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Cyberpunk 2077 (10th December 2020)


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I see this has turned into another "Nintendo is amazing" thread.

19 minutes ago, Goafer said:

I think it's interesting that Cyberpunk has actually been taken down, especially considering some of the utter toss currently on the PS Store (look up Hajwala for example). I recall Fallout 76 being just as broken, but that never got taken down.

Yeah, gotta say I'm surprised, too. Games like Fallout 76 didn't have the same amount of hype surrounding them but it's still a little weird that Cyberpunk 2077 has been taken down.

Welp, let's see how CDPR fares in 2021. Got a lot of work cut out for them...

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29 minutes ago, drahkon said:

I see this has turned into another "Nintendo is amazing" thread.

Yeah, gotta say I'm surprised, too. Games like Fallout 76 didn't have the same amount of hype surrounding them but it's still a little weird that Cyberpunk 2077 has been taken down.

Welp, let's see how CDPR fares in 2021. Got a lot of work cut out for them...

I suspect Cyberpunk being taken down probably has a lot to do with CDPR wishing to rebuild their reputation, we know they've been in talks with Sony and it's probably an agreement they've come to while CDPR work on developing their patches. I think most developers wouldn't care enough to want their product pulled given that they'd be missing out on sales.

Edited by Sheikah
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1 hour ago, Ronnie said:

They're not better, they're great, and an example of what QA should be. No misrepresentation of the truth at all, I said they don't 'release first, fix later' and they don't, they release in a stable, bug-free way. Anyway, the rest of the industry needs to wise up. Release dates are utterly meaningless now too. Cyberpunk's original three dates (or was it four?) were laughable. I get that investors need to be kept happy but it's hard to take any date announced in the AAA sense seriously these days.

Being great at something is an indication that you're better than others... But as I said, I was including patching in features and you were talking about fixing (huge) bugs so through conversation it's become clearer we were talking about different things. I am agreeing with you now I know what you were trying to say.

Anyway, maybe this was the plan all along, to make a dystopic bug-riddled world:


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The fact that it made mainstream BBC News is really something, such a disaster for the developers.

The most astonishing issue I've seen in all of the reports is still that Digital Foundry one where the game straight up freezes for an entire minute to catch up with rendering the scene, I don't think I've seen a more broken moment in any big release, the engine is just too much for the base consoles. Can't imagine how much worse the reaction would have been if they had hit the April release date when next gen consoles and graphics cards weren't an option.

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3 hours ago, Sheikah said:

I suspect Cyberpunk being taken down probably has a lot to do with CDPR wishing to rebuild their reputation, we know they've been in talks with Sony and it's probably an agreement they've come to while CDPR work on developing their patches. I think most developers wouldn't care enough to want their product pulled given that they'd be missing out on sales.

Yeah, I think this is a really good point, and probably the main one. When was the last time Bethesda Softworks gave anyone the impression that they gave a damn? The lead up to Fallout 4 maybe? It's been a whole lot of smoke and mirrors since then, at least that's how I feel. Let's not forget the cheering squad at E3...

Still a little odd it's still not pulled from the Xbox store, curious to know why that might be. I wonder if, as @Hero-of-Time suggested, it is to do with their marketing deal, maybe they're having issues figuring out how that would be impacted by this? It can't be easy to pull a bunch of ads on such short notice telling people to go to Xbox to play the game, only for them to not find it on the store. 

It's a weird one. Regardless of what happens next, like I said before, I just really hope CDPR learn what they can from this. They've worked their team into the ground for this, so I hope developers have the security to walk away from the company now if they want to. 

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I feel like it's the right decision by Sony but it also feels like they are taking some responsibility for what's happened. I know that isn't true, you do you but the headlines are "PlayStation removed Cyberpunk" as if they've done a whoopsie, while Microsoft are hanging back (now saying they'll refund but not pulling it, probably due to the marketing as Hero suggested)

What a sorry state of affairs, clearly lead by shareholder needs over consumer needs/internal quality standards. I remember when Perfect Dark N64 was delayed and delayed and delayed...they put out a completed game in the end (you could argue framerates of four humans Vs four bots was utterly unplayable but still...)

Selfishly I hope that this means a swifter price reduction or some sort of Game Pass deal, but I feel desperately sorry for anyone who booked a day off, put time aside or was just incredibly hyped for this game and has been left with this. Also must be quite bizzare for people like @drahkonand @redshell who've barely had any issues and are having a blast to wonder what's going on! 

I thought before it launched it might have been delayed because Google threw a load of money at it to make sure it was Stadia ready on day one. Sadly looks like that was the least of their troubles!

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8 hours ago, Goafer said:

I think it's interesting that Cyberpunk has actually been taken down, especially considering some of the utter toss currently on the PS Store (look up Hajwala for example). I recall Fallout 76 being just as broken, but that never got taken down.

It's probably the right thing to do, just surprised they haven't done it in previous cases.

This pretty much sums up my view on it:


Not to harp on about my own point - the branding and integrity of the PS Store *especially* for AAA style releases is becoming tountamount going forward - the ps5 has a huge diskless console install base meaning that gateway of the PS store is front left right and centre of everything they do with the next generation going forwards. I actually, whilst it is weirf unprecedented shocking can be compared to smaller titles etcetc - I think there's a shrewdness in Sony of saying right here and right no this is not cool it hurts our customers and hurts us. We'll be fine without you ty bruv.


Srsly. PS Storefront is HUGE for sony moving forwards with PS5. These are smart enough next gen decisions given their current models imo.

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3 hours ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

Selfishly I hope that this means a swifter price reduction or some sort of Game Pass deal

I'd be really surprised if the price gets reduced, I think they'll probably have a re-launch of some kind in 3-6 months time. Maybe coinciding with official next gen versions, that'll be the time to play it. Hopefully some game design issues, of which there are plenty apparently, get ironed out as well

Edited by Ronnie
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Wow! Good on Sony & Microsoft here for doing right by their customers (I mean, they should never have approved the release in the first place, but credit where credit is due here).

Good on ‘em!

Wonder if CDPR will survive as a developer after this... This is a massive blow to both their reputation AND their revenue stream now...

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2 hours ago, Dcubed said:

Wow! Good on Sony & Microsoft here for doing right by their customers (I mean, they should never have approved the release in the first place, but credit where credit is due here).

Good on ‘em!

Wonder if CDPR will survive as a developer after this... This is a massive blow to both their reputation AND their revenue stream now...

The game's sold over 15 million copies. I think their revenue stream will be fine.

I'm sure the game will be back on digital storefronts in a few weeks after a couple of patches.

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7 hours ago, Dcubed said:

Wow! Good on Sony & Microsoft here for doing right by their customers (I mean, they should never have approved the release in the first place, but credit where credit is due here).

Good on ‘em!

Wonder if CDPR will survive as a developer after this... This is a massive blow to both their reputation AND their revenue stream now...

I saw they're actually on the open market as stock in the Polish/Warsaw exchange or something? So they have that side as a publicly traded company both bolstering AND detracting from their success. Their price tanked around paddy's/pandemic time peaked around 4th dec then tumbled to a similar price again now as around paddy's. Shares are basically back to their early January prices. Their stock market side may help them survive and may help them get funding again in future?

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15 hours ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

Also must be quite bizzare for people like @drahkonand @redshell who've barely had any issues and are having a blast to wonder what's going on! 

It really is weird, yeah. I’ve put around 40 hours into it now, and other than the few minor bugs I mentioned earlier it’s been absolutely fine. To me it feels like people are talking about a completely different game! :hehe: 

On 18/12/2020 at 8:51 AM, RedShell said:

I should be taking on the final mission tonight! :bouncy:

Nope, got distracted by side jobs yet again. :laughing: I swear there’s no end to them, new missions seem to be popping up all the time too!

Could someone who isn’t interested in the game check if side jobs can still be done after completing the main story for me? I would look into it myself, but don’t want to risk any potential story spoilers.

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5 minutes ago, RedShell said:

Could someone who isn’t interested in the game check if side jobs can still be done after completing the main story for me? I would look into it myself, but don’t want to risk any potential story spoilers.

I didn't mind looking it up, seeing as it'll be a while before I get back to it, and so will likely forget by then anyways! Don't think I came across any spoilers anyway :p

From what I've read, it does look like all side quests can be done after completing the main story :smile:

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5 hours ago, Rummy said:

I saw they're actually on the open market as stock in the Polish/Warsaw exchange or something? So they have that side as a publicly traded company both bolstering AND detracting from their success. Their price tanked around paddy's/pandemic time peaked around 4th dec then tumbled to a similar price again now as around paddy's. Shares are basically back to their early January prices. Their stock market side may help them survive and may help them get funding again in future?

They don’t really have too much to worry about even with this current setback, they currently have very strong financials and the GOG side of the business prints money. Generally they’d want a higher stock price if they were going to issue more shares, but doing that is very unlikely at this point. The dip will make them a more interesting acquisition target, especially given this is likely a temporary issue they can overcome.

I’ve had them on my watchlist for quite a while, going to keep an eye on them and think I’ll buy if they drop to somewhere around 200 PLN, they’ll still make a ton of money with this game so should be a nice quick win.

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18 hours ago, Will said:

They don’t really have too much to worry about even with this current setback, they currently have very strong financials and the GOG side of the business prints money. Generally they’d want a higher stock price if they were going to issue more shares, but doing that is very unlikely at this point. The dip will make them a more interesting acquisition target, especially given this is likely a temporary issue they can overcome.

I’ve had them on my watchlist for quite a while, going to keep an eye on them and think I’ll buy if they drop to somewhere around 200 PLN, they’ll still make a ton of money with this game so should be a nice quick win.

I don't actually invest or follow except peep a thing or two I think relevant from time to time(eg when i was in supermarket with mate at paddys i suggested watched Diageo - ofc alcohol shot up during pandemic) but im too poor for the money game alone too slack. I think you're not in with a bad shout punting on it at that price looking at its history tho - I think they will long term recover on that financial front. Market being AAA gaming helps a bit too imo.

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I just can't play this broken mess anymore. I've had multiple missions where the objectives were out of order and the dotted line thing would lead me all over the place. I've had times where it wouldn't appear at all. In the mission where i had to reset Delamaine's core the drone robots I destroyed were all floating in mid air with legendary component's I just couldn't pick up. I've had dialogue cut off mid sentence and some that doesn't play at all. I'll wait untill Febuary and check the condition of the game then or wait untill I can get a PS5 but I just can't play this mess anymore.

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I finally did the last story mission over the weekend and completed the game. Then I jumped right back into it and did the same mission again, three more times to be precise! :hehe: Yep, wanted to see how different choices would change the ending, and my word, do they change it!... :o 


...not only that, but the entire mission plays out very differently depending on the paths you choose, with certain characters getting killed or surviving, completely unique routes to the objective, different gameplay, endgame rewards, endings and even slightly different credits sequences all based on your choices! This kind of stuff is nothing new, but I can’t really remember ever playing a game that took it to such extremes before, with so many variations and such a level of complexity, especially not one with the phenomenal graphics and cinematic presentation of Cyberpunk 2077. :cool: 

As for the ending, I suppose it’s pretty obvious it was always going to be a choice between saving V or saving Johnny, but the way it happens still manages to be compelling, and the consequences of that ultimate choice were also entertaining as you’re still in control during the final scenes.

V’s bad ending (well, the really bad one :heh:) was particularly cool, and you certainly feel the regret of having made the wrong choices while you’re trapped in a lab, going through endless tests, having nightmares and stuff. Super creepy stuff. 

I love how the credits are modified depending on your ending too, with certain characters you met throughout the story sending you a message (or not, if you got ‘em killed. :woops:) and that message also changing as a result of the outcome. Brilliant attention to detail for an aspect of the game that will potentially not even be seen by many players.

...if someone were to only play one path and then be done with this game, they’d be missing out on quite a bit of content!

Even having gone through the conclusion to the Street Kid path several times now it still feels like there could be stuff that I’m yet to see, and I’m also itching to start a new game and check out the other paths to discover how it will modify the flow of the game and the relationships with other characters. In a way it’s good that the main story isn’t overly long (would’ve finished it way sooner if it weren’t for all those damn side jobs! :grin:) as replayability is going to be a big thing with Cyberpunk 2077 I reckon. Can see myself doing at least another three complete playthroughs of it.

Anyway, really glad I got to play this game and that I was able to do so on PC. Gutted for those that are stuck with the console version though as that is just no way to experience this magnificent game. :shakehead I hope the developers will be able to address the many issues on those platforms and soon, but yeah, it still sucks how that situation was ever allowed to happen in the first place.


20 hours ago, Dcubed said:


Watch out guys.  If your save file gets bigger than 8MB, your game will become unplayable!

Dump your dupes!

Thanks for the heads up! :eek: 

Mine was under 8MB (around 4MB I think it was) but I have made a backup of it now just in case. Man, this game can’t catch a break! :hmm: 

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