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bad stuff thread.


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@bob mentioned, stuff that I'd want to get out of bed for. I hired an incubator with 10 fertilised eggs. Nearly a month later the chicks hatched and I raised them myself (with a little help from Dan). It really gave me a purpose and I loved doing it.


I still have the odd bad day, but I guess so does everyone else :).

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You've all probably heard a lot from me in this thread but the bad stuff just doesn't stop coming this week, it seems, lmao.


So this week, I thought I haven't spoken to one of my mates in a while and usually we talk about The Walking Dead so I thought I'd give him a ring. My phone rings but nobody replies. Obviously as most people would, you think "Ah, he's just busy, I'll ring him some other time". So a couple of days later, when I actually had some time to myself, I decided to go on the Xbox and see if said friend was online. He's not on my friends' list and neither is his girlfriend. Again, weird. So I thought he must have deleted me but then I go onto his best friend's account to see if they're still mates and he's not on that list either. I go on Facebook (which I rarely go on anyway) and him and his girlfriend have both deactivated their account. I have no idea what the heck's gone on but it seems that they don't want to know anyone anymore.


I just kind of feel like I've been treated a little badly. I'd have rather have had a reason or a goodbye. I've always been there for both of them when they both have had problems, sometimes I've even helped solve their problems, so it feels a bit crappy that they've not said two words and just left. It's odd as well.


Oh well!

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All I can say is that ive been in similar situations with mates before. I find that they come crawling back if they need you. I do think that its not personal though so you ought not to feel that you have been treated badly.


Also stop posting in this thread! You will lose your "positive member of the year" award if you carry on :wink:

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I've decided to just go right ahead and delete my original post. I will not be posting about anything related to my mental health here again. I appreciate it's all coming from a good place and for that I'm grateful but the next person who tries to offer advice had better have at least a medical doctorate.

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I've decided to just go right ahead and delete my original post. I will not be posting about anything related to my mental health here again. I appreciate it's all coming from a good place and for that I'm grateful but the next person who tries to offer advice had better have at least a medical doctorate.




People are just being helpful. Ive read people on here who knows someone else suffering from depression or have suffered depression themselves and have just put forward how they coped with it and what they did to try and overcome the illness.


No-one has offered to be a definitive medical opinion on what you should do.


Surely by posting on a forum that has decent members you realised that those decent members want to see you recover and overcome an horrific condition such as depression. Everyone wants to see you overcome this. I have not seen anyone trying to play down what you are going through.


Did you expect people just to ignore your posts?

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All I can say is that ive been in similar situations with mates before. I find that they come crawling back if they need you. I do think that its not personal though so you ought not to feel that you have been treated badly.


Also stop posting in this thread! You will lose your "positive member of the year" award if you carry on :wink:


I'm taking a leaf out of Peter Pan's book from now on! THAT TITLE IS MINE, BITCH! :D




I've decided to just go right ahead and delete my original post. I will not be posting about anything related to my mental health here again. I appreciate it's all coming from a good place and for that I'm grateful but the next person who tries to offer advice had better have at least a medical doctorate.




People are just being helpful. Ive read people on here who knows someone else suffering from depression or have suffered depression themselves and have just put forward how they coped with it and what they did to try and overcome the illness.


No-one has offered to be a definitive medical opinion on what you should do.


Surely by posting on a forum that has decent members you realised that those decent members want to see you recover and overcome an horrific condition such as depression. Everyone wants to see you overcome this. I have not seen anyone trying to play down what you are going through.


Did you expect people just to ignore your posts?


Blade is right. Nobody has tried to play it down but help you out. I can't speak for all of us but not all of us have doctorates but what we do have is the will to help you however we can whether it's through listening to you or giving you advice through our own experiences. Okay, you might not find it entirely helpful and I can totally understand that but it does show that we all care and that we all try our best to help.


As Blade has said, we're all decent people here and all we'd like to do is see you get better and overcome it. I mean, @Emma (bless her) has actually posted from her own experiences of depression and I've heard people on here who have dealt with depression themselves or have had family or friends deal with it. It could be useful...


Just know that we are here for you, even if we are strangers on a website whom you've never met! We do still care.

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Well, i wonder how many times i can be called the following in 1 week. (Censored as best i can, and spoiler-tagged for those who don't want to see).


A**eh**e, F***ot, W****r, C**t, Mild-mannered f**ktard, D***h**d, T****r



I lost count how many times i've been called the above this month, with the majority this week, but it certainly is in double figures. The language some people come up with whilst i am trying to help them with their claim is unbelievable. They say don't let it get to you, but it did. I don't want to admit this, but i broke down on Thursday in front of my manager. Not proud, but i couldn't take it any more. Still feel like shit now to be honest.


I was close to snapping today with one or two customers, had one particular call today form a person who was in a very bad mood and decided to take it out on me, who isn't very happy anyway. Work expects you to take a call and finish it, no matter how long it takes to do. 45 minutes i was on this call, being messed around. Having all the attitude thrown my way. The customer didn't have 1 piece of information i needed (estimates of earnings (i can tell you a long story on this)), so i said they would need to call back. They gave me an hourly rate and hours and demanded i work it out for them, just for the record i don't work out peoples income, it's their claim they can do it. I said i'm sorry, you'll need to work it out and call back. This was when i was called some of the above swears quietly under their breath. I decided, and i don't normally do this, to ask the customer to come back to the phone. I then said firmly and clearly that swearing will not be tolerated and i terminated the call. Then i had a choice, i hadn't saved the claim changes and the call had ended. Should i have pressed save, or cancel?. I'll let you guess on this one.


I respect anyone working in a call centre, i'm one of the nice customers who calls because i know exactly how you feel and i feel sorry for you. No wonder call centres are paid well and have a high turn-over of staff.

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I am getting such bad fucking pains at the bottom of my back, at the the top of my arse. I think it might be my coccyx. I cant sit properly, I cant lie down and every now and again when I'm still and comfortable it'll spasm like a bitch and I'll yell out in pain and roll around. I'm so happy no one here has a video camera.

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I just bought some paper coffee filters and I'm wondering whether it is possible to just add the grounded coffee to the filter and pour directly into the cup ? I am almost sure I've seen people do that but can't find anything on the internet. I've tried a few times but the filter usually breaks on me...


Anybody know what I can do ?

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I just bought some paper coffee filters and I'm wondering whether it is possible to just add the grounded coffee to the filter and pour directly into the cup ? I am almost sure I've seen people do that but can't find anything on the internet. I've tried a few times but the filter usually breaks on me...


Anybody know what I can do ?


Why don't you just get a cafetiere?

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I just bought some paper coffee filters and I'm wondering whether it is possible to just add the grounded coffee to the filter and pour directly into the cup ? I am almost sure I've seen people do that but can't find anything on the internet. I've tried a few times but the filter usually breaks on me...


Anybody know what I can do ?


I don't drink coffee, but Dan does. He uses an Aeropress and swears by it:


You can get them online!



Had to take my white chicken (Bacon) back to the chicken farm this morning. She didn't get on well with the other chickens so thought it was for the best, still sad though. :-(

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Seriously, fuuuuuck people. I went outside this afternoon to go food shopping and noticed that my passenger side wing mirror has been completely torn off. It couldn't have been knocked off as I tuck my mirrors in and there's wires hanging out, etc. It's the side facing the curb.


It's the second time this has happened to me on the same street but with a different car. So many fucking twats in this country who just do things without thinking about others or the consequences. Would love to teach this bastard a lesson.

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I have my driving test this week (which is a worry in itself) but I just can't for the life of me find my god damn counterpart (the paper that comes with the provisional license). I've been racking my head all day wondering where the hell it could be, as I only used it 2 months ago for my theory, but I literally have no idea.


I've turned my room inside out today (had a good tidy whilst doing it) and it's not even in the obscure places, let alone where I actually keep all that stuff. It will be too late to cancel my test, so if I can't find it in the next few days I'll just have to pay £60 for nothing.


It was just bugging me earlier, but I thought it must be SOMEWHERE so tried not to worry but now, shit, I literally have no idea. Apparently you could used to turn up with just your provisional licence and get them to call the DVLA and verify it... they don't do that any more :(



I'm worried about my test anyway. I've been learning for ages now (just over a year) but really don't feel ready at all. Driving is just so damn hard for me. Whenever I get stressed I just kind of space out, it's a bad habit I picked up to deal with not having panic attacks, but of course, that just means I look and act dosey as fuck when I'm driving which isn't really the best way to be. I sometimes wonder if it will ever actually be possible! But we'll see on Wednesday, well, maybe, IF I FIND THAT DAMN COUNTERPART.



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A massively vain post here :p


On Friday, I went to get my hair cut and found out everyone that worked there had left for some reason. I figured there'd be no harm in letting the new people there do my hair. I was wrong.


Family are starting to think it was badly done, and I can see why. Not sure what to do now. Guess I just have to wait it out a few weeks then sort it but meh...

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