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bad stuff thread.


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Dyson, I wish you and your family all the best. Cannot believe that this has happened...



Now complaining about Portal 2, which still hasn't arrived (fuck Shopto/RoyalMail/DHL/whoever is responsible for this. Ordered this 2 months ago...didn't arive. Replacement copy has been shipped two weeks ago...still hasn't arrived. Why? Vanquish was here 6 days after it's been dispatched), seems unimportant. That doesn't mean I'm not complaining :p

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I found out that someone I quite respected did some bad shit in the past... which has made me feel physically sick to the stomach and want to burst into tears. I told my sister not to tell me what it was but she bloody went and did anyway!!! what the fuck is with that?!


They abused animals (in particular cats) in the past. My sister insists this person is a changed person - they used to do drugs and all kinds of things... but I've just lost all of the respect I had for him. I can't actually repeat what he did to a poor cat because its breaking my heart thinking about it. The fact I'm a real cat lover doesn't even matter... if it was a dog or any other creature I'd still be disgusted.


Its fucking ruined my day!

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My PS3 just got the YLOD. This is my third PS3 to break.


I'm just fed up. The Wii is utterly inadequate. Microsoft can go blow themselves if they think I'm paying to play online. I'm bored of games. I think I'm done for a long while.


I really wanted to play Infamous 2 that's out this Friday. Other than that I'm not too bothered until Uncharted 3. The more I think about it the more I'm not even bothered about them, or any game really.


Still, it's annoying because I used it to stream films from my desktop.


Oh well, it's just a machine. LOL


I found out that someone I quite respected did some bad shit in the past... which has made me feel physically sick to the stomach and want to burst into tears. I told my sister not to tell me what it was but she bloody went and did anyway!!! what the fuck is with that?!


They abused animals (in particular cats) in the past. My sister insists this person is a changed person - they used to do drugs and all kinds of things... but I've just lost all of the respect I had for him. I can't actually repeat what he did to a poor cat because its breaking my heart thinking about it. The fact I'm a real cat lover doesn't even matter... if it was a dog or any other creature I'd still be disgusted.


Its fucking ruined my day!


Few things really turn my stomach but animal cruelty is just fucking disgusting.

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I found out that someone I quite respected did some bad shit in the past... which has made me feel physically sick to the stomach and want to burst into tears. I told my sister not to tell me what it was but she bloody went and did anyway!!! what the fuck is with that?!


They abused animals (in particular cats) in the past. My sister insists this person is a changed person - they used to do drugs and all kinds of things... but I've just lost all of the respect I had for him. I can't actually repeat what he did to a poor cat because its breaking my heart thinking about it. The fact I'm a real cat lover doesn't even matter... if it was a dog or any other creature I'd still be disgusted.


Its fucking ruined my day!


Here for you m'dear: I'm an enormous cat-lover (the missus hates them) and the way the ordinary Chinese person treats cats and other animals is shameful. I won't tell you the stories.


I got the final results of the full bacterial analysis yesterday: negative.


We now move on to slightly more depressing possibilities.

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Keep your chin up, Iun. We're here for you.


Agreed - fingers crossed for you and everything that you get some good news your way Iun.


R_A - I could understand that, do you like this person a lot? Is it something after a while you could let go?


I did 12 hours at work yesterday, was awake over 20 hours, then had 4 hours sleep after my shift this morning and will be back at work again in a few hours.


This is actually painful. Luckily it's only a one off.

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My PS3 just got the YLOD. This is my third PS3 to break.


I'm just fed up. The Wii is utterly inadequate. Microsoft can go blow themselves if they think I'm paying to play online. I'm bored of games. I think I'm done for a long while.



You're paying for a fantastic system which works, doesn't get hacked and millions of peoples personal details stolen and doesn't go down for a month +.


Its well worth the money.

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You're implying that PSN's online multiplayer is poor, which it isn't and then talking about a one off incident. Also, XBL had went offline one Xmas for a week. For that we got a shitty XBLA game. Sony, on the otherhand, have given away two full retail games for both the PS3 and PSP and a load of other stuff.


If I'd paid for XBL every year since I had an Xbox I'd have coughed up something like close to £300. You're having a laugh.


Not to mention if it does go down and I really can't take not being online for a bit I have a PC with Steam.


XBL is good but no way worth it.

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Feeling your 'meh' with games at the moment, daft. I tried to play five games since I got home from work and after loading them up I was just "..." I have no idea why. Just... nothing on my shelf or anything on the XBLA is shouting at me to be played.


Work stuff;


It's getting ridiculously stupid at work. The place is technically a H+S nightmare with an unmarked step randomly halfway through the room and exposed wiring, with cables in prime trip-up places all over. The owner is making it up as he goes along, telling our clients one thing then us another, then making up lies to explain discrepencies all over the place. Our campaign manager makes personal calls all day, distracts us from calling by chatting with us (tbf I do like her, but it can make it hard to do our job) and she stirs up gossip. One of the newer guys was trained poorly, and spent all day getting shouted at by the campaign manager for doing the job as she told him to do it -- and for things that we all do. You could see him internalising it all and clearly he was going to take that pressure and stress home with him.


There's only 4 callers - one starts a new job monday, the other has an interview tomorrow (and is likely to get it) and the third is the guy who's been shouted at who is going to quit -- leaving me. And the current workload for the client (contracted to do 21 hours of calling a day) only has legs for two weeks. So I guess that's the blessing - grit my teeth for two weeks.


However! The boss has come up with a plan - to temporarily turn our marketing call-centre into a sales one - the problem is that we're not covered by the Financial Standards Authority, which means technically it's illegal to ask for people's card details over teh phone as we have no safeguards in place whatsoever.


Will be spending some time looking for a new job, then! Not managed to save anything since I started. Stress and drama.

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You're paying for a fantastic system which works, doesn't get hacked and millions of peoples personal details stolen and doesn't go down for a month +.


Its well worth the money.



Oh the irony.

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Such a crap start to my day.


To start with my explanation, I banged my head against a low wall/ceiling yesterday, leaving me with a headache and a painful head. This morning (and now) it's still hurting. I hit my head twice this morning trying to load stuff into my car. Urghhh.


Had a big presentation this morning for which I had to take lots of stuff with me (huge folder with art stuff and a huge bag filled with even more art stuff). I had loaded it all into my car, started driving and noticed something was wrong. Car was acting weird, steering wheel kept turning left. I stopped and checked my car.


Front tyre was completely flat. Aaaaaaaah!


I had 20 minutes to get in school. Drove back home and loaded everything into mom's car, which I've never really used before. I have no clue how to handle it properly or even how to change the mirrors. Was scared the entire way to school.



Now I'm stuck waiting in school for another two hours or so, hoping the roads will clear up as I don't dare to drive home right now. =(

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Ugh. Hope everything turns out okay for you guys, Dyson (Don't apologise for letting rip on here, its a good place to do it. Sounds like you're coping okay, and I hope it resolves itself well) and Iun (Keep us posted, and....yeah. Just. Hug win).


And everyone else.

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Ugh. Hope everything turns out okay for you guys, Dyson (Don't apologise for letting rip on here, its a good place to do it. Sounds like you're coping okay, and I hope it resolves itself well) and Iun (Keep us posted, and....yeah. Just. Hug win).


And everyone else.


Cheers, ReZ. And everyone else.


She came home today and is laughing and smiling as she was the day before she was admitted to hospital. She's doing a paint by numbers with her boyfriend in the garden and I can see them from here. It's as if nothing has happened.


It's the strangest feeling in the world, because we all know something has, but I don't think anyone wants to bring it up..


Still, she had a psyche team looking after her or something, and they gave her the all clear to leave hospital, so we shall see.


She blamed her anti-depressants. I wouldn't put it past them, I've seen what they can do to people :hmm:

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I wish I had the time, €, and lack of responsibilities to figure out what I'm good at instead of being forced to do a science subject. After four years, I still feel like I am completely inadequate and have no hope of holding down a "proper" job as an "IT professional".


Hm, is this a case of the mental "fraud police" that was the subject of the commencement speech in that video you posted? Or is it a more serious case of not feeling right about what you're currently doing with your life?

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Hm, is this a case of the mental "fraud police" that was the subject of the commencement speech in that video you posted? Or is it a more serious case of not feeling right about what you're currently doing with your life?


The fraud police are practically stepping on my heels...but I have a feeling that they're real and not imaginary. Though I imagine that not everyone gets to follow their dreams or fall into a field they really enjoy anyway, I just feel like moaning after a string of bad days :D So I guess I just have to make like this guy:




(But thanks for your concern, and I hope you don't get hounded by the fraud police anytime soon :))

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The fraud police are practically stepping on my heels...but I have a feeling that they're real and not imaginary. Though I imagine that not everyone gets to follow their dreams or fall into a field they really enjoy anyway, I just feel like moaning after a string of bad days :D So I guess I just have to make like this guy:




(But thanks for your concern, and I hope you don't get hounded by the fraud police anytime soon :))


Well, don't all victims of fraud police paranoia believe them to be real?


Anyway, I don't know your situation, so I really can't say what the case is for you. It was just food for thought. :)

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Insomnia is back with a bang! A week of not bein able to sleep right. Dammit!


I feel your pain. Although I wouldn't call it insomnia in my case, I just haven't been sleeping well this week. Got 2 hours sleep one night.

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I'm somewhat getting there myself, two days awake whilst drinking and such forth to be social able with my friends, I finally grabbed a couple of hours, but I had wanted to stick with my night shift pattern as I have a 50hour stint at work next week.

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