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Turns out the bees didn't need killing or moving (so it would seem at the minute).


We've ripped the gas fire out and had it disconnected and the hole(s) in the wall have been boarded up and skimmed.

That was always the plan as we're having a new electric fireplace so that'll replace it.


We've not heard any, or had any since and we don't think there was a nest there in the first place as it was just the odd one.

From what we think, there were just a few that had been hibernating possibly whilst it has been warmer, then cold again and then trying to get out.


A bee keeper came out and said to check the entrances they could get in (he identified 2) and when it really gets warmer see if there is any activity there (which there would be if it was a nest). So it's a wait and see type thing but so far seems ok.


Given us the push to decorate the living room this weekend now anyway, new sofa arriving end of the week so just need to get furniture (sideboard, new fire, chair etc) and then get it done.

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Turns out the bees didn't need killing or moving (so it would seem at the minute).


We've ripped the gas fire out and had it disconnected and the hole(s) in the wall have been boarded up and skimmed.

That was always the plan as we're having a new electric fireplace so that'll replace it.


We've not heard any, or had any since and we don't think there was a nest there in the first place as it was just the odd one.

From what we think, there were just a few that had been hibernating possibly whilst it has been warmer, then cold again and then trying to get out.


A bee keeper came out and said to check the entrances they could get in (he identified 2) and when it really gets warmer see if there is any activity there (which there would be if it was a nest). So it's a wait and see type thing but so far seems ok.


Given us the push to decorate the living room this weekend now anyway, new sofa arriving end of the week so just need to get furniture (sideboard, new fire, chair etc) and then get it done.


If you don't have one already you might want to get a cover for the top of your chimney so you don't get any birds in.

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If you don't have one already you might want to get a cover for the top of your chimney so you don't get any birds in.

This is something that was picked up by my surveyors. I probably could've asked the current owners to do it but since they'd just agreed to give me a bunch of free stuff for the kitchen I figured I wouldn't throw any more spanners in the works :p Along with getting the flue inspected I think this is the first thing I'll do when I move into my new place.

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If you don't have one already you might want to get a cover for the top of your chimney so you don't get any birds in.


It isn't actually a chimeny - it's just a raised vent on the top of the roof slightly bigger than a normal brick with a grid on it.


The holes are big enough in the vent for a bee, but that's about it.


Haven't heard any bees in the wall as of yet, nor had an in (fingers crossed it stays that way!) so I'm guessing that now the weather is nicer they have gone.

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This is something that was picked up by my surveyors. I probably could've asked the current owners to do it but since they'd just agreed to give me a bunch of free stuff for the kitchen I figured I wouldn't throw any more spanners in the works :p Along with getting the flue inspected I think this is the first thing I'll do when I move into my new place.


Definitely definitely. Dunno if you have a working fireplace or not (they're a lot more common in n.ireland) but its worth having it cleaned and checked now and again anyway. I'm ripping out the shit electric fire and hopefully getting a fireplace or log burner put in depending on state of chimney and whats there. Cannot wait for a lovely fire!!! Shitty economy 7 here at the moment!!:shakehead



It isn't actually a chimeny - it's just a raised vent on the top of the roof slightly bigger than a normal brick with a grid on it.


The holes are big enough in the vent for a bee, but that's about it.


Haven't heard any bees in the wall as of yet, nor had an in (fingers crossed it stays that way!) so I'm guessing that now the weather is nicer they have gone.



Ahhhh right. Wee bees, dont kill the beeees :smile:

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So I was working hard in the gym class doing spin when the handlebars flew off the bike and I smashed my chest on the metal bit real hard. I have a couple of bruises and a scratch and it feels weird when I breathe in. It don't hurt, it's just a weird sensation but I'm fine. It just sucks that I can't work out!


Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

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So I was working hard in the gym class doing spin when the handlebars flew off the bike and I smashed my chest on the metal bit real hard. I have a couple of bruises and a scratch and it feels weird when I breathe in. It don't hurt, it's just a weird sensation but I'm fine. It just sucks that I can't work out!



Pretty sure you can make millions by suing the gym?

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Pretty sure you can make millions by suing the gym?

I doubt they have that tbh but I am going to be having words. It's a local gym but I'm more pissed off that it happened in front of a relative that I don't speak to more than anything. The bruises are oddly fading but I have a bit of sharp pain right now but I'd imagine it'll all go by Sunday. My mate works there so he helped me out, filled in a report and shit and he said someone was meant to fix the spin bikes but they were a no show. I was like "Still, it's real bad though" but he knows and told me to talk to the manager when I see him. Work are aware and have told me to literally do nothing at all.

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Been in such a funk recently.


As glad as I am to be out of my last job, it was at least a source of confirmation. I knew how to do the job and while it wasn't as plentiful as it should be (generally, not just for me) I still got comments that re-affirmed this. Now working for myself I don't have that any more as I'm terribly self-critical. Been running in to a number of problems and it's hard to not go to the self-doubting imposter syndrome space and get myself feeling like crap. I have people telling me I'll be fine etc and I know they mean it earnestly but that terrible negative voice in my head is telling me they're just saying it because that's what you do in those situations.


Also got me retreating in to an anti-social space where I don't really want to see people. I'm meant to be going with a friend to meet some of his friends this weekend that I've met before but I just feel like I'll be the odd one out and I'm not in the mood for small talk and just want to retreat. And my friend's mother has asked me to go round her and remind her how to use her PC and help her buy another and she's sweet and everything but I'm not in the mood to see people (and go all the way to bloody Essex for it), but then next week I'm back at my old job for 5 weeks doing something that will be 8-7ish each day so I don't know what to do. And on Saturday I'm going to some BAFTA event which will be useful but again the anti-social thing will kick in and the imposter syndrome feelings will ramp up.


I'm currently trying to pull myself out of it but it feels like climbing out of a treacle-filled pit.

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It mostly looks after itself thanks to everyone's hard work.


I often feel like I'm good at things I'm not interested in (in terms of a career) but feel like I'm no good at what I want to do.


Just self-defeating thoughts y'know.


But I got a surprise call from a friend resort which helped.

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It mostly looks after itself thanks to everyone's hard work.


I often feel like I'm good at things I'm not interested in (in terms of a career) but feel like I'm no good at what I want to do.


Just self-defeating thoughts y'know.


But I got a surprise call from a friend resort which helped.


While it may be true that we put in a lot of work to this site, which is part of what makes it such an excellent place, don't undersell the amount of work you do for this place. :)


Also recently your What Happens NX? articles have been thoroughly absorbing reads, just saying.


I feel a similar way a lot of the time, I just don't seem to talk about it as much, I possibly/probably should but meh... anyway I'm just trying to say that you're not alone.


Today I went back to work after having a week off and it was "fine" as in, I seem to be good at the retail stuff even though it's not what I really want to do, writing for N-E falls into the category of something I enjoy doing for the love of it; as for what I'd want to do as a career? I'd always liked the idea of graphic design or even game design but I don't ever seem to feel good or accomplished enough for that...


...it's not easy is it? :hmm: Sometimes I think about going in for another part-time job just to make some more money but then just thinking about doing two jobs that I never really intend to do for the love of it doesn't really appeal. :sad:


It would be amazing to do something part-time, fun and that has a decent wage attached to it. (N-E is still fun, I don't mind that it's not paid, that's part of what makes the site great I feel)


Perhaps it would be an idea to start an indie game studio made up of the N-E community, I'd be interested in that as I'm sure lots of others would be. :smile:


I'm probably not that good at helping with advice but... I don't know, I just feel like sometimes there's got to be a better way, perhaps it's all pipe-dream stuff but it's a nice thought perhaps? :idea:


I tried... ::shrug:

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So a while back, a strange guy turned up at our flat, claiming to be the old occupant of the flat downstairs. He said he needed to get some post that would be arriving for him (a credit card) and could we forward it on to him. This guy most defininatly wasn't the guy who used to live downstairs, so alarm bells started ringing.


Anyway, i knew the name of the guy who did used to live there, so Googled him, and found him on LinkedIn. I do have a LinkedIn free account, but you can't message people with that, so i upgraded to a Premium account for a month, for free, so i could message him.


He replied, and said that yeah, the guy was legit, and that he needed to change his address in order to take out a credit card or some shit - still sounded dodgy, but whatever. When the post arrived, i forwarded it on.



Anyway, fast forward a month, and LinkedIn just charged me £400 for a year subscription. I forgot to cancel the upgrade. The email address they sent the reminder to is my old Uni one which got shut down.


As far as i know, there's no way to get a refund.



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So a while back, a strange guy turned up at our flat, claiming to be the old occupant of the flat downstairs. He said he needed to get some post that would be arriving for him (a credit card) and could we forward it on to him. This guy most defininatly wasn't the guy who used to live downstairs, so alarm bells started ringing.


Anyway, i knew the name of the guy who did used to live there, so Googled him, and found him on LinkedIn. I do have a LinkedIn free account, but you can't message people with that, so i upgraded to a Premium account for a month, for free, so i could message him.


He replied, and said that yeah, the guy was legit, and that he needed to change his address in order to take out a credit card or some shit - still sounded dodgy, but whatever. When the post arrived, i forwarded it on.



Anyway, fast forward a month, and LinkedIn just charged me £400 for a year subscription. I forgot to cancel the upgrade. The email address they sent the reminder to is my old Uni one which got shut down.


As far as i know, there's no way to get a refund.




£400!!!? What do you get for that? Wow! What a stupid amount of money for Linkedin. Its a load of rubbish anyway.


I'd send them an email making it very clear that it wasn't your intention to continue with the subscription. I think its worth a shot.

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