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If you've not watched it, then how do you know it is not masculine?


That's exactly the kind of comment some smart-aleck effeminate Twilight-watcher would come up with. Should I get you a nice skirt for your next birthday or would you just like the whole box set on Blu Ray?

Edited by Iun
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That's exactly the kind of comment some smart-aleck effeminate Twilight-watcher would come up with. Should I get you a nice skirt for your next birthday or would you just like the whole box set on Blu Ray?


Well if you were getting me something anyway, i would like this.

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We (unfortunately) listen to Radio 1 at work. I'm watching Skyfall this weekend and knew nothing about it - not even the villain.


Which is no longer true as Radio 1 just spent the last 10 minutes talking about spoilerish stuff, including talking about a load of scenes.

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We (unfortunately) listen to Radio 1 at work. I'm watching Skyfall this weekend and knew nothing about it - not even the villain.


Which is no longer true as Radio 1 just spent the last 10 minutes talking about spoilerish stuff, including talking about a load of scenes.


It's not like the bond films follow the same plot. Bad guy, love interest, save the day. Job done.

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I have just had the misfortune of trying one of these, after being handed it by the Chinese student on my Masters who is rather obsessed with me :/




Truly disgusting. Pretty much all went down the drain. Certainly one type of pussy I'm not in a rush to try again :wink:


Also, not been feeling to great lately. Lot of stress beginning to take its toll to the point where I really need to get a hospital appointment sorted to check my heart out as it's been having a few 'missteps', shall we say. I'm hoping it's just stress and nothing more anyway.

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Went to see Muse at the O2 last night (not the bad thing), was having a great time, until some pickpocketing wanker takes my FIVE DAYS OLD Galaxy SIII. One moment it was there, next it was gone. Got everyone to spread out to see if somehow it had fallen out of my pocket, no sign of it, and turns out that several people in my vicinity had also their phones nicked. Kept an eye out for it for the rest of the gig, no sign of it on the floor after, waited around in lost property for a while before I had to get my train home to Southampton.


Phoned up and reported it as lost and put a request in for a crime reference number. Got two hours sleep then had to go to work. Hoping that some sort of insurance we have covers it (don't have specific mobile insurance, don't know about house insurance because parents are on holiday).


I'm thankful it was just my phone, not my keys and wallet, otherwise I would've had no chance of getting home. If this had happened last week, with my old phone, I wouldn't be bothered as much, but it's really pissed me off. Some people in this world are absolute scumbags and deserve bad karma to come their way.

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Here I thought the relationship with my girlfriend was going uphill again...


My mother constantly asks me whether I'm sure that everything will work out fine and she is pretty unfriendly to my girlfriend. She only greets her with a simple "hi" in a tone that sounds annoyed.


My girlfriend's family has always been kinda strange to me. Especially her mother who's been against me from the beginning. And now that she knows we're getting back together it's even worse.


And yesterday I found out that I'm not welcome at my girlfriend's uncle and aunt's anymore. Apparently because I've treated my girlfriend badly and didn't talk to anybody from her family. ::shrug:



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Went to see Muse at the O2 last night (not the bad thing), was having a great time, until some pickpocketing wanker takes my FIVE DAYS OLD Galaxy SIII. One moment it was there, next it was gone. Got everyone to spread out to see if somehow it had fallen out of my pocket, no sign of it, and turns out that several people in my vicinity had also their phones nicked. Kept an eye out for it for the rest of the gig, no sign of it on the floor after, waited around in lost property for a while before I had to get my train home to Southampton.


Phoned up and reported it as lost and put a request in for a crime reference number. Got two hours sleep then had to go to work. Hoping that some sort of insurance we have covers it (don't have specific mobile insurance, don't know about house insurance because parents are on holiday).


I'm thankful it was just my phone, not my keys and wallet, otherwise I would've had no chance of getting home. If this had happened last week, with my old phone, I wouldn't be bothered as much, but it's really pissed me off. Some people in this world are absolute scumbags and deserve bad karma to come their way.


That's pretty shitty.


Here I thought the relationship with my girlfriend was going uphill again...


My mother constantly asks me whether I'm sure that everything will work out fine and she is pretty unfriendly to my girlfriend. She only greets her with a simple "hi" in a tone that sounds annoyed.


My girlfriend's family has always been kinda strange to me. Especially her mother who's been against me from the beginning. And now that she knows we're getting back together it's even worse.


And yesterday I found out that I'm not welcome at my girlfriend's uncle and aunt's anymore. Apparently because I've treated my girlfriend badly and didn't talk to anybody from her family. ::shrug:




That's even shittier.

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Why it rains it pours. Prepare for a long story.


I'm off to Reading tomorrow for the Arsenal match, I wasn't going to go because it's a bit of a hassle but a friend said he'd drive if we sorted him a ticket. So reluctantly I agree. He's gone and buggered his motor and now I'm lumbered with the driving, even though I insisted from the start I didn't want to (main reason for me not wanting to go in the first place).


Anyway skip to today, I've accepted I'll have to drive tomorrow and go get some petrol and pump my tyres up. I pull into the petrol station, park up, ping my handbrake is now loose. FML. I can live with it, but god help me if I park on any hills. Next I reverse out and get in queue for petrol. Half the pumps are closed and some old boy is filling up a jerry can. As he's doing his thing this pikey van roars up behind me, literally stopping just before hitting me. They start tooting their horn, I've got no where to go, so I sit and wait. The old fella finishes and I pull up.


The driver leans out the window and says "Mate, when you've got your petrol can you move your car". Which I thought was strange, I mean I'll fill up, pay and then piss off. So I asked him if he wanted to get passed, that would explain the tooting, accepting he was just a rude arsehole. His reply was "yeah, if you just go round and come back in I'll get by". Now shit was getting stupid, so I thought fuck it and drove off. To which the Pikeys pull up to the pump, smile and give me a thumbs up. I drove off to another petrol station. Confused and annoyed.


Now the handbrake thing is on my mind. A complete cunt of a situation I didn't even want to be in. Fuuuuuu.


Tl:dr I got roped into driving somewhere when I didn't want to, having a few car woes and annoyed/trolled at petrol station by pikeys.

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Had all the festive leave back from work, guess who didn't get much time off. I swear they hate me, and i explained i'm not in the country over the festive period. So it may seem i may be spending much of the holidays at home whilst the family are off celebrating. I'm a bit upset, and have requested the additional time-off so i can celebrate.


Apart from that, nothing else.

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Somehow picked up a stomach bug or something, been vomiting all day since about 1am this morning. Hardly slept last night and spent most of today lying in bed when I wasn't sitting on the toilet having a liquid shit or puking up anything I've tried to eat/drink today.


I hate being sick

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I came back from a walk to discover a letter had arrived at some point, weirdly late in the day. It was paper work for the referral to psychiatric services I had asked for and had been waiting two months to receive - with a deadline for the end of September on it. The post mark was dated 16/9. Apparently some tool put the wrong street name on it ("Antler Road" does not exist anywhere in the city) and then some other tool at the post office took six weeks to look up the correct address using the house number and postcode (which were correct). So apparently the referral I had been waiting to hear back from for so long has been cancelled.


I sat down and cried solidly for a bit and now I just feel like want to throw up everywhere. For months now I've felt like I needed something, anything, positive to happen for me without it being a struggle. I've always pushed on because that's what a person's got to do and I thought at least I'd soon have some help coming, but now that seems like it's going to be another pain in the backside. For the first time I feel like I'm just completely out of energy. I hate my job, I have no one to just hang out with, I've never had any kind of relationship and I have no personal achievements to hang my hat on. I feel lonely, tired, invisible and angry with myself and I don't know who or what to turn to. The way out I was already on has suddenly vanished.


Hopefully tomorrow I can phone up and explain the situation or I'll just send the forms off anyway and hope they accept them or get a new referral or something but right now I just can't deal with anything. I'm going to eat some soup, take a long shower and watch a late night movie and hopefully my fight for life will be back somewhat. As much as anything I'm shocked by how badly this has taken me down tonight. I can't remember the last time I felt this bad. I'm not sure I ever have.

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They won't give up on you gaggle! They will understand the situation because, frankly, it's a piss take of a situation to be in in the first place. The world isn't out to get you but sometimes the leaves fall in just the right pattern to spell out "fuck you" on the pavement, eh?


Wait until it happens at the same time. Living nightmare.

Add in Christmas day and you've completed the hattrick! :'(

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