sun is actually in my eyes and I can't see the left side of the computer screen, haha.


Today has been ok. Got another rejection later from a school. :( And just been a bit bored through most of today. Watched a few episodes of Top Gear and Friends, so that was fun. Got a meeting with another agency on Thursday, so I hope they find me something.

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I went to the college to check how many spaces were left and when the latest I could apply is. They don't have set places, they are "flexible". Which basically means they're massively unorganised. I have 3-4 weeks left to apply. Good times.


Got an "interview" tomorrow for the photography job. His exact words were "pop in for a quick chat". So, shirt and tie? I don't know what to expect now!

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After working on it for a week an a half, the new website for is starting to shape up very nicely. There's still plenty of bugs to squash, most of which I discovered when I when I gave my boss a tour of the site on his computer (and therefore discovered that Internet Explorer didn't like quite a few things), but at least it's looking quite nice (in my opinion).


Plus he wants me to start working full time sometime soon (i.e. within the next few months) which is awesome.

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Well my day, nay week, was going well until I just got a cryptic message from my friend calling me a twit and asking me what I've done because she got a "funny" message from someone else.


What have I done!?!?! :(

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Well, I'm shattered. Spent my day in the town with a friend followed by catching up with the Muse conspiracies. Tomorrow, filling out my dole form to qualify for my last dole payment (:yay:), hopefully a good spot of gaming and that's about it.


Goodnight to Sheikah, Dante and Supergrunch, tonight's late night IRC chat participants. It was fun :heh:

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Until the evening the day was boring. It rained a lot. A LOT. So nothing else to do besides eating and reading.


Then I met with a girl. She is a nice girl, an attractive girl, a girl I like. We had a great time blah blah. I just don't know how I feel about her and how she feels about me and how I should deal with this.


Came home 30 minutes ago. Now I'm bored...

Why am I still awake? 04:40 in the morning and I gotta be up in about 5 hours again. I should be sleeping but no...


Well my day, nay week, was going well until I just got a cryptic message from my friend calling me a twit and asking me what I've done because she got a "funny" message from someone else.


What have I done!?!?! :(


I assume you didn't ask her so: ask her. Otherwise it might get messy.

Edited by drahkon
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yesterday was okay, played a few games and had a driving lesson. i also had a delicious chicken dinner which was great. the annoying thing is though that skys testing my bt line and for some reason i keep getting random disconnects.:(

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I assume you didn't ask her so: ask her. Otherwise it might get messy.


I did in a message back and I just got a response saying she'll find out. I told her not to bother, I'll do it myself. No point communicating through a third party. :indeed:

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I did in a message back and I just got a response saying she'll find out. I told her not to bother, I'll do it myself. No point communicating through a third party. :indeed:


Communicating through a third party is always bad. Keep me updated if you like ;)

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