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I didn't quite like that medley, tbh. It was as if the different tunes didn't fit together, which makes sense as they were seperate in the game, each with their own speed and such. Also, some of the sounds didn't fit into the medley, too high-pitched or something like that.


Still, it gave me goosebumps from listening to it.

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Awesome Zelda Medley!! only thing I didn't like was that pause about halfway through.


Interesting that it's specifically OOT Zelda music, suggesting there may be an OOT themed level, as opposed to using Twilight Princess music!

I suppose there could be OOT music on a TP stage, but then why not use TP music?

Maybe the Zelda stage the OOT Medley is being used for is another non-specific stage like Hyrule Temple.


When listening to that music it feels like you are flying over the OOT Hyrule landscape experiencing all the area specific music. That would make such an amazing level! A stage that takes you on a flying tour of OOT Hyrule, but in Wii graphics!!

Unfortunately we already have a couple of flying 'tour' stages (Delfino Plaza and Lylat Cruise), so I can't really see it happening!


This game needs versions of both Mute City and Big Blue stages again.


Just for the music.



Iquie like to see the Mute City stage carried over from Melee (in the classic stages selection) cause it was such an awesome stage! and then a new F-Zero stage with the Big Blue music (cause standing on ships Big Blue stage from Melee was a bit rubbish)!


They should have the awesome "You've got boost power!" commentator robot, appear occasionally in the stage and say stuff..."You've got Final Smash power!"

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Well,I don't think I will be able to say anything that hasn't been said yet.


That arrangement is simply amazing and reminds me of why I loved Ocarina of Time in the first place. It's definitely a trip down memory lane.:)

The only part of the arrangement that I didn't like was the Song of Time part. I liked the original better.


Still, this could mean that an Ocarina of Time stage is in the works!:yay:

That's great! I was very disappointed when I bought melee that there weren't any OoT stages...until I saw Sheik in action and unlocked Ganondorf, that is. The characters certainly quenched my thirst for OoT.

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Ace music


I hope we have a WW ocean level of sorts. With a new version of that awesome music from WW.


Ohhh man that would ROCK! I can imagine it; fighting on the lion-boat 2on2 and getting knocked into the sea, only to be blasted back onto the stage by the stupid sea creatures that spat rocks at you! And of course the irresistable WW music playing in the Background, (my favourite being Outset Island) I really hope they do that!


And I loved todays update! Theres nothing better after being shouted at all day at school to hear that music!

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Hyrule temple was the dumbest level ever. What awful level design.

The alternative music was amazing though; fire emblme ftw.


What? The level design was great: It had more detail than any other stage on Melee. I always took pictures of myself there. It was greatly designed, and if you look carefully you will notice the sheer detail it had put into it. Good stuff.

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