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Watched Leon.


What the fuck was that? I gave it a go because it was in the top 250 on IMDb, only now I realise it was voted there ironically. Or at least I think it was.


The young Natalie Portman served to play a guilt-inducing cock-tease, and to be frank, I just wanted to see Leon put his dick through her. Annoying, annoying film.

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Watched Leon.


What the fuck was that? I gave it a go because it was in the top 250 on IMDb, only now I realise it was voted there ironically. Or at least I think it was.


The young Natalie Portman served to play a guilt-inducing cock-tease, and to be frank, I just wanted to see Leon put his dick through her. Annoying, annoying film.


I really like it. But yes, Portman is exactly how you put it. I assumed Leon would smash her, but he didn't.

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Watched Leon.


What the fuck was that? I gave it a go because it was in the top 250 on IMDb, only now I realise it was voted there ironically. Or at least I think it was.


The young Natalie Portman served to play a guilt-inducing cock-tease, and to be frank, I just wanted to see Leon put his dick through her. Annoying, annoying film.


Fuck you asssssshole!

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Also, a new Muppets film is out March 21 2014. However, this one will be utter crap due to the presence of Ricky Gervais.


But it'll have Animal in it so it'll be awesome! The day Animal is not in the movie is the day that the Muppets turn from being magnificent to just brilliant! :p

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Just got back from seeing The Last Stand, i highly recommend it. It is better than you may think believe me. 10/10.


Got 2 more in sights to see, Stallones new one Bullet to the Head and Willis's A Good Day to Die Hard over the next couple of weeks/months.

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Watched this last night:




It was pretty much a horror film. Scenes with all the kids running around, screaming and being annoying made me hate everything.


Weird that they had a stellar cast (other than Megan Fox) and yet didn't really use most of them. The primary focus was on Adam Scott and Jennifer Westfeldt, who were fine, but you've got lots of other awesome people on the cast. Use them!


Also I still can't get used to Chris O'Dowd's fake American accent. He just sounds like he bit his tongue. Not sure why nobody (this, Girls and I'm assuming Bridesmaids) lets him use his natural one anyway.

Edited by Ashley
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I watched Silence of the Lambs recently which I really really loved. The story was thrilling and interesting, Jodie Foster was spectacular. And Hannibal was probably one of the greatest characters written. I need to watch it again though because I was being sniff kissed and drinking wine D:

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Just saw Django Unchained. Extremely mixed feelings about it. It felt like Tarantino was "utilising" music way more than he does usually, to the extent where scenes felt extremely slow and extended in order to play along with the backtrack's pacing, rather than the expected hunting out of a suitible track. I'm not a huge western fan but someone did comment after the movie that the long, brooding 'glances' typical of westerns may be culpable when considering the 'drawn-out' scenes.


I also didn't feel that there were as many strong, stand-alone scenes. Not sure. I dunno.

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I watched Silence of the Lambs recently which I really really loved. The story was thrilling and interesting, Jodie Foster was spectacular. And Hannibal was probably one of the greatest characters written. I need to watch it again though because I was being sniff kissed and drinking wine D:

My favourite actress's performance, she's incredible.

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I watched Django unchained last night.


I really enjoyed it. Christoph Waltz was once again amazing. It was pretty hilarious in parts too...


Where Django is allowed to choose his own outfit for the valet character, seeing him on the horse for the first time was pretty funny.



Schultz: Where's Ellis?

Freeman: He's the one hightailin' it across that field right now.

Schultz: Sure that's him?

Django: Yeah.

Schultz: Positive?

Django: I dunno.

Schultz: You don't know if you're positive?

Django: I dunno what positive means.

Schultz: It means you're sure.

Django: Yes.

Schultz: Yes what?

Django: Yes I'm sure that's Ellis Brittle.




The whole white bag on head, KKK mob ambushing Schultz and Django after the scene in spoiler 2.




And Samuel L Jackson was brilliant in this film too. Crazy seeing the difference from Nick Fury to Stephen in this film.

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Went to see Lincoln last night.


Very good, enjoyed it.


Didn't show as much of the war (fighting scenes) as I had hoped though, but I guess that was secondary to the passing of the amendment.


I was also surprised by how much new stuff I learned about US history. Granted I know I didn't know that much about US history anyway but what I did not know that Lincoln and the "anti-slavery" party were Republicans.


I always assumed, given that whenever I see online/on tv or whatever, someone inthe US who is a bit of a "redneck" with some racist views they tend to be Republicans.

I remember when Obama was running for President the first time and the impression I got was that many Republicans didn't like him not just cause he was a Democrat but also cause he was black.


So I always just assumed that the "rebel south" and "pro-slavery" people during the US civil war was full of and lead by Republicans.

And that Lincoln and his supporters were Democrats.


Gotta say learning last night that it was the other way around left me a bit shocked for awhile, haha.


How is it that now it seems the parties have done a swap? Guess that makes it bloody ironic that the first Black presidential candidate and President came from the party that was in favour and fought for the retention of keep black people as slaves *mind blown*




Anyway back to the film.

I did fully enjoy it, Tommy Lee's character was a good highlight too, really enjoyed him. And of course Day-Lewis was just awesome (as he is in all his rolse) as Lincoln.


The only part that I felt a little disappointed in was at the end...


I'll spoiler just in case :heh:


They didn't show Lincoln getting shot.

That was a bit of a strange choice I though.

Everyone knows get got assassinated so I'd assume everyone also was expecting to see that scene when he does get shot at the end.

Maybe because they knew everyone would expect that they decided to change it a bit and not show the actual shooting :heh:


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I watched Django unchained last night.


I really enjoyed it. Christoph Waltz was once again amazing. It was pretty hilarious in parts too...


Where Django is allowed to choose his own outfit for the valet character, seeing him on the horse for the first time was pretty funny.



Schultz: Where's Ellis?

Freeman: He's the one hightailin' it across that field right now.

Schultz: Sure that's him?

Django: Yeah.

Schultz: Positive?

Django: I dunno.

Schultz: You don't know if you're positive?

Django: I dunno what positive means.

Schultz: It means you're sure.

Django: Yes.

Schultz: Yes what?

Django: Yes I'm sure that's Ellis Brittle.




The whole white bag on head, KKK mob ambushing Schultz and Django after the scene in spoiler 2.




And Samuel L Jackson was brilliant in this film too. Crazy seeing the difference from Nick Fury to Stephen in this film.

Saw this just the other night, loved it :) You summed up pretty much anything I had to say about it! I'd just like to add that once again, Leo smashed it.

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Bored of Johnny Depp playing the same characters much?...



Why have Disney done this?... what so Prince of Persia didn't work so they slap Depp back in?


Thankfully they didn't also cast him in...



Looks pretty good.


Hope it has more too it than Alice in Wonderland, and unlike The Lone Ranger doesn't also feature Helena Bonham Carter (yawn).

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