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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Reading the thread naow. I don't think I was actively posting when that went up! Eenuh and Fink flirting in this thread... had they started dating yet or is your thread also responsible for them two hooking up...?!


Our anniversary date is 09/09/08.


Make of that what you will. :D

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Got a date tonight but I feel like shit. My hayfever has been really bad these last few days, so that and the constant rubbing has caused my eyelids to be red and sore. In addition my allergies are still acting up so I have to go and blow my nose every 20 minutes. And I have a bit of a headache.


I don't want to cancel though. It's not until 9 so hopefully I'll feel better by then. And I'm planning on going to the gym after work so hopefully that will make me feel better.

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Got a date tonight but I feel like shit. My hayfever has been really bad these last few days, so that and the constant rubbing has caused my eyelids to be red and sore. In addition my allergies are still acting up so I have to go and blow my nose every 20 minutes. And I have a bit of a headache.


I don't want to cancel though. It's not until 9 so hopefully I'll feel better by then. And I'm planning on going to the gym after work so hopefully that will make me feel better.


Never mind, she's cancelled on me now as she has a headache. Kind of relieved to be honest. As well as feeling shitty I have chores to catch up on.

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I decided I may as well go all out on dating sites and message most of them in my area. One of them I thought was a sister to someone I knew in school, she wasn't but she knew who I was talking about. Then she mentioned that she remembered me in school (is that a good thing? I don't really remember her, just the surname in her profile). Also got chatting to someone else.


I think I'll keep on this tactic. Not really any harm in messaging lots of people. The more practice, the better, too.

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I decided I may as well go all out on dating sites and message most of them in my area. One of them I thought was a sister to someone I knew in school, she wasn't but she knew who I was talking about. Then she mentioned that she remembered me in school (is that a good thing? I don't really remember her, just the surname in her profile). Also got chatting to someone else.


I think I'll keep on this tactic. Not really any harm in messaging lots of people. The more practice, the better, too.


Now you're getting it.

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Apparently not. Seems she's now seeing somebody. That's the end of my fantastic encounters.


In other news I had sex with a prostitute from Ghana over the weekend on my cousin's fiancée's stag do. That's gonna make donating blood a little tricky.


I got an invite.


Got a date tonight but I feel like shit. My hayfever has been really bad these last few days, so that and the constant rubbing has caused my eyelids to be red and sore. In addition my allergies are still acting up so I have to go and blow my nose every 20 minutes. And I have a bit of a headache.


I don't want to cancel though. It's not until 9 so hopefully I'll feel better by then. And I'm planning on going to the gym after work so hopefully that will make me feel better.


I really hope you wrapped up on both of your stories!

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Haha, someone just replied with this


Hey...dont mean to sound rude but im just going to sleep, message me tomorrow evening maybe?


Does she not know how the internet works? She can just read my message and reply when she wants.

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Does she not know how the internet works? She can just read my message and reply when she wants.


Someone who actually cares about how other people (let alone a stranger) might feel about her not responding? That's an intriguing sight.

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Beware, lovey-dovey post incoming.


I'm hopelessly in love :laughing:


It's still a bit...strange? I mean, I've been in love before, I've had strong feelings for women before, but with my current girlfriend it's something else entirely.


We've been together for 4 months now (2 months prior to that we had 'something' going on ;)) and it's a bit ridiculous how much I love her. :D


It could be dangerous if it all turns to shit somehow someday, but let's hope this doesn't happen.

I'll just enjoy the situation now.



Go ahead @nightwolf, throw your fucking "oh, that's cute", "cool story bro'", "adorable shit as always", "You are everything I want in a man, take me here and now" gifs at me.

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If you don't want an "aww, that's cute", how about a depressing "being in love sucks" from me?


(On a series note, I imagine it's great when it's someone you're in a relationship with).

Edited by Cube
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Housemate invited me on a night out. I felt like dressing up properly so I donned my tweed blazer (I live in Oxford, that shit is cool here) and blue suede chelsea boots.


At first I felt a little bit awkward as I was the only outsider (housemate is a doctor, everyone else was either a doctor or a nurse) but I soon got into the swing of things. Started chatting with one girl who used to go out with the guy who lived in my bedroom prior to me. Despite only just meeting her we were getting on really well (as if we've been friends for years). Then she and a housemate decided me and one of the nurses would make a cute couple (the nurse was really cute). So my newly made bff decided to shout nurse over. me and housemate (HM from now on) were questioning what the fuck she was doing. She whispered to nurse and asked her what she thought of me. The nurse shouted "don't start this" and ran off to the other side of the table, giving HM and new bff the middle finger. I thought "well that's fucked before it began", but new bff ensured me that it meant she liked me (love playground dramas). Anyway sure enough me and nurse started chatting not long after that, and we got on really well, and spent most of the night chatting. I was new bff's birthday at midnight, and she got quite drunk (as in ring ex-boyfriend [the one who used to live in my bedroom] drunk). So about half an hour ago we decided it was time to get her home. We got her a taxi, and new bff, nurse and another girl got in. I only live a mile away so I said I'd walk, despite it being on the way (I hear your groans). However as me and nurse were hugging goodbye, new bff got out and insisted I share the taxi, as it's on the way. So I got in, and I'm glad I did as nurse handed me her phone to put my number in. Probably doesn't sound like much to some of you but I've been havign terrible luck this year, and she is really cute and was great to talk to, so I consider it a back of the net.


TL;DR - got a cute nurse's number


Just got back from a date with the nurse. Obviously didn't smash her, but it went pretty well. Will try to keep things rolling forwards, but I really like this one.


Will keep you gents updated.


Well that was fun while it lasted. Got the whole "was fun... but I don't have time now... sorry for messing you about... you're a nice guy" text.


2nd time this I've got that text. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.


Although the first girl texted me again a few months later (after she saw we had a mutual friend on facebook) asking if I fancied meeting up again (something a bit more casual/slower moving). And then after that "date" she never responded to my texts.


Maybe I come on too strong? I genuinely don't get it.


Anyone remember this little saga?


Well she's just texted me asking how I am, and if I want to meet up for dinner on Wednesday.


It's a bit late now as I live in Nottingham (she lives in Oxford). If I was still in Oxford I would have gone. Is that stupid?

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