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My Grandmothers funeral is this saturday, which completely screws with the fact that my long distance "open relationship" girlfriend is coming up to see me this weekend. And since it's the only weekend I'll be able to see her until after Christmas, thats a bit of a pain in the ass. At least I was able to use the funeral excuse to get out of my course I was meant to be doing on Sunday, but its still even less time with her and I'm gonna be in a shit mood all of Saturday :/

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pnemococal and flu vaccine today...yay. He gave me them on both arms... so when they both react... as they do... i'm gonna be in nothing but pain when I try to sleep.. Last years was so painful I could barely touch it for a week without cursing myself >_<


love the old overactive immune system... shame it doesn't direct itself into something good rather than wrecking my body...haha

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Trying to sort out my ethics application for my dissertation and finding I haven't got a clue about some of the subject matter which is making filling it in difficult. Having to send off a long email to my supervisor to point me in the right direction as some of the stuff seems to have been glossed over in our last meeting.


Due in on Friday as well so all a bit of a last minute rush to get it sorted.

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My Grandmothers funeral is this saturday, which completely screws with the fact that my long distance "open relationship" girlfriend is coming up to see me this weekend. And since it's the only weekend I'll be able to see her until after Christmas, thats a bit of a pain in the ass. At least I was able to use the funeral excuse to get out of my course I was meant to be doing on Sunday, but its still even less time with her and I'm gonna be in a shit mood all of Saturday :/


That sounds pretty disrespectful of your grandmother. How dare her death deprive you of meaningless sex?

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That sounds pretty disrespectful of your grandmother. How dare her death deprive you of meaningless sex?


Clearly my grandmother should have died at a more convenient time for me.


Or else, if the post-mortem hadn't been delayed by 5 days and we could have had this all sorted days ago.

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Just bring your girlfriend with you to the funeral.


You're basically guaranteed sympathy sex.






Sorry for your loss though, Gizmo! I'm definitely going to take you up on that offer of going for a pint at some point soon! How you've managed to convince a girl that an open relationship is a good thing is beyond me and I need your wisdom!

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I've got my PwC Assessment Day tomorrow and I'm as nervous as hell. I've never had a long job interview before so it seems stupid of me to go for one of the big ones first. I've been looking for jobs since I graduated in July and I would love to get this job. Job hunting is depressing and I want it to be over.


However I did get a phone call from PwC today and I asked them how my phone interview went and they said there was nothing wrong with it. This completely surprised me, I thought I did really bad! I was nervous and I felt like I was babbling incoherently.So that gives me a small boost of confidence.

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PwC are a HUGE graduate employer and they have thousands of people applying with them. If your phone interview didn't go well then you certainly wouldn't be getting through to the next stage!


Anyway, get off NE and start doing some prep! Hit up wikijobs so you can find out what sort of things to expect when you get there tomorrow. Don't let anything take you by surprise!

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PwC are a HUGE graduate employer and they have thousands of people applying with them. If your phone interview didn't go well then you certainly wouldn't be getting through to the next stage!


Anyway, get off NE and start doing some prep! Hit up wikijobs so you can find out what sort of things to expect when you get there tomorrow. Don't let anything take you by surprise!


I've done a lot of prep already, probably even overdid it for the phone interview. Wikijobs has been awesome and thanks to them I know what to expect tomorrow. I've been reading the FT as well to get me clued up on all the current business affairs. But I take your point, I'll get off NE and focus on revising!

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Note to self - I am not a plumber.


My sink is blocked up. Tried putting sink unclogging stuff down it, didn't do anything. Proceeded to take apart the pipes below and find the problem. Cleaned them out, they didn't seem that bad.


Problem - I can't get all the pipes to connect back together. U bend thingy won't connect back to what I think is the waste pipe, it connects too loosely. I don't think I've misplaced anything, so who knows what has gone wrong.


Time to phone the landlord I think.

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I've got my PwC Assessment Day tomorrow


However I did get a phone call from PwC today


PwC are a HUGE graduate employer


I think they're ranked as one of the top graduate employers in the world (certainly in the country).


But why the little w?


EDIT: Oh, I always thought it was Price-Waterhouse Coopers.

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Tripped earlier and stopped myself falling with my weak hand (previously broken then buggered up further by an idiot friend) and now it's hurting quite a bit when I try to use it. It seems to be ok when using a controller though thankfully, wouldn't want to be unable to play during Extra Life next week.

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Today I convinced myself that I had Septicemia and had a massive panic attack.

I ended up being carted into the intensive care unit and given a shot of diazepam

st00pid martins!


This is why WebMD is a fundamentally terrible idea, unless the goal is to hustle some prescription drugs. Is that what this is? :heh:

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It has taken me over 2 and a half hours to get home from Bethnal Green. I hate public transport. Had to cancel a dinner arrangement and probably won't venture back to London to go out tonight because there are no national rail trains running to/from London on my line meaning I had to get a coach and it was terrible.

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So pissed. Job hunting, ergh.


My mate had applied for about 3 jobs in his whole life, gets a job in a week at ASDA. I know i would be miles better than him at the job, and i didn't even get a fucking interview. Now my sister, gets a job at ASDA 3 days after applying. I'm really happy for her, but it's so frustrating.


So annoyed, what's so crap about me that i can't even get an interview with ASDA.

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