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Day 17 - Racing Game

F-Zero GX


How could it be anything else? This is the last truly monumental F-Zero game which came out on home consoles, it was a triumph for Nintendo, Sega and everyone involved in its development, it pushed the GameCube on a technical level and I'm still amazed by it even today because there is just so much brilliance packed into a single entry in the series. It not only carries on the legacy of previous titles, it expands upon it in all areas, to the extent that there are many racers, all of whom have their own theme tune and bio entry, plus their own ships... if that wasn't enough you can also make your own custom ship, there was cross-connectivity with the Arcade version, multiple difficulties, a brilliant story mode, the mechanics are amazing, piloting the ships feels perfect, it's one of the most enjoyable games I've ever had the pleasure of playing, the visuals are astounding, that solid 60fps framerate and a god-tier soundtrack.

I could go on, but instead all I will say is that if you haven't played it yet and can do so easily, then please do, you'll love it I'm sure, you're welcome and if not... there are no words. :D

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Time for another catch up.

Day 13 - Best open world city game:

GTA V. Not my fave (that'd still be Vice City :cool:) but what this game managed to achieve on a technical level (especially on the PS3) was super impressive! It's one of those games you can go back to and pretty much always experience something new, it's no wonder this has sold such crazy amounts and that they continue to milk it on new platforms. :hehe:


Day 14 - 2D platformer:

Super Mario World. This is probably the 2D platformer that I've played the most over the years, and I still enjoy playing it today. Nothing else to add really, it's a classic. :)


Day 15 - Best story:

Papo & Yo. A lot of the story in this game is revealed via the gameplay which is something that I especially appreciated, wish more video games would attempt storytelling in ways that are unique to the medium, rather than simply replicating film with cutscenes.


Day 16 - Most interesting collectables:

The treasures in Pikmin 2.


These not only looked great in the game, but were also given highly amusing names. :D Both of those aspects combined to make everyday boring objects some of the most interesting and memorable collectables ever. :heh:


Day 17 - Racing game:

F-Zero GX. Just the perfect racing game, beautiful visuals, hyper soundtrack and an absolutely ludicrous sense of speed! :o Oh and let's not forget, the wackiness...


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Obvious entry is obvious


What this game did in 2003 is nothing short of amazing. The speed, the steering, the smooth controls, the speed, the physics, the environments, the speed... What a gorgeous achievement this was. Beating the Grand Prix on the highest difficulty was something I loved to do dozens of times with different racers.

There's so much character in this universe too, not just with the story mode cutscenes, but with each character having a cool design, backstory, personal theme song, a Tekken style ending, and unique interviews (fun fact: did you know Zoda likes gardening? Namely, evil gardening? It's such a silly pointless factoid that only appears in this game, but his Spirit fight in SSBU references this), it really feels like a fleshed out world we'd like to see more of. I don't normally find vehicles memorable either, but here they seem to be part of their respective pilot's design, which helps a lot. And don't even get me started on the tracks.

When you add vehicle customization, the staff ghosts, the story missions (which are legitimately varied, creative, and interesting), and the myriad of characters and endings to unlock, you also see this game wanted to test you as much as possible. Truly a man's manly racer.

Honestly, if they rereleased this with nothing but an HD coat of paint and online multiplayer (with more than 4 people, I mean), I'd pay good money for it, and probably name it game of the year.

(Nevertheless, shout-outs to Excitetruck, Burnout 3, and Carmageddon)

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Best Mini Game

Possibly more of a nostalgic pick, but who cares when the answer is Super Monkey Ball's Monkey Target on the Gamecube. I think my mates and I played this more than the main game itself! Tons of fun, and plenty of depth for a mini game.


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Posted (edited)

Best Mini Game

Sit down, peeps. I'm gonna give you the most amazing mini game in Zelda history.


It's Tetra's Trackers from The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures. An absolutely spectacular competitive orienteering game that no-one played because it was only on the Japanese and Korean version of the game.

The game is mostly played on a GBA whilst Tetra shouts commentary at you from the TV. It's fully voice acted (So no, BotW didn't do it first.) and the commentators really get into it. (Especially The King of Red Lions, who is delightfully narmy in his delivery)

It probably didn't get released here because Tetra actually shouted the names of each player and that's difficult to pull off in other languages. A shame too, it's the best game in Four Swords Adventures. The amount of variety keeps it fresh for ages and it's a laugh a minute!

I should know, @Dcubed has this version.

Edited by Glen-i
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  On 7/18/2020 at 8:07 AM, Ronnie said:
Best Mini Game
Possibly more of a nostalgic pick, but who cares when the answer is Super Monkey Ball's Monkey Target on the Gamecube. I think my mates and I played this more than the main game itself! Tons of fun, and plenty of depth for a mini game.
This would have been my second choice.

Day 18 - Mini game

Edit: Pazaak from Knights of the Old Republic

Even though it's sort of blackjack with special cards, the use of special cards is what makes it interesting. You only have four per game, and have to use them across three rounds.

I like it enough that I made a physical version.



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  On 7/18/2020 at 8:42 AM, Cube said:

Day 18 - Mini game

Even though it's sort of blackjack with special cards, the use of special cards is what makes it interesting. You only have four per game, and have to use them across three rounds.

I like it enough that I made a physical version.




You haven’t said what it is?


Day 18 - Best Mini Game

Gwent from The Witcher 3. Collecting cards (I could've picked this for day 16!) and then building a deck and battling against random people in the Witcher world was a lot of fun. The card game was surprisingly complex for a mini game, but simple enough to get hooked on. 


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  On 7/18/2020 at 8:44 AM, Happenstance said:

You haven’t said what it is?


I had it there, then rephrased it mid-though and somehow missed that I removed that part.

It's Pazaak form Knights of the Old Republic.

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Posted (edited)

Day 18 - Best Mini Game

Not much love for the game itself these days due to the trash frame rate and the awkward as hell controls, but hidden away in the depths of Jet Force Gemini was and extremely cool old-school top-down racer called Jeff and Barry Racing. Have great memories of playing this with my brothers at my Grandma's house on rainy Saturday afternoons before Soccer Saturday started. Great fun. 


Edited by Nicktendo
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Posted (edited)

Best Mini Game


Geometry Wars (Project Gotham Racing 2)

A mini game so addictive it became a full standalone series.

Edited by Goafer
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Might be a weird choice, but...

If I could nominate all of Pokémon Stadium, I would, but its most memorable silly ditty will have do. Other than Pokémon Snap, this might have been the best use of 3D Pokémon models of the time.

(Shout-out to "Bookworm" from Mario Party 4. That mini-game seems to be universally loved)

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Day 18 - Best Mini Game

Pokémon Stadium 2 - Delibird's Delivery


It seems that @Jonnas and I are similar in our choices once again, except he beat me to it this time, albeit, this is a slightly different choice, being that it's from the sequel. :D

My brothers and I, had a lot of fun with the mini-games on Pokémon Stadium 2, but the one which we have the fondest of memories for is Delibird's Delivery. :)

It's a great mini-game, the rule are simple; grab as much stuff as you can and put it on the converyor belt to net a load of points, but be careful, as the more items you have on you, the harder it is to make it back to the other side and if you should collide with a charging Swinub, then your Delibird will lose all of those items, so there's even risk/reward in there too.

Whenever we used to play it, the game would usually devolve into just seeing who could nab the most N64 and GameBoy items, just because. :smile:

This mini-game probably got played more than either of the main modes in the Pokémon Stadium games combined.

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Day 18: Best mini game

I'm not sure how mini it is as it's more of a different game mode but I loved The Mercenaries in Resident Evil 4. Unlocking all characters and getting high scores, I think I played that mode more than the actual campaign. Especially Krauser with his crossbow was awesome.

Loved that they put out a Mercenaries game later on the 3DS, although the one in RE4 still feels superb. 

Shoutouts go to Quickdraw in Kirby's Adventure, Balloon Battle in Mario Kart and all of the Warioware games.


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Best mini game

One I spent hours on as a kid was the Spheres game on Sonic and Knuckles. Originating in Sonic 3 the great thing about this version was that you could lock-on random games to the cartridge to get a unique game setup. Lots of fun and for me the best Sonic mini game of them all.


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Day 19 - Melee Combat

A certain brawler with the word melee in it is a very good runner-up, but the gold goes to Bayonetta 2The combat in here is so fluent and satisfying, like a hot knife cutting butter. The options to equip different weapon sets for a different playstyle is the icing on the cake.


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Day 19 - Melee Combat

Batman: Arkham City - Armoured Edition (Wii U)
The way Batman strings together ranged, close quarters and counters felt fluid and bone crunchingly satisfying.


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