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Today is International Woman's Day. Which means my staff get a half day off and I have to take care of a bunch of kids on my own for the rest of the day.


I'm all for gender equality, but how about some... gender equality with all that assertive gender equality?

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Don't do it with the kids though. That'll go all sorts of wrong.


Bizarrely, it's something of a problem in a non-dodgy way: the female staff members will get into bed with the kids during nap time and cop a quick snooze. While its not against the law, it's against our internal policy, so I often go round the bedrooms waking them up.

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Today is International Woman's Day. Which means my staff get a half day off and I have to take care of a bunch of kids on my own for the rest of the day.


I'm all for gender equality, but how about some... gender equality with all that assertive gender equality?


Nobody here got time off.


There was just some posters up, a social lunch event, and lots of people not giving a shit.

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Sometimes life's just a bit shit. It's annoying. What do people do when they need their picking up and stuff?


This post probably sounds depressing but imagine I wrote it a 'matter of fact' manner, because I did.


I think I get what you mean. It's a weird numbness sometimes. You can't explain it without everybody thinking there's something terribly wrong; whereas it's kinda more just that...things aren't right? I dunno. It's difficult because any way to describe it seems negative, and it isn't necessarily negative...it's just kinda null. Nothing bad nothing good. A limbo?

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When my brother moved up north in September to stalk the girl he liked study at university, he left his gaming computer behind because he couldn't take it with him on the train. Now he's finally rented a car and is packing the computer up and taking it with him this weekend.


I... I guess I didn't need to play Heart of the Swarm or Bioshock Infinite that badly. Sob.gif

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We were 1-0 up with five minutes to go, then we were 3-1 down at the final whistle. We played a great game and the other team were getting violent towards the end - one guy went down and tried to grab the ankle of our winger right in front of me. Another was screaming blue murder at an offside call and started shoving the smallest guy on my team. That really stops it feeling fun. Unfortunately it's a physicality that we are ill-equipped to cope with.


It's hard to stay positive as the captain when frankly you're not feeling positive at all. :/

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Just had my emergency appointment at the dentist where they put in a temporary filling.


Basically got told I will need a root canal filling and possibly a crown afterwards. He said an NHS dentist would most likely not do this... but I am confused as it is listed on the NHS website. So now I have no clue what I can get on the NHS and how much it would cost me.


Can NHS dentists refuse to give a certain treatment under the NHS and only offer it privately? Because I honestly don't have the money for those private treatments (root canal would be about £370, a crown something like £450 or £515...).




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Just had my emergency appointment at the dentist where they put in a temporary filling.


Basically got told I will need a root canal filling and possibly a crown afterwards. He said an NHS dentist would most likely not do this... but I am confused as it is listed on the NHS website. So now I have no clue what I can get on the NHS and how much it would cost me.


Can NHS dentists refuse to give a certain treatment under the NHS and only offer it privately? Because I honestly don't have the money for those private treatments (root canal would be about £370, a crown something like £450 or £515...).





I've never known that to be private care. I would get a second opinion.

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Door handle to my room has broken, meaning it can only be opened from the outside. So on this cold as balls night, I've got the door open. Will pester the landlord tomorrow, but it will probably take him at best two weeks.

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Just had my emergency appointment at the dentist where they put in a temporary filling.


Basically got told I will need a root canal filling and possibly a crown afterwards. He said an NHS dentist would most likely not do this... but I am confused as it is listed on the NHS website. So now I have no clue what I can get on the NHS and how much it would cost me.


Can NHS dentists refuse to give a certain treatment under the NHS and only offer it privately? Because I honestly don't have the money for those private treatments (root canal would be about £370, a crown something like £450 or £515...).





Don't buy into this. Many years ago a private dentist tried to charge me £300+ for a root canal filling. I went and registered at a nearby NHS dentist and the work was done for a LOT LESS. The private dentist may just be trying to secure the work, so be sure to look around the area for any NHS practices that are accepting new patients. Root canal fillings are on the NHS dental criteria, but it's at the discretion of each dentist if they offer it on that price band. Some will also do inferior work on NHS as they aren't making as much money, so be sure to check up on that too.


There's a little more information about the NHS pricing bands here.





As for my bad thing? I'm currently reading Northern Lights by Philip Pullman and the bus reached my stop when I was FOUR PAGES from the end. I can't bring myself to sit and read at my desk at work, so I'm now trapped in SUSPENSE until my journey home tonight. Ugahhsdfshah.

Edited by Guy
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Don't buy into this. Many years ago a private dentist tried to charge me £300+ for a root canal filling. I went and registered at a nearby NHS dentist and the work was done for a LOT LESS. The private dentist may just be trying to secure the work, so be sure to look around the area for any NHS practices that are accepting new patients. Root canal fillings are on the NHS dental criteria, but it's at the discretion of each dentist if they offer it on that price band. Some will also do inferior work on NHS as they aren't making as much money, so be sure to check up on that too.


There's a little more information about the NHS pricing bands here.


Yeah I had been checking the NHS website, but a lot of the comments seem to imply that dentists will just charge you for private care or they will say they don't offer it under NHS. The dentist I went to yesterday warned me that it might not be covered by an NHS dentist and they might just extract the tooth...


My proper appointment is with an NHS/private dentist, so now I am wondering what they will offer me. It seems to be quite difficult to find NHS dentists who accept patients though. =(


As for my bad thing? I'm currently reading Northern Lights by Philip Pullman and the bus reached my stop when I was FOUR PAGES from the end. I can't bring myself to sit and read at my desk at work, so I'm now trapped in SUSPENSE until my journey home tonight. Ugahhsdfshah.


Ah, that's so annoying when something like this happens! I hope you get the chance to finish it soon. Great book. =)

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Might lose my job.


There's a coach who is so focused on the theory I have to know and I made a bad impression.

So today I had to take two tests and I don't think I did good enough.


And I'm not sure if I'm still happy with the job. Working as an Air Traffic Controller with real traffic (as opposed to the simulated traffic in the first 1 1/2 years of training) is something else, and I don't know if I could do this for the rest of my life.

It is a well paid job but money isn't everything.


What sucks the most is: I don't know what else to do, I don't want to disappoint my mother, I don't know what I want to do in the future...



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That sounds pretty crappy. Do you think it'll get better? For instance, is it a better job when you're a senior ATC, if there is such a thing?


The only thing that's different is that there's no coach sitting behind you who has all the responsibility ;)

But the job itself stays the same.


Tomorrow I'll get the test results, and I'm sure I won't pass one of them.


My boss already told me I have to improve, but well...didn't really expect the questions that were in the test, so...fuck.

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As for my bad thing? I'm currently reading Northern Lights by Philip Pullman and the bus reached my stop when I was FOUR PAGES from the end. I can't bring myself to sit and read at my desk at work, so I'm now trapped in SUSPENSE until my journey home tonight. Ugahhsdfshah.


To the toilet!

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