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Mario Kart 8


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In regards to items ruining the game, are we talking about Grand Prix mode only?

I've found that online is more about skill -- hence why the cream rises to the top in the overall points tally.

Quick race mode is also fine as you can pretty much set the items as you wish.

I can see the issues with GP mode as it can be brutal...especially on 150cc. But when hasn't it been?

Outside of that, there are plenty of ways to customise and enjoy the game.


Now we just need Battle Mode DLC and, as others have said, it will be even better!

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No, I'm still waiting, too. And, will be after you 2 get yours! :shakehead


But, that's the choice of living in another country.


Finally got mine, enjoyed playing a few cups but.. yeah :D delivery could have been a LOT smoother!

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Hehehe. I captured all of those N-E races, will have to check out the footage. Definitely want to see a really long distance green shell hit that I somehow managed on @Sprout (Maidens) again. :grin:
Pfft, whether it's shells or
, you always find a way to hit me. =P


I had fun last night, though! Was surprised that I came first in my first online race, heh. This race was my personal favourite:





Pay no attention to the fact I threw a banana directly in front of me and slipped on it.


Might post more in-depth impressions later, but for now I'll just say that I like this game! Which, y'know, was kind of expected.

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Decided to get Wii Party U. Nothing else interested me. Was going to get W101 but the filesize and demo put me off.


At least I'll play this when friends are over. If I'd got W101, I'd have played it once then given up most likely.

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Indeed. Given how little time there is to talk between rounds, not to mention the shoddy quality of it, Nintendo may as well not have bothered with this very weak attempt of communication.


hence why people complained about it not being in races.


will get shot down though and be told that having voice chat in lobbies only is a good thing. :indeed:

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Just had another awesome session playing online. This game is just as mental as MK Wii was online, perhaps even more so. :heh:

The N-E League is certainly going to be interesting this time around, put it that way.


And it looks like we're going to have another great player in the form of @Glen\-i. icon14.gif

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Just had another awesome session playing online. This game is just as mental as MK Wii was online, perhaps even more so. :heh:

The N-E League is certainly going to be interesting this time around, put it that way.


And it looks like we're going to have another great player in the form of @Glen\-i. icon14.gif


We'll just pretend that last session didn't count... :heh:


yeah, that was a pretty shameful performance from me...

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We'll just pretend that last session didn't count... :heh:


yeah, that was a pretty shameful performance from me...

I wasn't exactly karting at my usual standard either. :hehe:

It's a completely different ball game when playing this online, the hectic nature of 12 players makes it very difficult to play consistently well.

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I'm enjoying hearing that the online is a bit of mayhem!


The league is always brilliant fun, but by the sounds of it the online in MK8 means that anyone could come out on top in a GP!

Good to hear! : peace:


I haven't bothered with online yet as I want to try and star everything first and get to know the tracks a bit more.


Also, I really haven't found a character I'm comfortable with yet. ::shrug:

I dunno why as normally I'm all about Peach. However I'm finding Wario/Waluigi to be a little easier to handle.


What are the weight classes of the characters? Is there a way to see? I know pressing + gives you the car / wheels / glider stats but anywhere to see character weight classes?

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I'm finding 100cc rather annoying. I find myself being fisted on the last lap and ending up (anything that isn't first) with no way of coming back, ruining my three star action. I've unlocked all of the characters and giving each of them a go. But I'm finding myself going back to my favourites.


Watching everyone jump when you bang your horn at the starting line - weird.

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Biggest grips -


- Map not on screen.

- "View Highlights" is first option "Next Race" is second.


Do I looks like I got time to press down?


Those are also my gripes.


I mean yeah Nintendo the game is pretty, but I also want to see if someone is about to use lightning before I go to fly over a bottomless pit and looking down to my hands is taking my attention off the road for longer than I'd like.


Anyway mostly impressed so far though. Love the haunted mansion track. Such polish on this game.

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