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By the sounds of things, some people's notifications look very different to others... might be why there are complaints.


Mine are just dark grey/black text on a white/very light background but @Zell is saying that he has white text on a grey background, almost unreadable, despite never making any changes to his system theme? What do everyone else's look like?


Mine sounds a lot like yours, but I recently changed to the Journey theme. Not sure if it'd be different on any other themes. I preferred the black background though.

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I quickly knocked this up after seeing what @drahkon wanted to buy and play between now and the end of the year.




That's a very solid lineup for the end of the year and i've probably missed out a few games, as well.


I'm certainly nabbing DQ Builders, Rise of the Tomb Raider, The Last Guardian, World of Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy XV. I'm still not settled on what multiplayer game I will go with, though. I really want to play CoD4 again, so i'm leaning towards that.


What's everyone else looking to pick up for their PS4s in the run up to Christmas ?

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Thanks for updating the list HoT :D that and Tomb Raider will be my must-haves coming up. Depending on the reception I'll probably pick up FFXV too.


Persona 5 early next year is probably my most anticipated game of all time though.


I hope some of you pick up Xcom 2, it's a brilliant turn based strategy game that I loved on PC earlier this year.

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Thanks for updating the list HoT :D


Hehe. :D



Persona 5 early next year is probably my most anticipated game of all time though.


The lineup at start of next year is probably more insane than it is this Christmas. There used to be a bit of a let up until at least March but there's a constant stream of potential quality releases from now until March/April time.


I've got Persona 5 preordered but that hinges on me playing and enjoying P4G before the sequel arrives.

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:blank: Why...why do you do this to me? :p


Depending on what my mate will buy it will be either Titanfall 2 or CoD: Infinite Warfare and Modern Warfare for me. With the amount of playtime and fun I've with Black Ops 3 I really don't know which I will get. It changes everyday...I have put down a pre-order for CoD, though. 85€ for two games which I will most likely play to death during next year...I think that's fair and I think that's what I'll be going with in the end. :laughing:


Final Fantasy XV is already pre-ordered. Will be the perfect gift as it comes out on my birthday :yay:


If I don't get Titanfall 2 I will definitely get Dragon Quest Builders in October.


I also want Dishonored 2, The Last Guardian, Watch Dogs 2 and World of Final Fantasy.


Depending on my financial situation right before Christmas I might get one or two of these. : peace:

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For me it's the Ezio collection, Tomb Raider, DQ Builders, Last Guardian, Watch Dogs 2, FFXV and Gravity Rush 2.


Dishonered and Mafia III in far future when I'm finished with the above.


When is the Ezio collection out? Thought it was just a rumour until now. Please let it be late December....

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What's everyone else looking to pick up for their PS4s in the run up to Christmas ?
Probably just Dragon Quest Builders and Gravity Rush 2 from that selection, although I don't reckon I'll be getting either at launch. Still quite a few older games (including digital titles) on my to buy list. :hmm:

I want to pick up PES 2017 at some point too.


Gotta make sure I don't have too much on the go by January though, as that's Yakuza 0 time!! :bouncy:



Forgot about Dragon Quest Heroes II! When's that arriving in Europe?... if at all. :hmm:

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When is the Ezio collection out? Thought it was just a rumour until now. Please let it be late December....


According to Amazon.de 17th November.


Yup. For some bizarre reason Ubisoft is dropping it on the same day as Watch Dogs 2.



Ezio was a great character, 2 and Brotherhood were amazing and I never played Revelations, so i'll be picking this up at some point.


Forgot about Dragon Quest Heroes II! When's that arriving in Europe?... if at all. :hmm:


All i've heard is that it's arriving early next year....along with every other game. :D

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All i've heard is that it's arriving early next year....along with every other game. :D


Where did you hear this? The first game sold poorly from what I've heard so I wasn't expecting the second one to be localised.

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