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Taking my first sick day in at least 2 years but I'm feeling way too sick to enjoy it. Haven't slept a wink since 9am yesterday, spent the night in some weird downward spiral of thinking about how different Disney movies would mesh together. I had to make a concious effort to stop once Robin Hood ended up lost in Africa on his crusade and started hunting & skinning the cast of the Lion King to survive.

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Our local cinema has changed from being an Apollo to a Vue.


No changes as far as i can see other than the prices have gone up by 30%. Ridiculous. Would boycott it, but there really is nowhere else to go...

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Fail day so far (and it has only just started, oh dear).


They are performing road works in front of our flat, and they have placed these yellow plastic cones on the street to prevent people from parking in certain spots. We found a parking space right behind the last cone yesterday. I reminded Jim last night that we should remember that cone is there in front of the car... We forgot about it this morning...


So we drove off, only to have a horrible sound come from our car. We thought it was a flat tyre at first, but then we got out and it hit us. That cone. We drove straight over it and it got itself lodged between our tyre and the front bumper. It took us ages to get it out of there, resulting in some skin scraping for me (I hate that stingy feeling!).



And now I am in work and suddenly I notice I am missing part of my back tooth... I have no idea when it came out, but suddenly it is missing. I had been having pain recently in a few teeth and we booked a dentist appointment, but that isn't until mid-April... and only for a check-up, I will have to make additional appointments after that which might take weeks again. =(



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A lot of people have mentioned to me that they think I've been unhappy recently because of a shift in my demeanor - I haven't noticed. It's kind of weird, I've made an effort to rant less and just get on with things (I make clear if I have an issue with anything obviously, it's I just don't pointlessly bang on about it anymore). It wouldn't be a lie to say I felt the world broke me toward the end of last year. Apart from 'things' I look forward to, like the PS4 coming out and Man of Steel hitting the cinemas (pretty small and pointless things that I suspect I focus on because they are shiny distractions), I feel like I'm done with life in general. I've lost all my aims....I'm not sure I can remember what they were. I'm happy that I've survived to this point but I'm done and I'm tired and I find most people unnecessarily cruel. I'm not depressed or suicidal, in fact I'm quite good at amusing myself, I'm sociable so nothing has changed in that respect. I've noticed when I do hang out with friends I laugh a lot more, like I'm releasing a pressure valve - I break into hysterics.


I don't really know. I'm like a highly functional machine.


I told the doctor how I felt the past couple times I went and she said, I'm paraphrasing, that I'm clearly intelligent and so my existential miasma isn't unusual.


I'm not even sure why I'm writing this apart from being prompted that a co-worker just took me aside and mentioned that I look unhappy with my job. I'm happier with my job now than I've ever been...I think.


This post probably sounds depressing but imagine I wrote it a 'matter of fact' manner, because I did.

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You sound like an Albert Camus character, numb with emotion. I have no idea what broke you last year (or if it's why you're growing a beard), so it's hard to say anything else.


For your conflicting report I offer you this conflicting bit of advice; head down, chin up!

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You sound like an Albert Camus character, numb with emotion. I have no idea what broke you last year (or if it's why you're growing a beard), so it's hard to say anything else.


For your conflicting report I offer you this conflicting bit of advice; head down, chin up!





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So there is an elusive "£500 bonus" at work, and you used to get it just for passing probation, but not anymore. Anyway, my friend has had it twice (other than probation) for basically, involvement in a project and not much else. I also know other people who have had it. Well the last three months (in particular) I have WORKED MY ASS OFF. Been involved in two massive projects, took over the finale of another project because the person on it was incompetent, helped new people massively, put together a training plan for internet use, impressed everyone with my project work and hard work, all this on top of my normal job, I put in more work than most other people in the projects who take the piss and work dodge whilst doing it, whereas I have time for both, done overtime (four times, including a Sunday - when overtime NEVER happens normally anyway), and just...amazing etc.


Been getting loads of good feedback like "You're impressing some high ups" "x was singing your praises" etc etc, and my trainer said a few weeks ago "You had better be getting the £500 bonus soon"


Anyway, so I felt I was an absolute SHOE IN for this month, but it doesn't look like I've even been made star of the month, let alone the big bonus.


Just feels very demotivating, as basically something else poopy is stupid and stuff. Its just lame really. Not having a car so the money would be handy. MEH.

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A lot of people have mentioned to me that they think I've been unhappy recently because of a shift in my demeanor - I haven't noticed. It's kind of weird, I've made an effort to rant less and just get on with things (I make clear if I have an issue with anything obviously, it's I just don't pointlessly bang on about it anymore). It wouldn't be a lie to say I felt the world broke me toward the end of last year. Apart from 'things' I look forward to, like the PS4 coming out and Man of Steel hitting the cinemas (pretty small and pointless things that I suspect I focus on because they are shiny distractions), I feel like I'm done with life in general. I've lost all my aims....I'm not sure I can remember what they were. I'm happy that I've survived to this point but I'm done and I'm tired and I find most people unnecessarily cruel. I'm not depressed or suicidal, in fact I'm quite good at amusing myself, I'm sociable so nothing has changed in that respect. I've noticed when I do hang out with friends I laugh a lot more, like I'm releasing a pressure valve - I break into hysterics.


I don't really know. I'm like a highly functional machine.


I told the doctor how I felt the past couple times I went and she said, I'm paraphrasing, that I'm clearly intelligent and so my existential miasma isn't unusual.


I'm not even sure why I'm writing this apart from being prompted that a co-worker just took me aside and mentioned that I look unhappy with my job. I'm happier with my job now than I've ever been...I think.


This post probably sounds depressing but imagine I wrote it a 'matter of fact' manner, because I did.


You seemed quite jovial when I last saw you if that helps...break the combo?


What about TEH stuff you spoke about a while ago? Still intending to do something with that?

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Does anyone have days where you just really can't be arsed or just absolutely done in by the end of it?


I got home from work last night around half 5 like I normally did and then slept from about 6-7. I was back in bed again by half 9 and watching things on TV before falling asleep. I seem to have days like that every few weeks, generally on a Wednesday.

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August 2012 my wallet is stolen in Italy. Despite recovering it shortly after, I had already called the bank and had my credit card cancelled.


Fast forward 7 months and N-Europe billing fails to renew and the site goes down.


My bad :p

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August 2012 my wallet is stolen in Italy. Despite recovering it shortly after, I had already called the bank and had my credit card cancelled.


Fast forward 7 months and N-Europe billing fails to renew and the site goes down.


My bad :p


You bastard! I lost 30 minutes of N-E thanks to you.

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