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Heh, that's my exact set up too. I also had been using the Xbox on another input. Then turned the TV off but left Mac on.


The blue just means its trying to connect to an external monitor.

Squiggly lines... It's screwed up in the process but isn't a major problem AFAIK.


My TV isn't great at sticking at HDMI unless it detects it being used straight away so the blue screen goes crazy. I also lose my mouse when the Xbox is on as the computer thinks the monitor is still there (which in theory it is, just isn't displayed).


For devices that JUST WORK, Apple computers are so... bizarre at times.

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They will no doubt tell you that it is the HDMI cables fault/you're using it wrong/blame Google.


I actually thought it was my TV rather than the computer. It wouldn't hold on the HDMI channel long enough for the Mac to pick it up and then got stuck in a loop when they were 'looking' for each other at different times.

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Beginning to get ever-so-slightly pissed off at my supervisor at uni. Every time I've emailed him since the start of January (which is about 10 times trying to set up meetings so far) to set up a meeting to discuss moving forward with my piece of research, it's been met with a "Sorry, I'm fully booked that day. Tell me when you're next in and we'll set something up" which is then met with the same response when I get back to him.


If it's not that, he's not replying to emails or in his office so I can't get a word with him (which was super helpful when I was trying to get my literature review done and he wouldn't give me feedback on a plan I gave him back in December or first draft).


So, getting rather frustrated as I'd kind of like to get started on making the experimental materials/get some help on programming the experiment but it looks like he's not having it. Sent off another email anyway and I'm hoping he gets back to me otherwise I'll have to talk to the head of the department/look for another supervisor which'll be awkward to sort out this late into my Masters. Beginning to question why I came back to uni quite a bit now.

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He will have a supervisor (even if academics like to pretend like they're a law unto themselves), whether it's the head of department or some head of research that gets the grunt work and no glory. Speak to them asking for assistance.


Or go for the "you seem quite busy, what days suit yourself" tact?

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Beginning to get ever-so-slightly pissed off at my supervisor at uni. Every time I've emailed him since the start of January (which is about 10 times trying to set up meetings so far) to set up a meeting to discuss moving forward with my piece of research, it's been met with a "Sorry, I'm fully booked that day. Tell me when you're next in and we'll set something up" which is then met with the same response when I get back to him.


If it's not that, he's not replying to emails or in his office so I can't get a word with him (which was super helpful when I was trying to get my literature review done and he wouldn't give me feedback on a plan I gave him back in December or first draft).


So, getting rather frustrated as I'd kind of like to get started on making the experimental materials/get some help on programming the experiment but it looks like he's not having it. Sent off another email anyway and I'm hoping he gets back to me otherwise I'll have to talk to the head of the department/look for another supervisor which'll be awkward to sort out this late into my Masters. Beginning to question why I came back to uni quite a bit now.

Yeah I recommend just going to the head of department he belongs to and snitching on his ass. At the end of the day these supervisors get money from you being part of their research group and owe it to you to do their job.


I'm always miffed that in academia, people with absolutely zero social skills are promoted to a supervisory role while having little to no understanding of how to manage people. It's ridiculous.

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Yeah I recommend just going to the head of department he belongs to and snitching on his ass. At the end of the day these supervisors get money from you being part of their research group and owe it to you to do their job.


I'm always miffed that in academia, people with absolutely zero social skills are promoted to a supervisory role while having little to no understanding of how to manage people. It's ridiculous.


Plus, if you do a good enough job they often take a fair bit of credit.


Don't get me (or @Dan_Dare) started about the absurdities of HE. I have a web series about it knocking around in the back of my head :heh:

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Beginning to get ever-so-slightly pissed off at my supervisor at uni. Every time I've emailed him since the start of January (which is about 10 times trying to set up meetings so far) to set up a meeting to discuss moving forward with my piece of research, it's been met with a "Sorry, I'm fully booked that day. Tell me when you're next in and we'll set something up" which is then met with the same response when I get back to him.


If it's not that, he's not replying to emails or in his office so I can't get a word with him (which was super helpful when I was trying to get my literature review done and he wouldn't give me feedback on a plan I gave him back in December or first draft).


So, getting rather frustrated as I'd kind of like to get started on making the experimental materials/get some help on programming the experiment but it looks like he's not having it. Sent off another email anyway and I'm hoping he gets back to me otherwise I'll have to talk to the head of the department/look for another supervisor which'll be awkward to sort out this late into my Masters. Beginning to question why I came back to uni quite a bit now.


Phone him or go and see him without an appointment. Emails are so easy to dodge and say no to. It's harder to say no over the phone or in person.

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That solves the main Windows 8 problem. Then you just need to choose a Start menu.

Thanks, I appreciate it. All I really need is a laptop that can do what my PC does (most retail ones are already at that point) so I can update while on the go and have a backup in case my PC dies (like it did 40 minutes before the announcement of Pokémon X & Y three weeks ago)

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I've been applying to a lot of graduate schemes so that I would hopefully have a job lined up in September. I'm getting used to the rejection e-mails but the most recent one hurts a lot. The place I applied for had a 4 stage process (application, coding test, phone interview, assessment day), I made it to the final assessment day but unfortunately I was unsuccessful. What makes it worse is they were my 1st choice by a long shot and the place looked amazing and exceeded my expectations.


The email itself was sent 2 hours ago with just a generic rejection message from their graduate recruitment department:angry:. I have to email them back for feedback.


I know this is going to sound bitter but the majority of the day was paired work and my partner was full of BS, wasn't open to my ideas and could barely program.:nono:

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Trying to cancel LoveFiLM and am on hold listening to a tinny saxophone. WHY CANT I JUST CANCEL OFF THE WEBSITE?!


The hardest thing I've ever tried to cancel. The people on the phone try to fob you off with placing your account on "holiday settings", and they'll also try as hard as they can to convince you to downgrade instead.


In the end, I gave up on the phone and sent them an email saying that the person on the phone was uncooperative and refused to listen to me, and that they would be breaking the law if they did not cancel my account immediately. That god their attention.


Then I noticed that, after the account was cancelled, my card details were still on the account. So I had to contact them again and quote the Data Protection Act and told them I was requesting for them to not only remove my card details, but to completely remove my account.


My cancellation was only going to be a temporary one, but the holiday settings were no good (due to how you can only have a certain amount a year, plus I didn't know when I would start again) so this was the only way. Because of how they acted with me wanting to cancel my subscription, there's no way I'm ever going back.

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They're similarly forceful trying to sign you up.


Had one once where the conversation went a bit like this:


Them: "Hey do you want to sign up for Lovefilm"

Me: "I'm already a member"

Them: "Oh cool, what package are you on?"

Me: "The two discs at once one"

Them: "Oh did you know you can get three discs for [price] [spiel]"

Me: "Yeah but my housemate does the advertising for you guys, so we get it for about £3"

Them: "Oh really? Well, do you want to upgrade"

Me: "No"


Yeah, I'll pay over double the amount to get one more DVD.

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@Cube it was an effort but I managed it. After about 10 mins of different special offers, holidays, months free, reasons why I want to cancel and all sorts of other stuff it was finally cancelled. I just had to flat out say "no" to everything, felt like bit of a dick but he was so pushy :p
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