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Enough of that mook, nothing is more sexual than me in a harness!




Expect more action shots when my friend uploads her photos.

(although I look like a strange child in that photo)


I can't believe you aren't coming to the meet. We could have a classic GOB Michael night out.


"I broke a few of my rules Michael I gave her my number, I told her my name, I got married..."


As I haven't posted a pic of myself for a while here is one of me looking like a posh git at my bday night out.



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Ashley in your adventure harness picture you look kind of like the dudette in your avatar. :)




dudette? Im pretty sure Lee Pace does not have a vagina. Have yet to find conclusive evidence of course, but I'm presuming here.


Anyway I'll take that quite happily, I like Lee Pace. Seems like a nice guy. (and I like Ned because he bakes pies and wakes the dead, plus is a bundle of repressed emotions) Just wish I was as tall...not sure why but lately I've really wished I was taller. Ah well eh?


I can't believe you aren't coming to the meet. We could have a classic GOB Michael night out.


"I broke a few of my rules Michael I gave her my number, I told her my name, I got married..."


As I haven't posted a pic of myself for a while here is one of me looking like a posh git at my bday night out.




I nearly asked which of us would be which...but I suppose as I do class myself as having Michael Bluth syndrome at times that would be me. But thats fine, some straight man sarcastic comments are within my nature anyway.


Looking rather sharp, and I like how you look kinda arrogant. But in a good way of course (because I see arrogance as a positive thing).

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dudette? Im pretty sure Lee Pace does not have a vagina. Have yet to find conclusive evidence of course, but I'm presuming here.


Anyway I'll take that quite happily, I like Lee Pace. Seems like a nice guy. (and I like Ned because he bakes pies and wakes the dead, plus is a bundle of repressed emotions) Just wish I was as tall...not sure why but lately I've really wished I was taller. Ah well eh?




I nearly asked which of us would be which...but I suppose as I do class myself as having Michael Bluth syndrome at times that would be me. But thats fine, some straight man sarcastic comments are within my nature anyway.


Looking rather sharp, and I like how you look kinda arrogant. But in a good way of course (because I see arrogance as a positive thing).


I will happily be GOB lol just for his golden lines "Michael you won the gold medal in the dating special olympics!" Epic


Haha dw about saying I look arrogant I chose this pic for a laugh cause I look like some heir to the realm spoilt rich kid. My other ones from this night show me in a much more drunken nicer light but this was the funniest I thought.

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Fun and narcissism folks!


An oldie but a goodie.




"Man, ask me if I give a shit."


Moving on...

Enough of that mook, nothing is more sexual than me in a harness!




Expect more action shots when my friend uploads her photos.

(although I look like a strange child in that photo)

Ever since I saw that picture you've been reminding me of someone, and it's been annoying the fuck out of me. But today it hit me.





Slam the facial hair off, keep the cheeky smile, it's almost uncanny.




Peace and love, guys.

I can't stop being reminded of Ringo Starr when people say that. Regardless, let's join hands... "Kumbayaaaa"

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I'm bored so I'm starting a new theme, a pic of you ''Caught in the headlights''.






GO!! :heh:


Not sure if these are scared/concerned/"special" but here is a small collection:


Mild concern:



Slightly more concerned:



And my personal favourite, "The Ringer":



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Not sure if these are scared/concerned/"special" but here is a small collection:


Mild concern:



Slightly more concerned:



And my personal favourite, "The Ringer":


Someone seems to have attacked you with a black marker, someone's drawn a dodgy looking spot under your lip. :blank:

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