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Got in 2 hours early to wait for the photocopier engineer. Thought I'd chill, listen to some music etc. Not so.


Last night at 6 my team leader sent me an email saying "exam timetable has been updated, circle to students. Only change is [X] module has been moved" and then she left. So I did that but as it turns out that wasn't correct. So I got a load of responses (understandably so, they were confused) as it came from me technically while she had the day off. The ones that just needed clarification weren't too bad but the ones that said stuff like "how could you change it so late, we've had to book time off" etc weren't so easy.


Just not what I needed this morning. Had some nice responses (i.e. "thanks for your help") and the head of the school knows it isn't my fault but still.


And the photocopier is still playing up.


Saturday please ^_^

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Just read a news story that made me fucking cry with rage. Some disgusting excuse for a worthless piece of subhuman scum apparently took revenge on a neighbour by putting her kitten in the microwave. I swear, I have no idea what I'd do to her if I ever met her.


She tried to get away with it by claiming that her neighbour's kitten climbed into her microwave, and her cat shut the door on it, and it automatically turned on.


They're still deciding on a sentence, but I hope she gets jailed for a good length of time.

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Fucking annoying day. A ticket inspector got on the bus and confiscated my season ticket, without even giving me a fucking receipt for it, despite my requests. What makes it doubly annoying is that his claims that it's not valid are countered by:

  1. Me being sold it having requested it for the precise route I do every day
  2. Every driver since I bought it accepting it
  3. What's written on the god-damn ticket


After a 20 minute argument with the inspector, he told me to get off the bus or he'd call the police. I left, but only after telling him to go fuck himself. Perhaps not the wisest move, but at that point all logical, rational and sensible arguments had been made and he'd proved himself impervious, and I was down £80 and obviously a little unhappy. Needless to say, I've written a strongly worded letter - if I'm paying £80 a month for the privilege to stand in the cold waiting for their buses to not show up, Arriva could have the fucking courtesy to train their fucking staff properly.


And then I got home and found my desktop's hard drive has died. Fuck it.

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Fucking annoying day. A ticket inspector got on the bus and confiscated my season ticket, without even giving me a fucking receipt for it, despite my requests. What makes it doubly annoying is that his claims that it's not valid are countered by:

  1. Me being sold it having requested it for the precise route I do every day
  2. Every driver since I bought it accepting it
  3. What's written on the god-damn ticket


After a 20 minute argument with the inspector, he told me to get off the bus or he'd call the police. I left, but only after telling him to go fuck himself. Perhaps not the wisest move, but at that point all logical, rational and sensible arguments had been made and he'd proved himself impervious, and I was down £80 and obviously a little unhappy. Needless to say, I've written a strongly worded letter - if I'm paying £80 a month for the privilege to stand in the cold waiting for their buses to not show up, Arriva could have the fucking courtesy to train their fucking staff properly.


And then I got home and found my desktop's hard drive has died. Fuck it.


I also would've let him call the police if I was certain I was right. What's the policeman going to do to you?




Bad stuff... I'm hungover to fuck and in the office! Starting to get the shakes. Only 30 minutes to go though before I head for lunch and to my, hopefully cold, swimming pool!

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Fucking annoying day. A ticket inspector got on the bus and confiscated my season ticket, without even giving me a fucking receipt for it, despite my requests. What makes it doubly annoying is that his claims that it's not valid are countered by:
  1. Me being sold it having requested it for the precise route I do every day
  2. Every driver since I bought it accepting it
  3. What's written on the god-damn ticket

After a 20 minute argument with the inspector, he told me to get off the bus or he'd call the police. I left, but only after telling him to go fuck himself. Perhaps not the wisest move, but at that point all logical, rational and sensible arguments had been made and he'd proved himself impervious, and I was down £80 and obviously a little unhappy. Needless to say, I've written a strongly worded letter - if I'm paying £80 a month for the privilege to stand in the cold waiting for their buses to not show up, Arriva could have the fucking courtesy to train their fucking staff properly.


And then I got home and found my desktop's hard drive has died. Fuck it.


I would have let him call the police to be fair. They (the staff) would have lost the arguement (as long as the ticket was in-date) and you would have been allowed to go on your merry way.


Telling them to "go fuck himself" probably wasn't the wise move as you said, but at the time i would have said something like that myself.

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Dude.. I’ve read the stuff about your troubles at your previous job, and now this? You’re one unlucky guy. I hope you win the lottery soon or something, you deserve it.


On the plus side, I have a good job (dickish commute aside) and a lovely girlfriend, and I just received my final payment from my court case against my former employer - I won!

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On the plus side, I have a good job (dickish commute aside) and a lovely girlfriend, and I just received my final payment from my court case against my former employer - I won!

Ah ok, congratulations ;). So now all you need to do is win your case against the ticket inspector! Don’t let him get away with it! Do you have his name?

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Continuing the drama from yesterday a student emailed me complaining. Fine (he said I was going to ruin his degree, which was a bit melodramatic whatever). He emailed the head of the school, also understandable (plus she doesn't blame me anyway). He then emailed ALL the students slagging me off, holding me responsible (when I was merely the messenger) and calling me incompetent.


The head of the school sent an email to all the students explaining the situation, the mix up and apologising etc. She also said I am an exceptional member of staff (aww) but it's still made me feel shitty all day.

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Continuing the drama from yesterday a student emailed me complaining. Fine (he said I was going to ruin his degree, which was a bit melodramatic whatever). He emailed the head of the school, also understandable (plus she doesn't blame me anyway). He then emailed ALL the students slagging me off, holding me responsible (when I was merely the messenger) and calling me incompetent.


The head of the school sent an email to all the students explaining the situation, the mix up and apologising etc. She also said I am an exceptional member of staff (aww) but it's still made me feel shitty all day.


I had a similar thing with someone on friday, someone else had messed up and because I then picked up the slack, I got the brunt of it, luckily my tl was very nice about it.

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