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I'll be stunned if the team (in the Avengers film) is the exact same with one extraordinary joke. Like Mantis.


That said, I'd be as happy with just Cap, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Wasp and Giant Man.


I have no judgement of Black Widow's possible involvement as I haven't seen Iron Man 2 yet.


It's a shame that Fox probably have options on Quicksilver and The Scarlett Witch but at least we can expect Hawkeye and the rest.


obviously pure fantasy but The Avengers 2 should definitely move towards characters that have thrived in the team books that nobody knows otherwise like Ms Marvel and Black Panther

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Iron Man 2


Great Cast, characters, acting, very nice follow on story wise, and just SO cool!!

Everyone was fantastic!


I think Scarlett was the most likely one to get a hard time, as far as her performance was concerned, but I thought she did a great job! She portrayed the character really well, and I really liked what they gave her. She felt a very complete character and not just some generic wannabe crime fighting chick. So big hats off to her! and damn she was SEXY!!


Mickey, was just brilliant. Couldn't have asked for any more. Whiplash was done really well, though I'd agree with you Rez that there wasn't quite enough of him in the final battle, however I thought it worked ok, as the battle was kinda extended using the timed bombs.


And Sam Rockwell (having just seen him in Moon the other week) put in another solid performance.


Great scenes with War Machine.

And that end battle in the Japanese Garden was one of the most gorgeous things witnessed in a comic book movie!!


I'd heard complaints going into it about too many characters, too many things going on, thus too confusing etc... but that was totally not the case IMO.

It was well structured and easy to follow, all the characters got a great/the right ammount of time (especially for War Machine, who I thought may get too much time, but nope). And amazing set pieces for all!


Fantastic humour throughout! Some really funny moments... War Machines Missile, Whiplash vs. Hogan in the car :D etc...

Humour is really a great characteristic of the Iron Man films.


And most importantly... the Avengers stuff... was done brilliantly! No worries there!... infact it actually made me WAY more excited for the film.

It didn't get in the way whatsoever, and Nick Fury's scene's were great, and they used Scarlett's character as a great way to keep an underlying theme throughout.


Question: Captain America's shield in the workshop... was that just a throw away bit of fan service, or does Tony Stark actually build C.A. shield? And is Tony actually building it for himself first?... because I just wondered why it was there already?


The only questionable moment of the entire film for me was...

Creating a new element! Is that even possible?... even if it's what?... a nuclear based one?

Oh and the potentially CGI cars in Monaco?... were they always? Other than in the slow-mo and TV footage scenes. Because surely they could have raced some real cars around there after the Monaco GP last year.


Stuck around for the after credits scene. Decent enough. Wasn't sure whether it would be Thor or Cap A. related. Hammer looked quite small! Exciting though.


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Pineapple Express


I was stoned as anything when my friend suggested we put this on. I'm so glad he did. It was hilarious, but that said I imagine the humour wouldn't have clicked as much if I wasn't both inebriated and high as a kit; or knew what the effects of smoking weed were first hand. Regardless, it was an awesome experience and I fully intend on watching it again next time I'm back in ye olde Portsmouth.

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Iron Man 2


Pretty damn awesome! Id say my only real complaint would be that some of the pacing felt off and parts dragged a bit during the film.


Thought all the actors were good. Cheadle did well replacing Howard, it didnt feel weird at all which I worried it might.


I loved all the Avengers nods. Thors hammer and Caps shield twer cool. Kind of a shame we didnt see inside that file at the end, I was expecting to catch a few stray words before it was taken off him. I loved Black Widow, I mean how good did Scarlett Johansson look in that costume?!?!?!?!?! We need to see more of her!

Nick Fury was ok but I have to admit he felt slightly out of place in the movie.


Not sure what I thought of Pepper and Stark getting together already, I was kind of hoping that would take a few movies at least. This wasnt really like say Spider-Man where they have to be rushed together.


Both Sam Rockwell and Mickey Rourke were there usual awesome selves.


One thing I would like for the next movie is less mechanical badguys. I know its hard to find people to take on Iron Man but its gonna get a bit old.



Id say this movie is roughly on par with the first, both extremely enjoyable and I cant wait for more Marvel movies!



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Thought all the actors were good. Cheadle did well replacing Howard, it didnt feel weird at all which I worried it might.
Yeah I agree. I honestly have no clue why they replaced Howard, because he was great (perhaps he just wouldn't look as bad-ass in the suit?)... but anyhows Cheadle just naturally fitted right in and did a great job.


Aren't pretty much all the bad-guys in Iron Man, mech/arc reactor based?

I don't mind that they use them and Whiplash was a good example of variety on a theme. It helps keep the Iron Man world focused and believable, where as you always run a risk when you cross into far-fetched powers.

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Its an interesting plot, what would happen if humans went and destroyed their own emotions? But I didn't quite like the film, everything was a bit well boring, there was nothing that could really make that film exciting, except the very cute dog. Its alright to watch, not something I'd watch again though.



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Yellow Submarine


Beatles animated film. Being a Beatles fan, enjoyed it a lot. A lot of good humour and a brilliant soundtrack.


8.5 Blue Meanies out of 10



Heard that they're doing a 3D CG remake of this. Make of that how you will.

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Saiyuki / Xi You Ji / Journey to the West / Monkey Magic


Spotted this in HMV for just £5!!! Bargain of the year!


I should dislike this film because it totally misses the plot of Journey to the West and has completely rewritten the covered story about Golden Horn and Silver Horn. Everything is incorrect apart from the names of the priests and the 2 demons...:eek:


I spent the first 45 mins unable to contemplate what was going on, despite knowing the original story off by heart. After about an hour, it became a 10/10 perfect film!









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Nightwolf; nooo! Equilibrium is miles better than aeon flux. Twelve miles to be exact.




The Beat That My Heart Skipped


My housemate has an obsession with french movies. He brought this home the other day. It's about this guy who works in 'properties' (i.e. evicts people through the art of rats and baseball bats) who rediscovers his love for teh piano.


It's all very much childhood vs. adulthood, and is typically french with a few nipples here and there, but throughout I was sitting and doing the "I know what's going to happen next" and it never did. Never! It was fantastic in that way.


I've lost my critical touch.


7/10. Worth a watch.

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Iron man 2


I was actually really surprised by this film, I liked iron man 1, it was good but it wasn't amazing. This film however was a lot better, things have picked up from the first and there was a lot more fighting within it.


I was a bit confused about the female situations though, one of those ''will they won't they?'' situations - ARGH. I'd definitely see it again, great film, great cgi/graphics etc etc. :)


This film was cleverly done, slipping in things subtly and given how many characters feature in the film it didn't become confusing about who was doing what and why.



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The Beat That My Heart Skipped


My housemate has an obsession with french movies. He brought this home the other day. It's about this guy who works in 'properties' (i.e. evicts people through the art of rats and baseball bats) who rediscovers his love for teh piano.


It's all very much childhood vs. adulthood, and is typically french with a few nipples here and there, but throughout I was sitting and doing the "I know what's going to happen next" and it never did. Never! It was fantastic in that way.


I've lost my critical touch.


7/10. Worth a watch.


I always get this confused with The First Day of the Rest of Your Life. Not sure why, other than they're both French and I want to see both...


Toy Story


:D I intend to watch this once more and the second twice more (so 2 times each...) before TS3. Brilliant film.


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D2: The Mighty Ducks.



I wanted to be Charlie Conway when I was growing up, I still do.


It was those films that made me start playing ice hockey when I was younger. And I still love to watch them. They just click with me. But god I miss playing that sport. Still, getting to play for your country leaves little room for furtherment so I'll leave it at that.



Anyway, I watched Leon last night.


Awesome film. Nothing more needs to be said. 9 out of 10

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This film is fantastic. The story is great, the music is fitting and the characters are really original. I had high expectations from all the reviews but I didn't expect it to be this good. Oh and the violence is awesome.



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It was those films that made me start playing ice hockey when I was younger. And I still love to watch them. They just click with me. But god I miss playing that sport. Still, getting to play for your country leaves little room for furtherment so I'll leave it at that.



Anyway, I watched Leon last night.


Awesome film. Nothing more needs to be said. 9 out of 10



Me too, it was that film that got me skating at a young age and the natural progression was to Ice Hockey. IMO there isn't a more thrilling, physical sport around. Wish it was more popular over here.

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