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Hehe, I had such an awesome afternoon/night last night and a great dat today. We have fancy dress at college on monday so I went with a few mates to find something, but we failed.


Glow Sticks + over sized Novelty Glasses + Awesome people = Fun times. :D

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Guest Stefkov

Today was an average day. No highlights to speak of that was of interest.

Just a normal Saturday.

Bit of cheating on Animal Crossing; for the sake of weed in my town I can get 99,999 bells on interest on what's in my account, plus the amount of fruit I have growing, everytime I go back and forth I'll get about 70,000 bells. I know it's not in the spirit of the game but I don't give a shit.

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I swear cherryade mixed with vodka, aka bop juice, is the worst way to get drunk ever. It took me about 11 glasses to reach something approaching drunk, by which time I had had more cherryade than most people have in their lifetime. :heh:

Well clearly the vodka was too weak :P If it still tasted like cherryade, you're doing it wrong!


Just you wait 'til the meet. Mwahaha!


my day = barely left the bed, just watched some stuff and wasted time on t'internet... Awesome :P

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Just got back home from my holiday =]

Been skiing for a week, was amazing. Fell over once because the visibility was so poor. Hurt my finger but it was ok. The worst injury I got from the holiday was sunburnt ears :p Hurts when I answer my phone at the moment, oh well it was brilliant. A few french ***** throughout but I didn't care. Conditions were good, weather was ok for most of the week and the ski bunnies were just plain droolable!


Hope everyone is doing okidoky =]

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Just got back home from my holiday =]

Been skiing for a week, was amazing. Fell over once because the visibility was so poor. Hurt my finger but it was ok. The worst injury I got from the holiday was sunburnt ears :p Hurts when I answer my phone at the moment, oh well it was brilliant. A few french ***** throughout but I didn't care. Conditions were good, weather was ok for most of the week and the ski bunnies were just plain droolable!


Hope everyone is doing okidoky =]


Excuses excuses. :heh:



Where did you go? I'm off to Tignes in a few weeks - Can't wait!!

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Our house was just under fucking attack. About an hour ago I was lay in bed and I heard someone bang on the door. Being half asleep I presumed it was morning and it was the postman so I went to go answer it but in the walk I realised this was someone attacking the door, quite vicously.


It was our neighbour. Hes moaned at us before for being loud and we've made an effort to remain quiet. He did this before about a month or two back, but I wasnt in that night. He then left a note apologising saying he was "off his face" and "obviously being a ****". Anyway he was banging away at the door (bear in mind he's a boxer) and then he alternated between the door and my window (as I live in essentially the front room) and I was so fucking petrified. I was worried he was going to come through as its not the strongest window. I was literally trapped in my bed nowhere to move. Couldn't turn my phone on as its noisy when it starts up and I just wanted to pretend like I was asleep (which obviously nobody could sleep through that, worse than the earthquake).


When he seemed to have gone I went to my housemate's room as theres only two of us left here easter and he was on the phone to the police. We reported it and they came round to talk to us and we decided not to ask them to go speak to him, incase he then came back. And me and my housemate have just been sat up for a while.


I am shaking, still. Scariest thing I can ever remember. I was afraid for my life because if he came in theres no way I could protect myself against that. Were going to go see them tomorrow to see how we can sort this out, speak to the landlords and im gonna buy a dictophone so if this happens again I can record it.


And I cant sleep. Planned to be up at 7.30 anyway so I think im going to stay awake. Even if I were tired I couldn't sleep in that room, so im on the sofa for tonight.


i know how you feel :( kinda

one night after a night i hadnt slept much i decided to get an early night (like 11.30) so heres me all cuddles in mi bed with a hot water bottle/hoodie/all cosy - i had finally drifted off


then i woke up to hear this massive BANG

i automatically assumed that it was due to one of my housemates getting drunk and banging the front door - cuase they had lost their keys - so i stayed up waiting for a phonecall - but it turns out it was from the downstairs flat

then i heard this massive banging in the downstairs flat with this guy going "im gonna effing kill you - get out of my way"

and all this banging lkike he was was punching something - it was so bad that we heard the vibrations on our floor

then they all spilled outside and you could see one guy go for a walk(to get some reinforcments cause the guy that was drunk was getting quite violent.

we were really scared for our lives cause at this point our door wasnt really working (i mean one little push without a key and it was opened) so we all huddled in the living room listening


turns out the guy just got really drunk and broke his hand cause he punched the door :D - i was shaking so much

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EDIT: So yeah, can you eat tomato soup cold from the tin?


I laughed when I read that - I get the impression you'd just done it, and then, in hindsight, though it might not be a brilliant idea. :heh:

(You should be fine, it's been cooked before being tinned.)


My day was rather holiday-esque, even though I'm still at school for another week! Got up at 1:30, watched all 3 rugby games, went to a friend's house with a couple of other mates, which was fun (I think I may like this friend as something more, which could be...interesting...), came home at 12, and have none not very much until now. :smile:

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yeah I figured the vegetable status would see me through. Only thing that gave me concern was a momory of trainspotting; Renton empties a bag full of necessities for going cold-turkey and he says something along the lines of "eight tins of tomato soup, six tins of mushroom soup for consumption cold"... and, well, I had a tin of mushroom soup cold yesterday because of McGregor's awesome reference, and was worried that he hadn't referred to Tomato soup in the same way.


I started getting stomach pains about 6 hours after the tin. Turns out that was sheer hangover :D


Just finished a poker night. Turned out a lot better than expected. Why? I dunno. Because I got drunk? Going to watch some more movies/tv and get pissed-er.


Oh, yah; a guy who turned up had his 21st birthday tick over in our presence. Me and the housemate basically retired to my room in order to create awesome presents! I stapled some newspaper around a clock I found as wrapping paper, and she made a monkey spoon. We made an awesome b'day card. He showed how much he loved it by saying "I'll pick it up tomorrow"... great.


So yeah; tomorrow will be somethingorother followed by somemorestuffIagreedtobutamtoodrunktoremember, then a restaurant trip.


Oh, yeah; got the b'day boy to have a shot of my chili vodka. Man, that stuff is going to be lethal by july...

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Just got back home from my holiday =]

Been skiing for a week, was amazing. Fell over once because the visibility was so poor. Hurt my finger but it was ok. The worst injury I got from the holiday was sunburnt ears :p Hurts when I answer my phone at the moment, oh well it was brilliant. A few french ***** throughout but I didn't care. Conditions were good, weather was ok for most of the week and the ski bunnies were just plain droolable!


Hope everyone is doing okidoky =]


OMG!!!!!!!!! Ellmesiter! :heart::grin:


I was out and missed your return. :(


Sounds like a cool holiday!


I've had a good few days and i have got the mixture of work and relaxing just right! :)




Isn't raw/cold tomato soup called gispatcho? or somethnig....?:wtf: I'm not sure.....

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the days been petty crap so far.

the lie in was only till 9:30, i just cant sleep in any more.

I then went to tescos, where because i'm skint I had to add up as i went and keep it below £15.00. to feed me for the rest of the month.......... To make it even worse, I got to the till and relised I had forgotten my bank card, so I had to trim the shop even more and split £10 between cash and my credit card. How very pathetic.

I cant stand this anymore, poor and lonely. I need a flatmate and more money.


edit - and to make things even worse apparently i'm living in Da Hood, the flat on one side playing eminem as loudly as possible, and a flat on the other playing something similar at full volume. Urgh.

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They are filming a movie about the 80s killer who called himself Charles Bronson round here. I've never heard of him but I have heard of the actor.


EDIT: I've just read about Charles Bronson and then I read about women who fall for criminals. And I have come to the conclusion that these women are sick, twisted, retarded freaks who deserve to be locked up with their "husbands".

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Excuses excuses. :heh:



Where did you go? I'm off to Tignes in a few weeks - Can't wait!!


Its not excuses! Well okay maybe it is, but I accept that I fell over :) It was a blue run as well which was kind of lame, not even off piste :(


I went to Val d'Isere which is connected with Tignes =] Will be good, I might try and see if I can get out there in the easter break for a weekend with my dad =]

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Today was alright, my assistant manager after having Joe my manager bend over backwards to get her a place at bradford decided after 3DAYS she didn't like it and is now back.


I'm not happy either being put down for hardly any hours, so I'm doing a C.V tomorrow and handing it out to everyone I can think of.


>_> I need money.

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Guest Stefkov

Today I went to Blackpool. Walked over an hour to some place to see that ship that got stranded on the beach. Yay...

Then got he bus back to Blackpool, went home.

I've just had a duck pizza. Can't decide if I liked it or not.

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Weekend, lets see




Work was good, finished a great deal of stuff and had lunch out at a pub. Came home later, got changed and went out with a few mates at the Measure, which is great to go to on a Friday night.


Having a few drinks and a laugh and next thing i knew, i got my female mate feeling me and my other mate up then taking him outside and trying to get on with him, which refers to attempting to play tongue hockey and trying to give him a bj, which he told me later on when he came back in after pushing her away because she was a little drunk but enough sober to keep herself in control. He tells me she is crying of which i go and see if she is ok, next thing i know she asks me to kiss her of which i say ok, but only on the cheek. Of which she turns it into tongue hockey and i got everyone in the bar cheering when i come back in, guess they saw it all. Even got a pint bought for me as well. Then later on she tells me she loves me and always has for a long time, she also told me when she was sober that she tells the whole truth when she has a drink. By 1am, i had enough and left her at her place and headed home, gave her a goodnight kiss and went home. Called my other mate who refused all that she attempted to me and we stayed up with a few cans drinking until 5am.




9am, got up and went into town and bought a new pair of shoes and some shirts and shorts. Came back to my female mate coming up the road heading to mine. She then apologizes and says she made a fool of herself that night. I then asked her if what she said was true last night and she said it was 100% true. Went to hers and decided to go clubbing that night in Chepstow. But before that, watched all the rugby at the club. Arrived in town at 8:30pm, got asked for ID in 3 places when buying drinks before heading to liquid at 10pm.


Night started off fine in Liquid, until 11pm when she was bragging to everyone that she shagged me Friday night and we were a couple, which pretty much nulled my chances with all the single females that night. I got punched in the face because i was English, she ignored me all night and made out with 19 guys while i couldn't pull anything more than a £10 note out of my wallet, no girls would talk to me as they believed her 100%. Got seriously pissed off at 12:30am because no-one would talk to me after what she was saying about me that night, so pissed off that i left the club took my coat and my stuff and walked the 10 miles home in the rain and wind, took me 2 hours but i made it. She called me at 3am and asked if she had annoyed me or ignored me in anyway that night to cause me to leave, of which i said yes in everyway possible now leave me along you f'n biatch. Put phone on silent, sent a text to her that i am at a mates that night so don't even think of looking for me and went to bed.




Got up 5 minutes before a cash count at my club, of which i had to do with my mate Rob. Told him about the whole night, and he was pleased that i left her alone in town, told my mate Andrew and he was pissed off at me until i told him the reasons and then he calmed down and was pleased that i left her. Once again, she was calling my phone and i ignored it everytime. Until i had no choice but to walk past her house at 3pm, and she came running out in her PJ's asking me to come into the house and speak with her, i ignored her until the alley then turned back and we had a good long chat of which she apologized for everything and promised to not do that again (when have i heard that before). Spent the afternoon with her, then came home. Preparing to go out tonight for a quiet pint at the club as i speak.


Ranting over and done with, finally.

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>_> I need money.


See I would make an innuendo to go with that but I reckon I'll just muck it up =[ I'll let someone else do it if they want =]


My day has been good, the gf slept round last night which was awesome because I missed her sooooooo much whilst on holiday. Still having trouble sleeping so I think I'm going to go sleep at around 9 to try and catch up. Watched hollyoaks omnibus to catch on what I've missed :D Which was fun.

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