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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


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5 hours ago, RedShell said:

I think I actually would’ve even preferred another Fire Emblem character to this, in fact I definitely would have preferred that! At least the quality of the game’s presentation wouldn’t be getting massively tarnished in that case:nono: For me this update does nothing but make Smash Bros. Ultimate look bad. Horrible stuff. :angry:

I don't think it does any more damage than the fairly hideous looking N64 stages :laughing:

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26 minutes ago, markderoos said:

To anyone not liking the addition of Steve, just be grateful that it wasn’t flappy bird.

In fairness, there are a lot worse character additions then Steve, and if we are going to be comparing, then it could be also said that at least it's not a non-descipt playable character from Fortnite... that really would be a lot worse, especially with that games art-style, which I've never understood the appeal of. :blank:

I do think @RedShell has a point about the Minecraft art style though, while it isn't the worst I've seen in a game, there has always been something about it, that I really don't like, and the only way I can think to describe it, is that it's a very polished generic voxel art style; perhaps that's what makes it such an odd juxtoposition? ::shrug:

There's definitely something about the art style and the game, where I can see why it would appeal to a wide audience.but I think for a lot of people who have played the game, it can seem like one of those titles, where once you see it for what it is, there just isn't a great deal of appeal to it.

But the success of Minecraft is undeniable, as is the general level of appeal.

I'm not saying that 'this is the worst thing ever!11!!!' and to keep it in perspective, this is one character, in a game which has a roster of around 80? characters, on a platform which has a load of other games to play; we are really fortunate as gamers. :peace:

I know that this could be extended to anything, by extension, we're fortunate to even be able to choose to make the time to comment on this, and really, when it comes down to it, I'm just grateful that there even are more characters being added to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate at all... plus, playing as these characters when they come out, online with the N-Europe community, definitely makes it all the more memorable.

Speaking of which... I believe there's an online game being hosted right now, so if anyone wants to join for a few games, then please do, all players welcome, as are all characters of pixels, polygons or voxels alike. :D

Edited by S.C.G
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I more surprised at the hate for Minecraft itself here to be honest. I don't understand what makes it different from all the other games that people on here regularly enjoy. It's a fantastic game.


Personally, I thought Steve being in Smash was practically a foregone conclusion - best selling game ever, huge fanbase, instantly recognisable character. It wasn't a surprise to me at all. 

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Just now, bob said:

I more surprised at the hate for Minecraft itself here to be honest. I don't understand what makes it different from all the other games that people on here regularly enjoy. It's a fantastic game.

I think it's the graphics that puts most people of. The way I see it is that it is basically virtual Lego with an added story. I never played Minecraft myself (only the "2D Minecraft" Terraria), but if anything this reveal makes me want to try out Minecraft.

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7 hours ago, Vileplume2000 said:

I think it's the graphics that puts most people of.

This is my biggest issue with it, yeah. It’s got nothing to do with being old and wanting to yell at clouds :heh: and everything to do with the fact that Minecraft, no matter how you slice it, simply looks bad! It’s just so unappealing visually that to merge it with something like Smash Bros. Ultimate is incredibly jarring and lowers the tone of the entire game. :blank: 

It’s like listening to a great piece of music, only for it to suddenly become completely out of tune. Or eating a delicious meal that turns mouldy and inedible halfway through. :laughing: And let’s face it, the only reason this is even happening is because the suits really pushed for it... $$$ ;) I wouldn't be surprised if Sakurai and the team hated having to add this to their game. I’m certainly going to hate having to look at these abominations once it’s released. 

Anyway, I’ve said more than enough on the subject now, so I’ll leave it there. :hehe: 

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1 hour ago, Cube said:

But Smash Bros already contains different visual styles.

See, I'm of the mind that Steve looks so unapologetically crap that it kinda wraps around and becomes funny. It's the same kind of stylistic suck that makes Mr Game & Watch so fun. Or Mega Man's animations for that matter.

But no matter how anyone slices it, the important thing to note is that Smash Bros has become a celebration of video games. And purposefully ignoring the biggest new video game franchise of recent times would be playing against the ethos of that. And Minecraft has a... Distinct look to it that if you were to make it look more in line with the likes of Link or Cloud, it wouldn't look like Minecraft.

Anyway, that presentation is tomorrow, I'm keen to see how crafting works in Smash. That trailer had a lot going on.

Edited by Glen-i
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5 minutes ago, Mandalore said:

How far have they got with the amiibo range? I wonder if a Steve amiibo will the most scalped product ever?

I'm still waiting for Banjo-Kazooie. Apparently Joker and Hero are out sometime soon, so it may take a while to get to Steve?, although hopefully existing contracts don't mess with it.

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10 minutes ago, Mandalore said:

How far have they got with the amiibo range? I wonder if a Steve amiibo will the most scalped product ever?

I think Banjo is next up on the pre-order list with Joker and Hero next to be released.

I expect the Banjo (and maybe Terry) amiibo to be available to pre-order during tomorrow's demonstration of Steve.

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32 minutes ago, markderoos said:

It’ll take a while before they’ll release the Steve amiibo.

It's gonna be an easy to make amiibo, going by the Smash render.


He's just standing there, menacingly!

I kinda like it.

Edited by Glen-i
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I don't find the Minecraft look to be particularly appealing, visually speaking, either but I think it has its charm. I look at it like another Mr Game and Watch or Wii Fit Trainer, quirky character quirky art style, even if it's a pretty ugly one, still fits imo

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Personally I really like the look of Minecraft. Maybe that's because I played and had a good time with the game, and it reminds me of that though.


I can guarantee though, that if Sakurai announced that the next DLC fighter was NES pixel Mario, none of you would care about the graphical style.

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21 hours ago, RedShell said:

And let’s face it, the only reason this is even happening is because the suits really pushed for it... $$$ ;) I wouldn't be surprised if Sakurai and the team hated having to add this to their game. I’m certainly going to hate having to look at these abominations once it’s released. 

That could be the case but I don't see a big need either side for it. Nintendo already has plenty of great recognisable characters in Smash so it's not like Nintendo would have to go begging Microsoft for it and MineCraft is the best selling game of all time so it's not as though MS are desperate for exposure either. To me it really is a celebration of gaming, if you want to point to suits pushing for characters then I think Byleth and Hero are much more up that alley. 


And honestly as long as stages like this continue to be in then I don't think MC looks out of place but I'll shut up about it now :laughing:


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