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Kirby of the Stars


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Also, Kirby is Kirby last year's wool is released in the U.S. and Japan], and for this story turns into Kirby's new smoking vomiting stationary game machines, Imashi to keep you waiting very long or. For the [Wii] Kirby's new product has been developed by a team of Hull Institute. Please see the movie as well.

[Kirby] also this latest film is scheduled for release this year.


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So is this the legendary Kirby Cube game brought back to life or is this an entirely new project.


Answered my own question. Some parts have been brought into this new project but the helper system has gone.

Edited by Ten10
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Yeah the graphical style is really dissapointing tbh.

4secs in, you can see tutorial signs in the background of what is presuamably the training level. This reminded me of Wario Land, which would have been a great graphics engine to use for a Kirby game that wanted to differentiate itself from Epic Yarn, and yet not look like a polished version of the N64 Kirby Game.

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Same. Although if they just announce The Last Story and Xenoblade for the western world then i'm a happy chappy.


Yeh.. that'd be more than enough for me considering what I still have to get through :eek:


It would be kinda weird to have two Kirby games in quick succession though without another franchise getting thrown into the mix somewhere along the line..

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*Braces self for impact*


I prefer this look to the Epic Yarn one. Don't get me wrong, Epic Yarn look nice and all, but for me, this is classic Kirby how he should be. If you remove Kirby from an Epic Yarn screen shot, you wouldn't know it was a Kirby game but based on that video, I don't think I could say the same about this.


Consequently, it feels like a much more natural environment for the pink guy and one I'd prefer to take him through.

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According to NGamer, Xenoblade is heading to the US.


Yeah, it's still listed by Nintendo as coming to the US this year as Monado. No mention of Europe but then NoE only announced release dates for games in Europe a month or so before the quarter its coming out in so there's still hope.


As for this new Kirby, pretty much looks like the lost Gamecube game has finally rear its head. Looks good but I must say I've grown a little tired of the old Kirby style of platforming, which is why I still wish we'd get more Canvas Curse/Power Paintbrush because it was different and more enjoyable and it's why I'm really looking forward to Epic Yarn.

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*Braces self for impact*


I prefer this look to the Epic Yarn one. Don't get me wrong, Epic Yarn look nice and all, but for me, this is classic Kirby how he should be. If you remove Kirby from an Epic Yarn screen shot, you wouldn't know it was a Kirby game but based on that video, I don't think I could say the same about this.


Consequently, it feels like a much more natural environment for the pink guy and one I'd prefer to take him through.


*Grips onto you for added protection from impact*


Totally agree. I'm with ya Captain! :D


*Awaits Fused King's inevitable jizzing at the prospect of a new Kirby title* :laughing:


*Joins the "waiting room"* :laughing:


Looks good but I must say I've grown a little tired of the old Kirby style of platforming, which is why I still wish we'd get more Canvas Curse/Power Paintbrush because it was different and more enjoyable and it's why I'm really looking forward to Epic Yarn.


The same here to be honest. Although my 'yearn for something different' differs a li'l bit. I love me some 2D side-scrolling Kirby titles for damn sure, but, I dunno, I think with all this exciting tech that's out in this day and age I'd like to perhaps experience a fully-fledged, free-roaming Kirby title. Am I on my own with that one peeps?

... The same for all the Ninty franchises (regarding all the 'new tech' in 2011 :D )

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I am glad Kirby is returning to its roots (and increasing every single one of his previous powers up to eleven, it seems)


I am psyched for Epic Yarn, and Power Paintbrush seems like a fine game, and who knows, I might enjoy those more, but Kirby doing what he does best just feels right.

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