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Super Mario Odyssey


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Still only just finished the Sand Kingdom (with another 30 moons to find!), moving on to the next Kingdom tonight though :)

Absolutely love just running around each world.

The theme of the Cascade Kingdom is beautiful

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I've got 420 moons, starting to make my way through the levels again. Really enjoyed the game. I kind of wish there was a bit more of a post-game game; after the story concludes the game feels kind of done, even if I am collecting the rest of the moons. It's not really a criticism, I just feel like with the addition of more moons, that there's a missed opportunity to take it to the next level.

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10 minutes ago, Daft said:

I've got 420 moons, starting to make my way through the levels again. Really enjoyed the game. I kind of wish there was a bit more of a post-game game; after the story concludes the game feels kind of done, even if I am collecting the rest of the moons. It's not really a criticism, I just feel like with the addition of more moons, that there's a missed opportunity to take it to the next level.

Well, some of the moons are harder now, the timed challenged without Cappy especially, and you may want to get 500 moons as that unlocks the final level. After that, though, there's not really much more to do.

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Got over 500 moons now. Still haven't gone to the last level seeing as my weekend was filled with birthday parties and such, but looking forward to collection more moons now. First off though is getting all the coins, simply because that is the easiest thing in the game to 100%. 

I can also confirm what MindFreak is saying about the more challenging moons. Some of them are infuriating. I've lost 40-50 lives on two of them already. I'm usually a calm gamer, but those moons had me screaming in pain and hatred. And it was such a good feeling to finally get the bloody thing.


Damn you Mario, only you can make me behave this way.

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I collected all 880 moons today so I am pretty much 100% complete, as its unlikely I will grind away trying to get the coins i need to buy the remaining 120 moons to max the counter to 999, unless someone finds a super easy way at some point but the reward doesn't really seem worth the effort. I thoroughly enjoyed the game from start to finish but I still prefer linear Mario games to the open world/ Mario 64 style games like Odyssey. So I have to say Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 and 3D world were better games for me. This game was so much fun though and I especially loved the post-game stuff as well. It was like completing the game the first time was only half of what the game had to offer.



I loved the New Donk City festival, the extra kingdom they unlock after you beat the game, how great some of the costumes look and how much fun it is just too explore at your hearts content.

A few minor things: I wish New Donk City had been a little larger. You can pretty much run from one side to the other in no time at all and I was hoping for a larger city to explore there. I also think it would have been nice if costumes had some actual gameplay perks to them. For example if Mario is wearing the snorkel costume he should get slightly more oxygen when he's swimming underwater or the Snow costume should make him slip less on ice, since those boots have studs on them. But overall, I had a lot of fun playing this game and I am actually hoping it gets some kind of DLC in the future. 

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8 hours ago, Helmsly said:

I collected all 880 moons today so I am pretty much 100% complete, as its unlikely I will grind away trying to get the coins i need to buy the remaining 120 moons to max the counter to 999, unless someone finds a super easy way at some point but the reward doesn't really seem worth the effort.







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Bonneton/Cap is such a lovely Kingdom, and the music is brilliant, fits perfectly.
I can't help but smile every time I see Captain Toad in this game.
They have to make another game, they have to... right!?
Spoilers all over the place in this thread.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I absolutely love this game. Early stars were so easy but the end game is really getting to explore and ferret around.

I can see a lot of younger gamers trying to finish this being like many of us trying to finish Mario 64, a huge undertaking! 

Currently at 810 moons... Really starting to slow down and only picking up say 5 or 6 moons each time I play. So many levels that I've said "wow, I'm glad I don't have to do that again!" but I don't hate them or anything. They're just hard as nails! 

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It's a special, wonderful game, I'm at about 220 moons, playing a little bit each night.


I usually hate snow levels but the Snow Kingdom was a lot of fun. Helped with the amazing background music in Shiveria Town.

Got to the Seaside Kingdom last night, I was expecting another small 50 regional coin level so was really chuffed to see it be one of the bigger kingdom. Gorgeous looking and secrets everywhere!


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3 hours ago, Jamba said:

So many levels that I've said "wow, I'm glad I don't have to do that again!" but I don't hate them or anything. They're just hard as nails! 


There are a few moments like that in every 3D Mario - cleaning the eel's teeth in Sunshine springs to mind!  I don't know why we play them really! :laughing:

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2 minutes ago, Sméagol said:

You are guaranteed to get some cereal, at the very least.

But you don't know how many Power-up marshmallows and, more importantly, One-up marshmallows you get. It's annoying that it's pay to win...the more you buy, the more you can extend your life. I rather unlock another year by simply playing but life's hard...I might have to resort to buying loot boxes.

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Just now, drahkon said:

But you don't know how many Power-up marshmallows and, more importantly, One-up marshmallows you get. It's annoying that it's pay to win...the more you buy, the more you can extend your life. I rather unlock another year by simply playing :(

Ah you're right.. Sounds like a ploy to sell cereal DLC containing extra marshmellows..

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This game is a masterpiece. Haven't enjoyed a game so much for ages. I only got my Switch on Sunday, but have two days off work this week and I've been glued to this! I've seen the credits roll already, and I have no regrets, it's been so much fun! I've got 383 moons so far and looking forward to getting the rest!

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1 hour ago, Kav said:
  Last level... (Reveal hidden contents)

I noticed this guy going upwards and figured I’d try hitching a ride! :D


That's incredible man, i've been struggling with the bird section a little bit after that so will definitely use this as a shortcut when I try again. Have been working on it on and off for over a week, does anyone have any tips for me? 

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9 hours ago, killthenet said:

That's incredible man, i've been struggling with the bird section a little bit after that so will definitely use this as a shortcut when I try again. Have been working on it on and off for over a week, does anyone have any tips for me? 

The pokeys? Just release the sticks as soon as possible.


I think that skippable section was the most fun part of that level so I wouldn't want to skip it.

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Finally completed 'Long Journey's End'. It was a bit of an ordeal at times but I feel really good about having got through it. Up to 830 moons now, I'm going to try and 100% the game but I am really bad at jump rope and volleyball so not sure if I'll be able to get those ones.

I'm surprised at how down on the soundtrack Damiani was when they were discussing Game Awards nominations, I think the soundtrack is incredible, certainly one of the best aspects of a game that does so many things right.

There are definitely too many moons though and I hated every second of the Trace Walking ones.

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