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silly slag of a manager who i mentioned yesterday complained to my manager today about the way I spoke to her yesterday, silly cow. She also tried to breach me for leaving confidential information on my desk(this information was not in my writing, hmmm)


was a decent day though, she couldn't even give me eye contact all day :D


Just in from the gym, it was rammed but now i'm super BUFF!


Oh and I found myself hillarious the other day, you know on facebook you can choose to see more or less stories about people.


I just chose to see more about myself and then updated my status: "In the future, you will see more stories about Jamie Spencer"


It's not funny at all but it makes me laugh...

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@ Chairdriver - I had a similar situation to you when I was studying chemistry for GCSE. Might I ask which school in Edinburgh you attend? You're description of the teacher as being a 40 year old man with small man syndrome sounds suspiciously like a teacher I had at my school in Edinburgh called Dr. Mitchell.


I'm loving the coincidence.


But yeah, I'm like Bomas with Dr. Blackmore (despite him being a massive knob with an anger management problem), so A-Level chem isn't all that bad.

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silly slag of a manager who i mentioned yesterday complained to my manager today about the way I spoke to her yesterday, silly cow. She also tried to breach me for leaving confidential information on my desk(this information was not in my writing, hmmm)

You're joking? I don't understand why she has such a vendetta against you! Makes no sense at all. Be happy though, at the moment you don't have to deal with, hmm I'll call her 'knitting girl', she massively ground my gears today. She actually had a go at tom for ''not talking to enough people and generally having a laugh with his mates'', just ridiculous, sufficed to say he struggled to contain his rage. If I wasn't too much of a woos I'd ask her to just stop talking to me.

I just chose to see more about myself and then updated my status: "In the future, you will see more stories about Jamie Spencer"


It's not funny at all but it makes me laugh...

That's almost as funny as...well, 90% of ReZ's jokes. (oh come on :heh:).



Today was good, learned all about pensions again. I already know about them, but I'm being refresher trained so I can... not do my actual job for a while. Don't tell anyone.

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Cooked a meal with my two mates, becka and danielle, come home and cleaned my room ^_^.


Feel kinda lonely now though, weird being around people all day and now there's nobody. Going to watch scrubs and text my mate lee see if he got his piercing done or not. Hopefully he can visit soon ^_^!


Got my presentation tomorrow. meh.

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Cooked a meal with my two mates, becka and danielle, come home and cleaned my room ^_^.


Feel kinda lonely now though, weird being around people all day and now there's nobody. Going to watch scrubs and text my mate lee see if he got his piercing done or not. Hopefully he can visit soon ^_^!


Got my presentation tomorrow. meh.


I have a presentation to! I'm doing a law course but my project with a few people is on chocolate :) Hoping to sweeten up the assessing people with a free treat of different chocolates :D :p

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I have a presentation to! I'm doing a law course but my project with a few people is on chocolate :) Hoping to sweeten up the assessing people with a free treat of different chocolates :D :p


That sounds awesome :).


Mines virtual worlds - space, place and immersion. My section is characters and environments.

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I left in 2006, a year before I should have as I left in Sixths to go to college due to a rather large argument with said art teachers Mr and Mrs. P and the other one. Can't remember his name so you can tell he made a great impression on me. Basically left because I felt that the art teachers weren't doing their jobs properly and so when I complained that they were never in the lessons if anyone needed help, it basically boiled down to me saying that the department was shit and that they could fuck off. Went downwell as you can guess:indeed:. Bunch of hypocrites. :heh:


And yeh shame there's a new rector. He doesn't look all that imposing from what I've seen of him. The old one was shit scary if you had a confrontation with him. I made the mistake of having one with him over something which happened during a game of rugby and I thought I was going to die. His stare was just burning. He was my German teacher as well. Explains why I did so well in it.


Were you in Paul Loudon / Nick Boni's year?


Or Anna Dodd's/Paddy Fulton/my sister's year?

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I said to Mummy that I would be at home all day, because a chest of drawers or something was being delivered. Which was then scheduled for 4. Daddy rings me up [after taking my bike to Halfords for a remix and them ringing Tuesday to say it can be picked up] saying he can drive me to Halfords to pick it up. This was at about 3:35. I ride home and get home for 4:05. Apparently they actually showed up [on time for a change] and I missed them. Mummy wasn't happy. I told Daddy in a text and he replies "Stuff her". Can't argue with that logic :D


I got another prime bollocking at work today. Not just me, my co-worker as well. What me and him said was taken well out of context and twisted to make it sound like I was accusing someone of something. Absolute bullshit.

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London times.


Oh and running from Birmingham Snow Hill to New Street and back again. Crazy times.


But yes London was good. Said I was going to do some xmas shopping and only bought a book for a late birthday present.


Birkbeck looks okay. Went thinking there was a general television studies one but it seems to be a history of one, but the japanese culture one sounds good (as I could keep media focused). So shall mull it over.


So yes...today = Londonness.

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In from a slightly more stressful than expected night on the ward, and I'm working again tonight. To top that, the staffing situation is in a shit state, I said to one nurse I'd do tonight to help them out so they only have to look for one extra staff instead of two extra, though I hadn't intended on doing the shift. What does she do this morning when the shift is finishing? Decides she's not going to work tonight as time owing cos she has a course to do tomorrow. This leaves me and a nurse, both staff who are not permanent/regular on the ward, on the night shift, still needing a permanent nurse and another HCA to work. I am going to be seriously unimpressed if they haven't sorted this shit out when I arrive tonight.

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Job interview today. Not as petrified as I was this morning. I thinking some booze would help me calm down, but it most likely would have a negative effect on whether I get the job or not. But I suppose its about time I get assimilated into the 9-5 world. How dark and evil it looks.

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computer is fucked, seems to have a virus that prevents it going online, opening certain programs, including the virus scan, and from powering down propperly.



system restore didnt work, and i couldnt find anything unexpected in the add/remove programs, so im unable to fix it.


feel bad, it was my fault, surfing porn, though the virus protection is out of date. parents cant afford a new pc atm, i pray it can be fixed.

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computer is fucked, seems to have a virus that prevents it going online, opening certain programs, including the virus scan, and from powering down propperly.



system restore didnt work, and i couldnt find anything unexpected in the add/remove programs, so im unable to fix it.


feel bad, it was my fault, surfing porn, though the virus protection is out of date. parents cant afford a new pc atm, i pray it can be fixed.


That sounds like what happened to me recently, it wasn't a virus, it's an error in the registry that pretty much locks it into what is essentially safe mode. You can undo it all, via the registry, but it takes about a week, and is rather complex. You're better off doing what I did - reinstall Windows. Either pop in the disc at start up, or, if it's on a HDD partition, check the computer's manual - it should be in there.


If you can open Notepad, stick an external HDD in and use Notepad's save/open screens to transfer any must-keep files before you reinstall Windows.

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So, it's been awhile since i posted, came back from the fencing competition, to any fencers out there, it was my first time on electric and using pistol grip, fought two of my matches with a left handed foil (we ran out of foils) and the guy that beat teaches fencing. In the end, I came 20th out of 52, first time fencing competition =D


Handed in my essay, twas interesting. Am gonna relax for a couple days and then get onto the next one.

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silly slag of a manager who i mentioned yesterday complained to my manager today about the way I spoke to her yesterday, silly cow. She also tried to breach me for leaving confidential information on my desk(this information was not in my writing, hmmm)


was a decent day though, she couldn't even give me eye contact all day :D


Right shes a fucking cunt and can actually fuck off. If theres one thing that grinds my fucking gears its people who question me, when they are in the wrong, or make accusations against me. I am a fucking honest person, anyway and I just went over to speak to Molly, and (the managers) all like "You're being naughty today" (half hour prior, my friends were sitting near me whilst I was doing work) and I'm like....erm nooo...but she said it (we think) cos Molly was just next to me a second ago to say "Hi" or whatever just a second ago. So I went over to give her something and she said that shit. Was like "Well you've been told about that before"


Fuck off. Actually fuck off. I sit practically in the corner, away from anyone. I pretty much don't talk to anyone all day. The only time I get to see my friends is on break and lunch and if they're on different times, then boom dont get to talk to them. Not allowed to say hi to them when on break. It is BULL FUCKING SHIT. And its fucking stressing me out! Fuck it. Fuck em.


Yeah shes a cunt. I felt like saying "Actually fuck off." to her.

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The kitty wants cake :(


Been a slow day for once at work, only a dozen or so emails and a few calls. No TV shippage, no Sonic Unleashed in post.


Bah, Tomb Raider it is tonight (again).

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