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bad stuff thread.


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Wow, i don't really know what to say to you all but thank you.


Every single person on this forum has helped me become who i am today and i wouldn't be who i am if it wasn't for this forum and you guys. It sounds silly but it's true.


You all make the world a better place.




And to you too. As a few others have mentioned - N-E's a very special place, and as much as we're part of that for you, you're a part of that for us too. I can say, honestly, that through the years I always thought of you as a pretty top member of the community that is N-E. A community that is so close to my heart, even with its ups and downs, and I guess I just want to say a big thanks to you for that.


It's absolutely gutting to hear that the cancer's terminal, especially after everything you've already been through with it, and you've been so strong throughout it all. It's hard to think what to say to such news really, but I do want to say that I'll miss you. As silly or strange as it sounds for some words from a stranger on the other end of a keyboard, I'll miss you. We all will. Thank you again for being here, MadDog. It's been a privilege and an honour.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I lent my sister my laptop, she gave it back a while ago but I hadn't been using it as I have a PC.


Ive had my computer packed up for a couple of weeks, house purchase delayed and decided to get this out rather than piece my computer together....


Well its full of viruses.... cheers sis. :blank:

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I can't even begin to imagine what you've been going through @MadDog, but kudos to you for not letting it stop you from being who you are and for carrying on like a trooper!



I'd not been in the thread for a little while, sorry to hear things going badly for people. Had some bad news in the last few years myself, continuing through this year too. It can weigh hard on you at times but having friends to talk about it, be it in your everyday life or on here (or anywhere else) helps tremendously.


Its a good community on here in that respect I must say. Even though I've vented at some posts in this thread in the past (thanks to bad times I'd been going through), you guys certainly do keep each other's spirits up. Good on you N-E! :)

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Good news/bad news thing:


Had a tumour removed from my eye socket yesterday - good news is that even though it was a millimetre from the place where my skull was drilled into to remove a brain tumour years ago, it was non-malignant.


Bad news is that my hyper-metabolic liver syndrome means that poisons, alcohol, soporifics, hypnotics, happy pills and ANAESTHETIC wears off very quickly. Or doesn't work at all.


Doctor gives me the usual shot of lidocaine "You should lose all sensation in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..."


"Nope. I can still feel everything."


*poke* "You can feel that?"


"Yes, sir."


"We can give you another shot..."


And THAT worked.


For five minutes. Doctor made the incision, dragged the little bastard out of there. "Okay, let's stitch you up..."




"You...you can feel that?"


"Needle. Thread. Dragging. Skin. OW."


"We can't give you any more lidocaine... Erm... Just bear with it?"


Two across, four down. And apparently I have an impressive pain threshold. The nurse was even yammering excitedly to her colleagues about it as I left. Full sensation, in the soft facial tissues.

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I am not at all squeamish or pain sensitive, but NO. NO. NO. NO. NO.


So how does that work, is your liver like, immune to poisoning?


No, sadly. It just processes things a lot quicker than normal. If the typical human body can process a glass of wine an hour, mine can do a glass and a half. And I build up tolerances to medication really quickly. It took three nights of taking Xanax before it had absolutely no effect whatsoever. That was about four years ago, and taking it now produces no effect still. That shit was great for the first three nights though :(


I'm imagining that scene in Spectre. You know that scene? Was it like that?


Similar. Except instead of a vaguely hot blonde waiting for me to blow up the bad guy, there was a beefy nurse wearing Crocs.

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Waking up to find there have been deadly attacks in Brussels airport and the metro... it's left me quite upset to be honest. I was hoping it wouldn't happen but I think everyone knew it would at some point.


I used to live in Brussels, and I've been in that airport many times. Hoping that no one we know was there...


I am also supposed to fly into Belgium on Thursday (to a different airport), so I don't know what is going to happen with that. This is scary.



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Waking up to find there have been deadly attacks in Brussels airport and the metro... it's left me quite upset to be honest. I was hoping it wouldn't happen but I think everyone knew it would at some point.


I used to live in Brussels, and I've been in that airport many times. Hoping that no one we know was there...


I am also supposed to fly into Belgium on Thursday (to a different airport), so I don't know what is going to happen with that. This is scary.




I mean, of all the bloody places in the world... Belgium? The only more inoffensive and totally relaxed-about-their-shit country would be what, Denmark?


Complete and total dick move. But what is the response? Is it more tolerance and respect? No, because that's viewed as weakness by these people.


Is it a "Throw-them-out-of-the-country" approach as favoured by that mental case, Donald Trump? No, because that's inhumane and completely against the spirit of what makes most of our countries great.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Moved in with my boyf last month.

Been in the house now for about 3 weeks and it's brilliant.


My Bad Stuff then...


Well, we knew we needed broadband so he left me with that task seeing as he really couldn't care less about technology or TV or any of that jazz.

So I ended up settling on BT as we had BT for years at my mum's (before she switched it to Sky a couple of years ago) and it always performed better and was more reliable than SKY's broadband was for us.


Also, we wanted some form of TV box, but SKY was just too expensive when BT's TV package was virtually half the price, and included 20 entertainment channels, HD at that, AND BT Sport, which is a big win for me with their tennis coverage.


Add to that a £100 mastercard for signing up (for house goodies) and me sealing the deal through a work Rewards Program which saw me bag a £100 Next Voucher just for ordering through work, and it was a very attractive prospect.


£34.99 a month for super fast infinity broadband, the TV package and a phone line, plus the vouchers mentioned above.




Or not.


Ordered on the 8th March (before we got keys to our house) for someone to come and fit the stuff on the 31st.

On the 31st an engineer came out and was a complete arse hole. Really unhelpful, stand off-ish and generally just a difficult person to speak to.

He came in, messed about outside and then said he was going to the cabinet to connect the line. He disappeared, came back half an hour later and then packed his stuff up outside and got in his van to drive off.

So I went out and stopped him and asked what the deal was. What was going on with my broadband / TV and when my phone line was going to be moved.

The phone line box was in the hall, and needed to be in the living room / front room / lounge (depending on what you say :heh: ).

He just looked and said 'I aint doing that, I've got other jobs' and then proceeded to tell me the line wasn't connected due to a fault and I needed to call BT.


So he left. I called BT who said that there was an error on my line and they were looking into it and people would be out doing it behind the scenes etc.

Countless calls throughout the week later, they scheduled another engineer for last Thursday (a week after the first one) to do the house work. Move the line, fix the fault and sort it out.


He arrived dead on 8am (appointment was 8-1) and he was great. Moved the line, connected it at the cabinet, but came back and said there was a fault on the line. And it was my end.

So basically the underground line had an error and he'd spent 20 mins on phone organising someone to fix it.

I asked where that left me with my internet and my TV Box / Infinity Router and he just said, "can't do anything with them til the line is fixed".

So that was that.


Later that day I nipped out, came back and an engineer was on my drive in his van. He said he was called out that morning to do the underground line that was faulty. At last, someone doing something in a quick and timely manner!

He was there for an hour or so on next doors lawn, with his hand down a box in their garden ha, and he came back and said it was all done. Tested the line and it was nice and clean, and the fault was cleared.


He then said it should all be done, seeing as 'I wasn't having fibre broadband'.

But I am. I told him it was BT infinity and he then said it wasn't connected at the cabinet for fibre and never has been.

Fuckin brilliant.


So another call to BT later and they said thy didn't know why he'd said that, as the engineer should have completed.


Fast forward a day, and get a call from them last Friday. Engineer has been out, set fibre on the line and it will all be good to go. She knew this was now a complaint which she was personally dealing with, due to all the trouble so far and the time it had taken plus the countless calls for updates etc. She said everything should be settled by Tuesday morning when my case would then be completed so they could then deal with my complaint and discuss compensation.


Gets home from work all excited, tries the hub, nothing. Orange light and a solid red 'B'.

Calls BT. An hour on hold they say they don't know why the lady that called me earlier said it would work when I got in from work as it can be up to midnight to go on. So basically, don't bother us now call us in the morning when we will be able to look at it if it isn't working.


So then comes Saturday morning.

Plugs hub in, turns it on and waits. Orange light red 'B'.


Calls BT. Another hour on hold. On mobiles this is - each time, as we have no landline phone yet.

They say, they don't know why I've been told that this is working as Open Reach haven't turned my braodband on yet. That takes 48 hours but they don't work weekends so you won't get anywhere today. Try again Tuesday and if no joy ring us back.

Profusely apologising for how long this has gone on, the misinformation from every person. Yadda yadda.


Fast forward to today.

Tried the home hub. Orange light, red 'B'.

Rings BT. Guy tells me that everything should be working. Probably a fault at my end like it not being plugged in properly. Told him that is not the case and he said 'well I can organise an engineer to come out and check which will be £129.99'.

Nearly died tbf.

So I politely declined and gave a gentle reminder of what I had been dealing with so far and he then backtracked and gave me the number of the repair team.


Called them, they did some line tests with my boyf who was home and then called me back.

Now they have no idea what is wrong. Our line is perfect, the broadband is switched on and fibre is connected, but they don't know why it isn't working. So now they've escalated to another team higher up who will call me tomorrow with an update.




It has been joke from start to now. I won't say finish as we're no where near that yet.

Apologies for the long post, but I guess it helps me as I can refer back to it for an event time line when I do my letter of complaint!

Never known anything like it. I just want broadband what is so difficult!

You always hear horror stories of BT and SKY and even a woman at work went with Virgin last year and got royally fucked around, but I never expected such poor service. If I hadn't been continually chasing and giving them information from the engineers, then I have no idea where we'd be.


So that's my bad stuff. First world problems with no broadband (although it's not the lack of internet that's bothering me tbh, it's just BT) but their incompetence is alarming!

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Moved in with my boyf last month.

Been in the house now for about 3 weeks and it's brilliant.


My Bad Stuff then...


Well, we knew we needed broadband so he left me


For some reason my mind stopped reading at this point. He sounds so unreasonable.


Congrats on the move in.

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