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Pokémon Go! (Android/iOS)


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Cheers! Interesting find!


I wonder if the IVs are actually being used here in Go, or if they're just being put in place for the eventual ability to transfer Pokemon to S/M?


STAB being x1.2 instead of x1.5 is also interesting. I wonder if they might be planning on changing that in S/M as well?

IVs are a bit different in functionality here though, and smaller values

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I'm not happy at all. My friends have been able to get in the game all day and I haven't. It's not very good at all. I wish they'd fix it. It's still fantastic but a lot of fixes need to be done


Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

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Yeah, so this completely took me by surprise.. I had no idea this was such a craze. Since I had little interest in it, I didn't keep up with the news, but I've seen it on the cover of the 2 most popular newspapers, before the game was even officially out here. I even saw a Christian newspaper mentioning this game was getting people back into churches (hahahahaha..). To be honest, I doubt this craze will last more than a year, but I have to admit that I'm intrigued. I would definitely download it now, if I my phone supported it.


Anyway, have these been posted?





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From March 2015.


"One thing that we have found over the years is that video games themselves have a tendency to be difficult to break out of a particular segment. But what we have found with some of our most successful products, is that they tend to be ones where people are playing them together and the communication is spreading much more broadly and easily than standard word of mouth communication. And what you start to see is people of different generations playing together and talking with each other, and sometimes you even see grandchildren talking with their grandparents about a video game.


"So with the plans for our smart device efforts, that will also take on this theme of giving people opportunities to learn from one another about games, and giving games an opportunity to spread across different generations of people, and give people more opportunity to communicate with one another about games. And I want to say that we’re going to be putting forth some effort to be able to provide some factual data that supports these viewpoints." — Satoru Iwata


I'm not sure how involved Iwata was ( if at all ) with Pokemon GO but I think it's safe to say that what this game has achieved is pretty much what he was speaking about here. Go has captured the hearts and minds of different generations of people, both gamers and none gamers alike, and has people talking about it non stop.

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From March 2015.




I'm not sure how involved Iwata was ( if at all ) with Pokemon GO but I think it's safe to say that what this game has achieved is pretty much what he was speaking about here. Go has captured the hearts and minds of different generations of people, both gamers and none gamers alike, and has people talking about it non stop.

Iwata was quite involved with it :)

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Servers are back alive (for now), and Niantic must have been feeling bad for keeping me offline all weekend.


Caught a Snorlax (CP1300!) and a Gengar today. My two Kanto favourites in the space of a few hours.

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I've got to say, Iwata might end up saving Nintendo from any doubts that were around before almost singlehandedly if the NX sells well, certainly worked wonders in terms of GO.


And I think that might be the worrying part for them: where do they go for such ideas in the future?

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You knock me sick @Guy :heh:

I caught a Magikarp... and seen that it needs 400 candy to evolve. :o


Some kind of sick joke?!


The 'karp is an absolute beast to evolve. I'm still so far away from even getting close to enough candy.


The struggle is real for sure. I'm sure my Go luck has been and gone too. These captures feel like massive exceptions to my usual fleet of Pidgeys and Drowzees.

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Just saw an article on BBC news in which they cite your site @Serebii to tell people which egg types hatch into which Pokemon. Pretty cool!


Oh my god! Serebii, you did it! Your life-long dream of getting on to the BBC by providing a database on all the Pokemon games has finally come true!

Now you can go on the Graham Norton show and comment on how Pokemon GO! is the greatest Pokemon game of all time while secretly thinking, "He looks so weird ever since he grew a beard"


Now you can close the site and rub it in Bulbapedia's face for all eternity!


Seriously though. Is this an episode of the Twilight Zone or something?

At this point, I'm starting to believe it. I mean, how else can you describe the latest Pokemon game ("Game" is a bit of a stretch) taking the world by storm and me being in the minority by not giving a damn?


I'm expecting some super lame twist and it turns out I actually am a Kecleon or something and because that's Gen 3, I'm doomed to non-existence.

Roll credits.

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Oh my god! Serebii, you did it! Your life-long dream of getting on to the BBC by providing a database on all the Pokemon games has finally come true!

Now you can go on the Graham Norton show and comment on how Pokemon GO! is the greatest Pokemon game of all time while secretly thinking, "He looks so weird ever since he grew a beard"


Now you can close the site and rub it in Bulbapedia's face for all eternity




Speaking of the BBC...



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Saw that on the news this morning. Absolutely no sympathy for them, but that's mostly because they were playing GO to begin with.


A smartphone update of the Nintendo Game Boy classic


Wow... That's one sick burn on Red/Blue. At least those games can run for an hour without crashing.


Last week, BBC made me feel insulted for Gen 5. Now they make me feel sorry for Gen 1.


They might as well go for all 7 gens. Why not? I'm sure they can get 5 more negative emotions out of me.

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You knock me sick @Guy :heh:

I caught a Magikarp... and seen that it needs 400 candy to evolve. :o


Some kind of sick joke?!


Doesn't that evolve into a gyrados though? I remember stopping it from evolving all the way up to over level 70, it managed to help me beat the elite four(?) with it's struggle.

I'm so tempted by this game... shame I don't have a compatible phone :(

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Doesn't that evolve into a gyrados though? I remember stopping it from evolving all the way up to over level 70, it managed to help me beat the elite four(?) with it's struggle.

I'm so tempted by this game... shame I don't have a compatible phone :(




Wouldn't you have just ditched it for something else at that point? Struggling to wrap my head around that.

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Wouldn't you have just ditched it for something else at that point? Struggling to wrap my head around that.


I figured anyone can win with a strong pokemon :P I did have better members of my main team - Charizard (smokey joe R.I.P) and Persian are the only ones I remember. I think maybe a farfetch'd, onyx and pidgeotto may have filled the remaining slots.. probably not at all a balanced team, but after I'd used Persian to get my paydays.. and if it was a human player my magikarp to take out the next few.. smokey joe was all I needed. It was a bad battle if he ended with less than half his health.

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