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Thanks for the advice guys. Hearing is 5pm today so will use some of what you say :)


The thing is I keep thinking 'it was just a stupid mistake, I shouldn't get fired for it'. But then I think it was actually not a nice thing I said about him, and if he decides that me and my coworker should go we basically are gone. If he takes mercy we should be okay, but he's seen the emails so its all on how he reacts.


Very scared today, will let you know how it goes later/tomorrow/whenever I know. Fingers crossed!

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came to a realisation that I will probably always be that girl that's friends with all the guys but never in a relationship..damn this shitty personality..... meh


I know the feeling.


Yahoo's new inbox design.



It's shit.


Yahoo do email?

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It's raining. Great. :(


And the two games (Nier and Portal 2) I ordered still haven't arrived. Come on it's been 2 weeks.


I'm waiting on a DVD from America, been two weeks tomorrow. Frustrating as hell waiting on post. :shakehead

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I'm waiting on a DVD from America, been two weeks tomorrow. Frustrating as hell waiting on post. :shakehead


Especially since I've ordered from Shopto. Normally they are very fast (a week) but now it takes forever. And the Easter days aren't an excuse because I ordered 2 weeks ago :D


I want to play Portal 2 :( It's still raining...

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Anything written down can be used against you, hell companies even check facebook now.


I know, Fairfields did it on me. Thought it was illegal, because they got access to my account and only a few select employees were my friends on there. The person(s) who got access got in and had my entire page on display, even had the "Add as Friend" button at top.


I believe i broke my middle toe last night. Slipped off the bottom stair and landed awkwardly on the side of it. To be fair, it ain't painfull at all. I can still move the toe, blood is flowing to it still. First bone in a long time i broke, drink ya milk guys and gals.

Edited by Jimbob
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I believe i broke my middle toe last night. Slipped off the bottom stair and landed awkwardly on the side of it. To be fair, it ain't painfull at all. I can still move the toe, blood is flowing to it still. First bone in a long time i broke, drink ya milk guys and gals.


So it isn't painful, and you can still move the toe?


Doesn't sound like a broken toe to me :shakehead

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Thanks for the advice guys. Hearing is 5pm today so will use some of what you say :)


The thing is I keep thinking 'it was just a stupid mistake, I shouldn't get fired for it'. But then I think it was actually not a nice thing I said about him, and if he decides that me and my coworker should go we basically are gone. If he takes mercy we should be okay, but he's seen the emails so its all on how he reacts.


Very scared today, will let you know how it goes later/tomorrow/whenever I know. Fingers crossed!


Obviously it's happened already so one way another you should be drunk (in celebration, or drinking away your sorrows) but I would think if they were intent on sacking you they wouldn't schedule the meeting for the end of the day. They're making you sweat it out and worry about it more for a ticking off IMO.

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Obviously it's happened already so one way another you should be drunk (in celebration, or drinking away your sorrows) but I would think if they were intent on sacking you they wouldn't schedule the meeting for the end of the day. They're making you sweat it out and worry about it more for a ticking off IMO.


I managed to get through it! Fuck me it was scary.


My coworker got fired just before I went in. Was the most terrifying thing I've ever experienced. Feel really sorry for him but by the sounds of things he'd resigned himself to getting fired and made a complaint about the Editor In Chief (who the email was about).


Basically I am lucky to escape, but having spoken to my editor (who I get on with quite well) everyone in the office does it and we were really unlucky to actually get checked and caught out.


I just have to keep my head down now, and work at trying to make up to the guy it was about. They said that he had something to do with keeping me in the job, so that's something to be grateful about. They also said they thought I had been foolish rather than actually saying anything terrible.


GOD! Just so happy to still have a job and a way to pay for my flat. I genuinely don't know what I would have done otherwise.


Going to have a drink tonight. What do people think about the whole 'should I tell my girlfriend' thing? Some advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Great news man. They must value your work if you're still there, especially if the guy who you said it about had a say in it.


As you said, if I were you I'd be keeping my head down and working my arse off all day everyday. In these situations I like to look at it from the other persons side; he's going to know that you said some things about him and it's never nice knowing what people are saying about you behind your back so he might be a bit hurt. Be extra nice to him. :)

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Errrmmmm/. Regarding telling your girlfriend, I honestly think you could go either way. If you

tell her she'll probably sympathise and it may be better, but alternatively it was a "minor" occurence on your career that lasted just over 24 hours and is fully resolved - you could look at it that way and just get on with your life.


I'm over the moon for you though, well done. :D

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no keep quiet... Not everything has to be shared in a relationship. Nothing came of it so don't put a seed of worry in her head or it might manifest



I'm the same, from a different perspective is there a need? It's done with and at the end of the day, if you do mention it you'll cause worry and possibly an argument about something that is sorted.

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Does she talk to any of your workmates/have any contact with them (works parties etc)? If she does, I would tell her just in case it comes up in the future. Just play it off as a minor thing and mention it in passing, don't mention that you almost lost your job over it. Maybe at a bit of a later date. That way, you've covered your arse in case she does find out.


If you're confident she'll never find out, I don't see the harm in not telling her.


That's what I'd do anyway.

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I don't see why it's such a big issue that you tell her. Let her know what happened and play it off as a minor thing if you have to. I don't really see what you achieve other than hiding something from her if you don't tell her.

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