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bad stuff thread.


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I wrote several different responses to each and every person who responded. Then deleted it.


But mostly, I feel more of a freak than I did before. Its good to know that a forum I frequent is able to take my mental issues with this subject and utterly destroy me.


I think that's enough for me right now. Thank you for the 'debate'. But enough. If this continues I'd quite like a mod or admin to step in. My life is no longer up for discussion.

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I will always think you're a cock and that won't change.


Should a moderator not stamp out this post?


My reason for posting here and not in the mod forum is because I think this post is bad stuff.

Some people get infractions/threats of banning for posting comments not even nearly as provocative as this... I'd take a guess that this goes unpunished but I get warned over my post, as is the way with this forum as of late.

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I love your internet white knighting though, it's awesome and has brought a smile to my face!


Take that childish approach if you want, but if you consider countering somebody who has just made a speculative, and unfounded, statement about somebody they barely know, after said person has just moaned about people saying such things, to be "white knighting", then I definitely don't want to live in whatever joke of a fairy tale you consider life to be.


I will always think you're a cock and that won't change.


Don't say that, you're only young. Maybe in 10 years when Zechs is your child, you might feel different.


But mostly, I feel more of a freak than I did before. Its good to know that a forum I frequent is able to take my mental issues with this subject and utterly destroy me.


If my post made you feel like that then I sincerely apologise. Please know that this wasn't my intention.


Should a moderator not stamp out this post?


My reason for posting here and not in the mod forum is because I think this post is bad stuff.

Some people get infractions/threats of banning for posting comments not even nearly as provocative as this... I'd take a guess that this goes unpunished but I get warned over my post, as is the way with this forum as of late.


There's very few (any?) people on this forum below the age of adulthood, and these light-hearted little jibes are always allowed (despite your protests to the contrary). It's only when things escalate/continue that action is taken.


And don't be ridiculous, the modmins have never warned anybody for stating that they feel something breaches the rules.

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There's very few (any?) people on this forum below the age of adulthood, and these light-hearted little jibes are always allowed (despite your protests to the contrary). It's only when things escalate/continue that action is taken...


That's bollocks. These "light-hearted jibes" are allowed by only certain people. Other do get infractions when saying things not as bad. I know cases where it's happened.

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Should a moderator not stamp out this post?


My reason for posting here and not in the mod forum is because I think this post is bad stuff.

Some people get infractions/threats of banning for posting comments not even nearly as provocative as this... I'd take a guess that this goes unpunished but I get warned over my post, as is the way with this forum as of late.


29 minutes. We're not here all the time.

The post was given an infraction as it's beyond what I think is acceptable.


As this is clearly upsetting to nightwolf let's leave it there. I was considering making a new thread, but that would be better saved for another time when the emotions of others will hopefully be less raw.

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From what has been said above, it's quite clear that what you wrote is exactly the sort of thing that would wind nightwolf up. So why, why do that?

Tis my belief, as she has hers. Sometimes they can clash, like having a Jehovah's Witness turn up on your doorstep.


But mostly, I feel more of a freak than I did before. Its good to know that a forum I frequent is able to take my mental issues with this subject and utterly destroy me.

I honestly don't see how you can feel "a freak" over this, moreso than before or otherwise.


I don't doubt that you have no desire to have kids. No one is disputing that, and there's noone saying that you should be/feel like a freak for this. All I'm saying is that nothing is absolute and I believe* that later on down the road of life your perspective may change. It may not. Either way you live your life how you like. I don't mind losing a tenner, minus the cost of that drink I bought you at the N-E Meet WHICH IT IS STILL YOUR ROUND.



*Like religion, only this is can actually be proven.

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Tis my belief, as she has hers. Sometimes they can clash, like having a Jehovah's Witness turn up on your doorstep.



I honestly don't see how you can feel "a freak" over this, moreso than before or otherwise.


I don't doubt that you have no desire to have kids. No one is disputing that, and there's noone saying that you should be/feel like a freak for this. All I'm saying is that nothing is absolute and I believe* that later on down the road of life your perspective may change. It may not. Either way you live your life how you like. I don't mind losing a tenner, minus the cost of that drink I bought you at the N-E Meet WHICH IT IS STILL YOUR ROUND.



*Like religion, only this is can actually be proven.






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Feeling majorly unwell. Started to get a headache yesterday afternoon and started feeling just not right so went home and pretty much went straight to bed. But trying to sleep was a nightmare, especially last night as my temperature went through the roof and I could barely move as I was sore all over. Thought I was gonna have to head to the hospital at one point as I couldn't stop shaking :hmm:


Sadly, I had to go in to uni and teach a class which really wasn't for the best but came home straight after that hour class and have pretty much been snoozing on the sofa since then.


Thinking I'm going to take the remainder of the week off because there's just no way I'll be able to get things done at uni with how I'm feeling, and that's before all the stress that some of the work will kick up is considered particularly with regards to my supervisor being a pain in the backside about sorting out my lab space and not having gotten back to me about sorting out a date for my first TMC :angry:

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@Iun The idea that a University even offers a PGCE throughout distance learning is crazy, surely that can't even be a thing?!


Hah, well, you'd think so! It doesn't confer QTS, but it does have you spending a lot of time in the classroom - and subsequently compiling reports, lesson plans, evaluations, homework/classwork that you have set. You have a mentor that is supposed to watch a certain number of lessons, the people from the University will come and watch you at some point (or ask you to make a video).


Anyway, it all comes together to form the qualification, which is accepted by schools all over the world. But if (God forbid) I wanted to come back to the UK and teach, I'd still have to spend another six months achieving QTS.

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