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Rate the last film you saw


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But it's 'golden age disney', therefore made with the sole aims to reinforce preferred cultural stereotypes about the gender roles (as all fairy tales are, anyway). Sorry :P I just think things with Disney written on them are automatically allocated a certain amount of nostalgia/respect/admiration. Like Shakespeare and stuff. Guy's a genius! Doesn't matter if he misspelt the same character's name four times in three pages. He must've meant it somehow, or was clearly just so damn driven by the play rushing to get out of his face through his quill... blah.


Latter disney stuff (moulin, lilo & stitch...) is way better, but... meh. I have these cyncism goggles. They're pretty neat.

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But it's 'golden age disney', therefore made with the sole aims to reinforce preferred cultural stereotypes about the gender roles (as all fairy tales are, anyway). Sorry :P I just think things with Disney written on them are automatically allocated a certain amount of nostalgia/respect/admiration. Like Shakespeare and stuff. Guy's a genius! Doesn't matter if he misspelt the same character's name four times in three pages. He must've meant it somehow, or was clearly just so damn driven by the play rushing to get out of his face through his quill... blah.


Latter disney stuff (moulin, lilo & stitch...) is way better, but... meh. I have these cyncism goggles. They're pretty neat.


I have an unnatural love for Disney, I'll admit. I don't look for the gender roles etc, probs due to having watched them all as a child, but I much prefer these classic fairytale-based Disney flicks to Mulan/Lilo, simply because they're too modern, with the far more obvious "joke" characters, and stuff. Plus space kinda felt out of place compared to Hawaii.


(That said, I still love Lilo & Sitch)


I do sometimes get sick of the PCness of nowadays. Sometimes all I want is to see a young woman doing the dishes whilst wishing for a man to come and marry her.

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Friday night, nothing productive to do, decided to watch a movie with my brothers... and since they're 11, there's not much I can watch with them... and so I chose The Matrix. Mainly because it felt like it was time for a rewatch... the last time I saw it was when Revolutions came out on dvd, so...




The Matrix


You know, it really is that good. The atmosphere blends in perfectly with the theme, which is, in itself, magnificient. The plot is a huge non-event, but is one of the conceptually richest plots ever to be made in mainstream hollywood. Great action, a propper soundtrack, the right actors in the right parts, overall, a triumph, still in this day and age, and likely, forever.


Only one beef, really... the fucking cheese excess. Completely unnecessary. I mean, all's great up until the final part of the movie, everything is done tastefully, there's really not much to complain about... and then in the final part they screw all that up and decide to equip Neo and Trinity with overcoats, which for a lack of a better word, are just downright corny, and make no sense, as they would make the fighting and moving around much more difficult... the same applies for the god-damned sunglasses! They're inside a goddamn building, having a shootout with a Swat team, why exactly do they need their vision impaired??? There's also the tiny little fact that they don't make the characters any "cooler", in fact, it's quite the contrary, they shine the brightest when they loose the jackets and sunglasses (ie, subway scene). This was a sign of impending doom, of the style-over-substance path the sequels would make themselves so infamous for. (I mean, Reloaded was complete shit except for 2 scenes... it was just sailing the seas of cheese for 2 hours.) Still, that's the only con, so one must be forgiving.

But seriously, anybody who thinks "overcoat&sunglasses Neo and Trinity" are cool or stylish or slightly necessary... get your head out of your ass.




Oh... Andy, Larry, I'd like something of the same caliber, for the future... is that ok?

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For shame Oxigen, for shame... We all know that Trinity looks well hot in a leather overcoat, yeah?


Finally saw


There Will Be Blood


Ugh. Most boring film Ive ever witnessed. Okay...I take it back, its not THE most boring, but Christ its up there.






Gah! Can't believe I missed this! And now I can do nothing but shake my fist in fury!


How can you say it was boring? It's the most exciting and interesting film to come out of America in the last 5 years. Is it just because it doesn't have Seth Rogen farting smoke rings all over Judd Apatow's sweaty cash balls?

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For shame Oxigen, for shame... We all know that Trinity looks well hot in a leather overcoat, yeah?




Gah! Can't believe I missed this! And now I can do nothing but shake my fist in fury!


How can you say it was boring? It's the most exciting and interesting film to come out of America in the last 5 years. Is it just because it doesn't have Seth Rogen farting smoke rings all over Judd Apatow's sweaty cash balls?


It was just a joke lol. I tried watching it on a plane once, but I got 2 minutes in before I realised I was on a plane and wasn't about to watch There Will Be Blood. ;)

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Baz Luhrman's Romeo + Juliet


Love this film so much. Such a visually arresting adaptation...perfectly put into a futuristic/urban setting. The guy who plays Michael in Lost is amazing as Mercutio.


My favourite parts, however strange it may sound, might actually be the opening and ending, with the TV reporter appearing on the fuzzy screen.


Just love it so much.



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Not seen grease, it looks shockingly crap.


:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


I thought Paj never having seen Annie was bad.



Grease and Star Wars are like THE two essential films I first think of when I think of films everyone has to see.


However cheasy and dated it may look Grease is a classic. I still love, to this very day, the scene where Sandy appears in an extremely tight leather catsuit and blood red stilettos.


The songs are great too.


I always loved the bit in the fun fair, where it's like "Danger Ahead!!!" and it's a really bad moving piece of floor.

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I wouldn't say watching Grease was something everyone had to do. Its great, and if you watch it, chances are that you'll like it and love it.


Star Wars, on the other hand, is just something that needs to be done. Its a religion. It should be made mandatory on the Key Stage 3 curriculum.

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Heh, I actually think I've never seen Grease either. I've seen parts of it, but I don't think I ever bothered to watch the entire film. =P


Same here, I haven't seen it all either. Actually the only part I did see was when they sang 'Grease Lightning'. I think I might watch it now, lmao

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I wish my school did jokier big productions, It's alternatively a drama or musical, but not a trashy-fun one, like Grease. More like The Mikado, which to be fair, is amazing.


We have Division Drama coming up soon, and Carmichael (my division) is GOING TO OWN. Seriously. A play-within-a-play sex farce. With added sex, and lessened farce (due to prop restrictions).

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Great concept, poor execution. Starts out strong, but then has to just shit itself for the second half. There was a lot they could have done but it ended up confused, illogical and unsatisfying. Still, there was some fairly humourous dialogue and the atmosphere was conveyed well for the first hour or so.



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I think Grease is crap...


it is. it was designed origionaly as a way to torture information out of commies during the cold war, but more often then not ended with the suject clawing his/her owen eyes and/or ears off.


since then it has been implimented as a way for girls to test men's love for them, if they can sit though the film they are devoted, and no pain will turn them asside.

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