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Nintendo Ditching This Years E3 Presser


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Fun fact


Microsoft and Sony both have revealed their consoles at a conference away from E3. They get praise. Nintendo does stuff differently...it's Nintendo


Which is why I think this route that Nintendo are taking at this years E3 could work against them when it comes to how gamers/consumers view them.


Very interesting times ahead.

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Well, as the last two e3 showings have mainly been viewed as a disappointment, why not change up what their presence is like at this years show!

The thing I've found with Wii U and, to an extent, 3DS, and which goes back to the 2011 unveiling, is that it's much easier to see what these consoles are all about by playing them rather than talking about them. Stop the confusion, have the press play the games and talk enthusiastically about them, generate more interest and let the software do the talking if they have a decent line up, which they have hinted at.

Also with ND going down well, from a business point of view saving money on hiring out a venue and putting on a huge presentation is sensible stuff to. Blue ocean thinking innit ;)

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Well all the Nintendo Directs we've had this year so far have provided megatons anyway. So if these mini press events are along the same line then Nintendo fans shouldn't be disappointed. The only one they are missing is a WiiU 3rd Party Support Conference with some megatons there. Heck they don't even need to be megatons, just confirmation that WiiU will be getting FIFA14, COD:Ghosts and other standard 3rd party support games you'd expect to see annually on every console.


While it could still be good for Nintendo fans, the general casual audience will be in the dark, as many people have mentioned e3 conferences are big enough to attract all types of media, so all sorts of people see just what's in store for each console / game developer.


For Nintendo to neglect the big time is quite worrying.


Unless of course their own solo Directs do continue to smash awesome games left right and centre. just need that 3rd party..

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E3 is the biggest event in the gaming calender.


All three hardware manufacturers put on a massive conference - these are central to the E3 experience.


The aforementioned press conferences take centre stage and are the most hotly discussed points of E3.


These conferences are covered by the world's media and go beyond simple 'gaming media'.


By Nintendo stepping out of the conferences they have managed to:


1) Make themselves less visible and reduced the chance of mainstream media attention.

2) Made themselves look smaller and less significant than Sony and MS.

3) Most importantly they have made it so they no longer have one highly focused event to showcase all their new software.

4) The knock on effect is they will drip feed their new software out to smaller audiences and it will simply be lost in the neon blaze that is E3.


We are now in a position where the Wii U isn't doing as well as it should have, and instead of coming out all guns blazing Nintendo are further withdrawing from the public eye.


This is madness! Nintendo have lost it. If it wasn't bad enough that they managed to botch the launch of the Wii U, they have also totally screwed up the first E3 after the Wii U launch.

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As much as I like Nintendo Directs, nothing comes close to the amount on coverage E3 press conferences get, so I can't see this as a good thing.


Its also worth mentioning that even though Sony didn't reveal the PS3 at E3 and instead held their own separate show earlier this year, it was still a press conference that was very much in the vein of the ones you see at E3. It had press in attendance including non-gaming press, which is why it got so much coverage at the time. Plus the fact its a whole new console.


A Nintendo Direct simply doesn't get that much attention, which I feel the Wii U need more then ever right now.

Edited by Helmsly
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I don't think that this is a good idea. No matter what they show, it gives the impression that they're afraid of their competition and whatever they show will be treated as being of lesser importance.


I can't see how this is supposed to inspire any confidence in their platform or their lineup. It sends off all of the wrong messages and makes it look like they've given up.


The mainstream media will never report on a Nintendo Direct video. They'll just go ignored by the non-gaming media, while Microsoft and Sony get all of the media attention.

Edited by Dcubed
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E3 has been terrible for years, I'm glad they "dropped out".


They haven't completely dropped out, they will still be there, there will still be press events. Smaller presence? Sure. They'll have plenty of Nintendo Directs I'm sure.

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Aww this makes me sad. I always looked forward to watching the conference. Jim and I were planning to have an evening of take-away and Nintendo at E3, but guess that isn't going to happen now.


I still hope that the press conferences they do will be decent, or they put out a great ND.

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The mainstream media will still be shown stuff, it'll just be behind closed doors. If anything having a smaller group of people in their conferences will mean that those people talk about the products more.


We, as gamers, still get the info via Nintendo Direct.


Game journalists will still go to the behind closed doors conferences and all the attendees will still get to play the games on the show floor.


I really can't see how it's a problem.

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It really is a no win - no win for Nintendo in't it?


If they do an E3 presser they would be focusing on Figures and other stuff and show few games (as previous years.... they pretty much said this in their reasons for not having one this year, because that is how they viewed the E3 presser) and people here would complain that it was a poor show, that they didn't enough games or make enough announcements.


People would complain that the presser was too focused on non-gaming media and not tailored enough for the actual players as has been said about previous E3 pressers in last few years.



Now Nintendo say they want to focus on software and tailor the E3 expereince for the gamer (albiet in a different way) and people are worried about what the non-gaming media will think/say.


Even if Nintendo did a full on presser that was software and gamer focused (which by their own admission the wouldn't do if they were doing one) the Non-Gaming media still wouldn't give a hoot as they will be all over the "next gen consoles" coming from Sony and MS and people would be moaning that Nintendo didn't put on enough of a show.



Nintendo (seem to) realise this, no matter what they do the mainstream media will mainly be concered with the new hardware stuff. So they are optting to approach E3 in a different way.


I think it'll make E3 more interesting getting fed with new info and new game announcements spread out over the 3 days rather than a lackluster presser that everyone will judge as the end all and be all of the event ignoring anything else they show/do during the show.

Edited by Mokong
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To be fair, though I still think they should be there to showcase what they've got - it's probably not really gonna be a huge loss in my opinion. I mean lets face it, the general public no absolutely nothing about e3, the only people who pay any attention to it are the most dedicated gamers. As this isn't really Nintendo's market (regardless of what was first forecast with Wii U), I don't think it's too much of a problem that they're not going to be giving us a full presentation.


All Nintendo need to do is make sure the games are there for the console and then market it correctly. An e3 presentation is not going to make the casual or wider market go out and buy a Wii U, but ensuring the games are there and then going on a marketing campaign will.


I understand the frustration I just don't think it's anywhere near as bad as some people are making out. Like I say the pprblem with the Wii u is lack of sales at the min, and regardless of what is shown at e3, most people will not go and buy one off the back of it. So I'm not massively fussed really. E3 hasn't been great for a while anyway IMO

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Microsoft and Sony both have revealed their consoles at a conference away from E3. They get praise. Nintendo does stuff differently...it's Nintendo


Huh? Last time I checked, Sony and Microsoft are still having a big conference at E3. What has showing off some details early got to do with it?


I personally think the Nintendo directs would be better the week before and the week after E3. Having small ones throughout may be overshadowed.

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It really is a no win - no win for Nintendo in't it?


Sorry, but you're talking utter bollocks!


The best Nintendo E3 for years was all about the software! They showed off Skyward Sword, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Epic Mickey, Goldeneye and blew everyone away. It was just an avalanche of must have software and people went wild.


If Nintendo EVER needed to pull one of those press conferences again it's now!


They just needed a steller press conference that simply focused on amazing titles and was killer blow after killer blow - new Mario Kart, new Mario, Wind Waker, a few surprises, the Retro title, more of X, more of Bayonetta, maybe the first trailer of the new Zelda. Then move onto the 3DS and show MH4, Zelda and all the other titles they have lined up with a few surprises.


That's what would have been a win.


The fact they're not doing that heavily suggests they have very little to show. As a company they are destroying themselves!

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