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Thank you a lot for the answer :).


To give a longer answer.


I know that the e-shop is usually more expensive, but in my country the retail prices are usually higher than in rest of Europe, so the e-shop should be cheaper at the and.

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To give a longer answer.


I know that the e-shop is usually more expensive, but in my country the retail prices are usually higher than in rest of Europe, so the e-shop should be cheaper at the and.


Hello and welcome. I unfortunately am UK based, so have a UK based WiiU on the UK eShop - but we have quite a number of European and some overseas members.


Out of interest - @Alak is in Norway too I think.


We have others but with only a little think those are European folks who spring to mind, maybe they'll see the mention and shed a little more info. Tbh, I'm actually quite curious and a little interested in whether you guys setup diff to the region etc(I recall at least Norway's notoriously quite expensive when it comes to games unless I'm mistaken? Would you eShop to another territory in that instance too?)

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Norway is notoriously expensive when it comes to EVERYTHING, really, not just games. :P


Luckily, the eShop usually has fairly equivalent prices to the rest of Europe, so it's waaaaay cheaper to buy digital unless you can find some crazy discounts on the physical versions.

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I love it that Britons never consider themselves to be Europeans :laughing:


I've been in The Netherlands for as long as I can remember, and nothing is out of the ordinary here.

Prices are okay, have imported from the UK from time to time so I could play certain games in English or because some stores had crazy cheap deals.

Other than that, eShop prices are pretty normal.

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Hello and welcome. I unfortunately am UK based, so have a UK based WiiU on the UK eShop - but we have quite a number of European and some overseas members.


Out of interest - @Alak is in Norway too I think.


We have others but with only a little think those are European folks who spring to mind, maybe they'll see the mention and shed a little more info. Tbh, I'm actually quite curious and a little interested in whether you guys setup diff to the region etc(I recall at least Norway's notoriously quite expensive when it comes to games unless I'm mistaken? Would you eShop to another territory in that instance too?)

Yes, like FireMeowth says it may be cheaper to buy digital in Norway, at least for 3DS games. Usually you can buy a digital 3DS game in Norway for 349*, while a physical store might charge 399 and Gamestop/Game would charge 449-499..Same thing with Steam. It got cheaper when they forced us to pay with NOK instead of USD.


*I have bought Luigi's Mansion, Animal Crossing, Pokemon X and Fire Emblem from eShop and I'm 99% sure I paid 349 for all of them.


NOK -> GPB with todays currency I think it's divide by 12, but divide by 10 to make it easy for yourself.

I love it that Britons never consider themselves to be Europeans :laughing:


I know, it's hilarious :laughing:


Anyway, I don't think changing territory is worth it. Likely I won't save much, and if I change region again I will lose all games bought on that territory until I change back iirc.

Edited by Tales
Automerged Doublepost
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I think pricing here in The Netherlands is fair compared to most other European countries. I do find the occasional bargain in the UK or sometimes in Germany but I think that's mainly due to the amount of competing resellers. Digital though is always the most expensive option overhere. Everything is sold at RRP, while physical copies are 10-20% cheaper already during launch of the games. Especially Media Markt is known for selling at a customer friendly rate.

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I love it that Britons never consider themselves to be Europeans :laughing:


I've been in The Netherlands for as long as I can remember, and nothing is out of the ordinary here.

Prices are okay, have imported from the UK from time to time so I could play certain games in English or because some stores had crazy cheap deals.

Other than that, eShop prices are pretty normal.


I consider myself fully European! I used the term previously for those without a GBP, is all ;)


(nah I totes do, and I love my EuroBros such as yourself <3...but y'kno how it was meant)

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Out of interest - Jonnas and Oxigen_Waste, what's it like for you in Portugal if you're still there?


Retail games have always been expensive, 40€ at best, 60€ at worst. Even used games at cheap prices are hard to come by (especially in major retailers, that rarely deal with used games). Back in 2011, when I went to London, I got two used Wii games (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn and Little King's Story) at HMV for less than 10£, which was like an insane bargain for me at the time. By comparison, finding anything below 10€ in Portugal, even for used games, was a rarity.


Nowadays, I don't play on consoles, mostly on PC (the prices I saw in Steam and GOG factored heavily into this), but I can see the prices of retail games haven't changed much. In fact, I have yet to see Wii U games go down in price (like Wii games used to do).


I have no idea regarding the eShop. I recall the Virtual Console had the same prices as the other Eurozone countries, but I don't know if that model remains. My guess is that the same price range applies.

Edited by Jonnas
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Retro Studios New Game For Wii U Could Be Using A New Engine


Did a comb of Retro Studios devs. Nintendo must have them on a tight leash, but it's a Wii U game with a new engine. New IP or Metroid?


— Tamaki (@Doctor_Cupcakes) April 2, 2015


We know that Retro Studios is hard at work on their next project since releasing the fantastic Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. We knew that much since February last year. However, Liam Robertson from Unseen64 has tweeted that after doing a bit of digging it turns out that their next game for Wii U will be using a brand new engine. It’s unlikely they would be using a new engine if it was another game in the Donkey Kong Country line. New Metroid anyone?



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Because that direct offered us so much, right? :rolleyes:

We had a new game fully showcased for the first time ever in ShinMegaTen x Fire Emblem, as well as Wii U Virtual Console details of two new platforms held within, with four games available right after the Direct, plus details of the localisation of Fatal Frame 5 for Wii U and a Wii U download title in amiibo Touch & Play as well as details on DLC for two top Wii U titles.


So yes, Rummy, they did.


If you want many new game announcements, then wait until June 16th before you start bitching.

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Because that direct offered us so much, right? :rolleyes:


It did for me but I enjoy the current Nintendo rather than Nintendo of the past. I don't actually think that the kind of games that Nintendo now release have changed that much. It's just the maybe yours and others tastes have changed.

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Because that direct offered us so much, right? :rolleyes:


Duuuuud. You can't say that. :indeed:



Anyway, no comments about The Binding of Isaac? One of the best indie games in recent years coming to Wii U and nobody cares? Shame on you.

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Binding of Isaac is a brilliant indie game, if Nintendo fans don't support it then they have nobody else to blame when games don't reach Nintendo consoles!


It's no good just saying it's brilliant. I'm not sold that it's a game I'd enjoy.

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Well I guess you could always buy it to find out. :)


I do not have the money to throw around on games that I might enjoy.


That's why a game needs to convince me that it's worth my money.

I'll happily give it a try if there was a way for me to try it for free, but unless that happens or it sells itself well, I'll give it a miss.

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I do not have the money to throw around on games that I might enjoy..


I've definitely been starting to walk down this road over the last couple of years too :heh:


There's a time when I'd probably have felt I should buy things like Bayonetta 2, The Wonderful 101 and Hyrule Warriors on Wii U but I feel a little older and wiser these days and know that time and money are too precious to waste on things you don't really want or need.


I also now feel like you can have too much to play, even to the point where it affects your enjoyment of what you already have :smile:

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