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bad stuff thread.


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Ah this happened to me last night, woke up and i couldn't feel my right arm and when i tried to move it, it was totally dead. So i picked it up and started flopping it around a little untill the feeling and movement came back.

The first time it happened i freaked out because i thought i was having some sort of heart attack, its happened about 5 or so times since.


I had a bit of full-body sleep paralysis the other night which I'd totally forgotten about until you mentioned your arm going to sleep there.


Had it a few times now and always been shit-scared because for whatever reason my body thought there was someone else in my flat. This time it was only about 30s or so (I'm guessing, hard to say how long) but there's been other times where it's gone on much longer.

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I've come back here a few days ago after a lengthy hiatus, and noticed something: is it just me, or have quite a lot of the former regulars jumped ship recently? Did something happen? Another so-called epic thread or something?

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I've come back here a few days ago after a lengthy hiatus, and noticed something: is it just me, or have quite a lot of the former regulars jumped ship recently? Did something happen? Another so-called epic thread or something?


Who's missing?

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You are.....this is all a dream! *wibble wibble wobble*




The last few years of N-E were all a dream!


Letty and Jordan stayed together!


Rokhed stayed in the closet!


Dynastygal never threatened to firebomb anyone!


That guy probably WASN'T 14!


What's real and not real?! I don't know any more!!!

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Who's missing?


Difficult to tell, really. I know I've only been back for a few days and it's the holidays and all, but off the top of my head at least the Nord Iron lot and Goafer. I know there's others, I just can't put my finger on who.

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Goafer left last year. You really have been gone a long time. :heh:


Maybe that certain je ne sais quoi you're missing is Pajairdriver! Don't see them around much these days. The world feels just a little bit less stunning without them.

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Goafer left last year. You really have been gone a long time. :heh:


Maybe that certain je ne sais quoi you're missing is Pajairdriver! Don't see them around much these days. The world feels just a little bit less stunning without them.


It's a been a while!


Ah yes, Paj and Chair are both MIA. :(

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Will expand on this later but had an absolute DOUCHE bitch of a complainant earlier today. Spoke to her for what must have been a combined time of 45 minutes and about 1.5 hours of listening to the previous calls to see if what she claims was bullshit or not;


Spoilers; it was.

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It was this, and it sprang on me while I was chilling out to Classic FM which is probably why I found it additionally infuriating.


Ah, that utter tit. He's also done this. I think we should hit him with sticks?


Oh, and if he wasn't a tit, he'd still know fuck all about economics.

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It was this, and it sprang on me while I was chilling out to Classic FM which is probably why I found it additionally infuriating.


I agree with him.


It's no coincidence that the welfare state causes such crimes. Would Peter Sutcliffe have committed those crime had it not been for his two spells on jobseekers allowance between 1975 and 1976? I think not. Did the Moors murders occur due to Ian Brady's mother claiming working family tax credit? Well they did occur, so clearly the answer is yes.


And don't get me started on Rose West's great Grandfather claiming a state pension.

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Terrible nights sleep. I was up pretty much every hour either with a really dry throat or to pee because of the water I was drinking to sort my throat out. Its a vicious circle I tells ya! Then wake up this morning and its absolutely freezing, turns out we've run out of oil so thats no heating until we can get a delivery.

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I know horse racing has been around for absolutely ages, and there will be no end to it, but I really really hate hearing that horses die at them.


2 horses dead in 2 days now at the Grand National.


I think it's more annoying hearing that they are put down, rather than being allowed to heal. Like the 2nd horse to die today, fractured its shoulder. So it's put down.


I know nothing about horses (is that right? horses?) So don't know if putting them down in the event of broken or fractured limbs is the humane thing to do, as I don't know if it can heal or be in put in a cast etc etc.


But it just seems harsh to hear they are put down after a broken limb. Can they heal and just be kept as pets at stables? are they put down because breaks / fractures can't heal? Or are the put down because once they do heal they'll be no longer any use to race?


I guess I should of read a bit more about the process of it all, Just don't like hearing that horses are dying for entertainment / sport. :hmm:

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In the shortest term, the answer is no, they can't just be left to heal. Please someone correct me if I'm wrong here:


Horses have four legs and need to be able to use all four, mostly because if they do not, they can develop something that causes them a lot of pain. In my googling I realised the name was laminitis. For more information on laminitis:




It's not like with us, where we can rest our foot, if they develop this, it can be pretty painful, so in most cases it is better for the horse to be put down.


I do however, agree whole heartedly about the races and it makes me so sad to see two wonderful animals (and the many more) that have been put down, but it may have perhaps been for the best after their injuries.

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