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Organised a half day at work to spend the afternoon with a friend then go to an exhibition at our old uni but during the night I've become all fluey so instead I'm working from home in the morning and doing nothing in the afternoon.


I need a new job, this one keeps making me ill.

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Someone at work is really getting on my nerves. While I would usually not have a problem with this, he's ridiculously nice. As in too nice. I feel smothered. How weird is that. He apologises for everything, even when it's not really his fault. I've told him to stop fucking apologising so much, too.


He acts like he is a burden - like when I said I was going to the comic book shop after work he asked if he could come and I said of course he could. Then he asks me if I was sure he wouldn't be disturbing me. Oh yeah, because it's in my solitary post-work comic book walks that I have my profoundest thoughts. I'm definitely not wondering how Bruce Wayne is going to deal with the Court of Owls (FYI, he owns them).


In the end I feel bad when I'm cold towards him. The truth is I'm trying my goddamn hardest to not snap at him and unleash my full fury - which if you know me is a world shattering effort.



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Yeah people like that crack me up....!


I'm working with someone who is seriously seriously highly strung.... everything is a drama, and it just goes on and on and on.


Every day she comes in and says the same thing - "I'm not on til 9, so I'm just going to get a cup of tea" ....Yeah you know none of us are on til nine, I don't expect you to repeatedly tell me so, and I really really don't need to know your whereabouts at all times....! and this has been going on for 3 weeks.....


She left her phone at home one day... if it were me I'd be like "oh shit", then forget about it and just get on with work, but she repeatedly tells me and everybloodyone who will listen how she didn't know where it was etc etc... just stfu. ¬_¬

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Stress City right here!!! Last 2 exams of my undergrad on Monday morning and Tuesday afternoon (Cognitive Neuroscience and Decision Making respectively :eek: I'd love to find the swines responsible for putting the former on at 9.15 in the morning :mad:)


Freaking out trying to make sure I've learnt enough for both and not feeling particularly confident. Probably doesn't help that we've not really been taught/had lectures for either class; rather we as students gave presentations on topics. So I've gone totally overboard in revising things like neural networks and how memories are learnt (like in stupid detail) and don't really know if it's relevant.


F**king roll on Tuesday so I can drink in large quantities!


Also disappointed that a really, really good PhD position has come up (looking at multi-sensory integration through EEGs and the neurochemicals involved) but it's in Berlin and you have to be proficient in German :( Knew I should have continued learning German.

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People next door playing techno so loud that half of the apartment shakes violently. I highly regret not getting phone credit today which means I can't call the police on them.


How do people enjoy clubbing? I got a severe headache from the past few hours of that...music. It sounds like multiple Hulks are pounding on the walls. It's so repetitive and senseless. I guess you have to be on drugs to enjoy it? It's one reason why I don't enjoy going to pubs, clubs, and parties (unless it's a super nerdy one, with videogames and stuff). Headaches ahoy! Am I normal?


I hate living near students so much. I don't think I ever acted like a student, and I'm still a student. Can't wait to be a ~professional~ and not be required to live near uni.

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How do people enjoy clubbing? I got a severe headache from the past few hours of that...music. It sounds like multiple Hulks are pounding on the walls. It's so repetitive and senseless. I guess you have to be on drugs to enjoy it? It's one reason why I don't enjoy going to pubs, clubs, and parties (unless it's a super nerdy one, with videogames and stuff). Headaches ahoy! Am I normal?


I hate living near students so much. I don't think I ever acted like a student, and I'm still a student. Can't wait to be a ~professional~ and not be required to live near uni.


This is me. :)


Apart from my single man rave parties to witch house in my room.















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Today, I genuinely felt like turning ibto the Hulk. So the other day, my friends and I decided to hang our and game only one of them rang me and told me he weren't sure whether he were going to go because of car problems and that he didn't feel right and were tired. I said I'd pick him up in my car and drop him back home and he said he'd go but would be later because he were tired. I said to have a sleep and to phone me later and tell me if he wanted to go or not.


So I get there and I tell the others about what he said to me and they accepted. However later, my mate didn't ring back so I phone and get no answer so I sent a text and got no reply. Next day, he tells them that he gave a definite no when he never and my other mate decided to try and argue over it today saying how I never.mentioned he was ill when I did so now I look like a mug and a liar. I just told them that if something happens to any of them, they contact everybody. I feel like confronting the guy who didn't show but then do I really want the aggro? Just can't believe some people sometimes.


People next door playing techno so loud that half of the apartment shakes violently. I highly regret not getting phone credit today which means I can't call the police on them.


How do people enjoy clubbing? I got a severe headache from the past few hours of that...music. It sounds like multiple Hulks are pounding on the walls. It's so repetitive and senseless. I guess you have to be on drugs to enjoy it? It's one reason why I don't enjoy going to pubs, clubs, and parties (unless it's a super nerdy one, with videogames and stuff). Headaches ahoy! Am I normal?


I hate living near students so much. I don't think I ever acted like a student, and I'm still a student. Can't wait to be a ~professional~ and not be required to live near uni.


I hate noisy neighbours who play loud shitty music. Also you aren't the only one who don't get how people like clubbing. I don't get it either so you're not alone. :)

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Surely you'd prefer him to take up one of the next-door slots? :p


That's what I said! >___>;;


Not all clubs play techno music... I hate clubs which play that music but love clubs which play indie/rock.


And calling 999 is free and works even if you have no credit.


That seems a bit drastic...I wanted to phone up the local station and get them to come over :( /stupid

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Ha, I love you Daft.


P.S. Daft and Molly rang me up last week. It was hilarious and amazing. I think they were drunk. Cum over soon?


Anyway, yes Batman does own the Court of Owls. God that is such a good storyline.


And that was only the start of it. I think we went through six bottles between us and then opened the port we weren't meant to. Oopps.


You potentially free in two weekends time, the Sat 26th? I can invite myself over for an all night movie/game/food fest.

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Not all clubs play techno music... I hate clubs which play that music but love clubs which play indie/rock.


The clubs I've been to that play indie or rock music also play some awful generic techno beat over the top of it.

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Asked if maybe I could go to the email team at work at some point instead of being on the phone team. They said no. =(




Put up a countdown on my laptop. 76 days until I can go home for a few days. That's still ages away, boooh. =(

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Played football again for the local team last night. Great match, we won 7-2! Which is something considering last week we were really poor. I came on after about 55 mins up front. Instantly got a fantastic chance and sidefooted the ball into the net... Ruled offside. Absolutely gutted. I barely play football (I was making up numbers and came on for an injury) and should've had my first goal in only my 2nd match.


I was never offside, the boy cut it back to me!


Oh, and you know how I said in the Health and Fitness thread that I did my left quad in? It died after about 2 minutes and I was hobbling for the whole match! Iced it as soon as I got home and then bandaged it up for work today. It's a bit tight and stretching doesn't go too well. I can't pull out of tennis because we have no spare players and if we turn up with only 5 players it's an automatic loss. Should be interesting...

Edited by Charlie
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It never rains, but it pours.


Many of you may remember the occasional bitching I do about Mrs Iun. Well, here goes:


I want a divorce. I am way, way past sorry and have been way, way past sorry for about 3 months now. It's all about money, naturally. But the money has shown the side of her that I never knew about before marriage, the "Fuck eating food, I want my friends to think I'm rich" side that involves spending wads of cash on the car, expensive holidays and the house.


Ah, the house. We had to buy a house to get married, that's Chinese Culture. No house = No marriage. End of. So, we bought a house. Full credit to her, she pitched in, and that is NOT traditional. Bu then again, had she not used her money for the deposit, we would have had no cjhance. So we both paid. I paid more, being as I had more. She paid for the decorating.


When we bought the house, I was paying about 750 GBY a month for the mortgage. But due to the Chinese government not being able to find its arse with both hands, the interest rates have been steadily rising so that in three years, my mortgage has risen to 900 GBP - just under half of my salary. Madame buys the food, fills up the car. But everything else - EVERYTHING is on me.


When "we" had to pay 50,000 RMB in tax within nine months on the house, it was yours truly that went to work seven days a week, twelve hours a day to make sure we could. When the developer "accidentally" built more floor space into the communal areas of the house it was me that had to pay, effectively wiping out everything I had earned to pay the tax and start over. Then we had all sorts of additional costs for decorating, the car my medical insurance etc...


...9 months of working 7 days a week turned into 18 months. All I got for that was "It's your responsibility, you should work more." So work I did. After nearly collapsing last year due to overwork, I was finally permitted to slow down. Only problem being that the financial constraints have not taken any kind of commensurate reduction. We're still in the same hole - every month I put 500 GBP in the bank, and within two months something comes up - car tax, MOT, my medical insurance, her life insurance, university fees or car insurance. We go back to square one every few months.


So these last few pay days I have been scraping what little I am permitted together to try and have some money in the bank just in case I need it for whatever - My computer at home has been dying a slow death, I could really do with new glasses and I would have liked to take us on a holiday.


Then madame decides to spend all our savings on a new paint job and unneccessary accessories for the car. It wipes out all our money and next month, when I have to pay 12,000 RMB for my medical insurance, it's going to take all of my nest egg, plus money I haven't even earned yet. For months now, I have been living on travel money for work and about... 20 GBP.


The terrrible thing is, I earn quite a lot of money for China. Without the house, our with a cheaper house, life would be a whole lot easier.


A few weeks ago she started cracking on about holidays, the wedding anniversary and her birthday -how much had I saved, why had I not saved more, did I save so little money because I hated her and didn't want to go on holiday with her and give her a nice life? Thing is, I've busted my balls to even survive this past year and ... that. Just feels so wrong.


Last year we went to the UK, my doctor here told me to get some rest - it was just after my cancer scare and I was looking forward to taking it easy. But no, as soon as we arrived, we had to be going somewhere or doing something - if we weren't travelling to a place or shopping we were "wasting time and money" in a two week holiday, I got three days of rest. And she begrudged me those.


I'm just sick of it, this isn't life, not the way I want it. I begged her to let us sell the house and move somewhere more affordable, but no: "If we move out of the city my friends will think we are poor, and I couldn't stand that."


1) The house is making us poor.


2) Your friends aren't paying the fucking mortgage.


It dawned on me that the house, not me, was number one priority. We had an argument a few weeks ago, and her first response was "If we divorce, I'm getting the house, not you!" Which then turned into "If we divorce, I will make my parents sell their house to pay you off" when I pointed out the logical fallacy of taking away a jointly-invested property.


All I wanted was to be number one in her life, but no... the house, her parents, her son, what her friends think.... and then me.


I've been out with my friends twice this year... both times I could only do it because I won a competition for free food.


I'm sick to my heart of this.

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I'm really sorry to hear that, Iun. I hope things can be sorted out. I must be terrible to find yourself to not be the number one thing in the person you thought loved you. I all honesty, it sounds like a case of move house or bust.

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